Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Bob Geldof admit "family issues" with his own daughter Peaches, "before", she took her own life ..

Angel - Robbie Williams ..

I spoke in the past of "family issues" from Bob Geldof and Paula Yates, hurting own children badly.
etc ..

In which,  Bob Geldof admit "family issues (extremely angry)" with his own daughter Peaches, "before", she took her own life.

In law, when someone takes own life due to "BULLYING" should be made a crime in society, as "the bully (Bob Geldof) is pushing the victim (Peaches, Paula Yates, etc) to the end of life, to the end of own limits and the end of everything!"-  As there is not exit for the victim and own family to go, escape, run, hide, nothing at all, in order to protect from the bully! -  

I myself need to hide from the ex/husband and his "family problems" after the marriage in amusements arcades ( ).  In fact, I become a regular, which I am not proud in order to run, escape the tornado and abusive bully and my children enjoy own father, "as nothing was happening, except the screams, hate, abuse, intolerance, but to continue pretending .. "-

One time of the so many regulars abusive fights from the ex/husband to me, he ripped my child's first communion dress from my hands and soon after he was ill with chest infection and even then, I took pity, but not my Lord, as he was very ill for a long time!  ..

It is now that I understand, that all came from same "family issues (" of the ex/husband and his own sister lies (5 boys, the river, etc), in which some members of my family took advantage, entourage and even cashed the lot of them!!-

I am not scoring points, as you can see the BULLIES ( ) won and killed our family (my unborn children, brother etc ) environment with endless lies (5 boys, the river, the kiss, etc) into tiny little pieces, trashed our lives into the sky with no care, destroyed our world with no form of defence, mercy, pity, respect, but full of hate, ill spread, malicious intent, bullying, intolerance, abusive control freaks, lies, defamation, stalk, follows, paranoia, checking envirolment / world non/stop, even use own work ( to continue the bullying against victims (me and mine), but who in their own mind push victims of violence to own extreme, who's?-

In my case started with ex/husband and his sister social worker bullying ( each other, before and after the marriage, in which he got her place at manchester airport, but her parents fixed her career of social worker ( to keep the peace and the confuse bully blame me "after" of own matters, in order to direct elsewhere, distract, steal my matters and cash?-

My only hope now is to bring this abnormal behaviour of "family issues" into the open audience and for "public concern", because crime is crime in any language, religion, sexual orientation, age, gender, colour of skin, etc - 

As if bullies are happy to bring matters to the limits (push victims of violence to own extreme!) to any human people (me and mine), I really hope, they are brave enough to sit in a court of law all alone (not hide in "confidentiality acts" the cowards), in the same bench and courtroom as the victim's (me) of crime, reading the same charges, listen the same Judge, with respect to The Queen Elizabeth II, but link  was not made itself, but someone that works for the community (not against!!), as the ex/husband sister social worker against me and my family and I wonder what I ever done to that bully? - 

As you can see the victim (me, HRH Princess Diana of Wales, Paula Yates, etc) of violence always brings an entourage of more victims (my unborn children, my brother, Dodi Al - Fayed, the driver, Peaches, etc) with them, thanks to bullies ( ) of crime and I wonder a war against who's, because I am Mexican born ( except UK citizenship) and we dont have your system to be blame after the genocide, so how and when? - 

I wonder, what LOVE (ex/husband, Prince Charles, Bob Geldof, etc) has to do with this wave of carnage, abuse, criminal activity, intolerance, bullying, wars and more wars and in order to please the other women (Camilla Parker Bowles < >, ex/husband sister social worker Carol Parker, etc), that STEAL all and everything from us? -

I am trying to force new laws into the UK with respect to may concern matters, that recognize this kind of abnormal behaviour, criminal assault and activity within "family members, problems and issues", that force victims of crime to extreme ( push victims of violence to own extreme! ) measures (as me, my unborn children, brother, HRH Princess Diana of Wales, Dodi Al -Fayed, the driver, Paula Yates, Peaches, etc), kill and murder. 

As a mother, I am trying to highly into my children the disturbances into our well adjusted society, that kills and even recognize matters that are way out of order, way out of our reach, way out of our times, considering that sexual predators presently exposed at the courts of law for crimes committed, so we hope crime mean crime for the rest of us and "time" is not an "issue", but a "case" - 

I studied the UK law alone and all by myself with SECOND HANDS EBOOKS from OU, as the material - modules removed from me by the staff, because I intent to protect my own children as I lost unborn children in the past due to the same "family problems / issues" of the ex/husband, his sister social worker and some members of my family, that made deals without my permit, consent and knowledge, until too late. 

1 - In the case of Prince Charles is his ex/wife, HRH Princess Diana of Wales, Dodi - Al Fayed and the driver that perished (RIP) in Paris, leaving 2 young boys in our care to protect.  (Earl Spencer releases Althorp estate film WITHOUT Diana's memorial site. I apreciate to continue life, without using own sister to cash, thank you! - )

2- In the case of Bob Geldof is about his ex/wife Paula Yates and his own daughter Peaches (RIP), that perished by the same "family issues" mentioned before, in which he kept the children exactly the same as the ex/husband, Prince Charles, etc?- 

3- In the case of the ex/husband and his sister social worker is my unborn children, brother, my children bullied - removed of own birth rights and two sisters (soco and mara) detained under the mental health act (one in the UK and another in Mexico), even if against the UK law for any social worker, as the ex/husband sister, which is abuse of power and profession as mentioned before, because "family issues" we all come from matters, not just my family, but the rest. 

  I myself and my own children that come from my own womb, fully protect with my Mexican Laws and Constitution, because nobody can walk in life without a form of defence, protection laws and system.

Bob Geldof admit "family issues" with his own daughter Peaches, "before", she took her own life and I appreciate the honesty of the matters with great concern, but unfortunately as a mother, victim of violence and whatever you want to add to me into, I am obliged by the law, Rosario Castellanos de Parker. 


Saturday, 23 January 2016

Feminism: "Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau and family" ..

Feminism: "From me thanks, in order to avoid more abuse to "women" with any excuses, anyone, anyhow, anywhere in the world and think that we are made with the same build of a man, impossible!" -

Hymne national Canadian sous titrée en Français et en Espagnol ..

"Feminism" : It´s not a crime, tabú, or autocracy name, neither we should hide from the world about our "female status" for fear to suffer more intimidation, abuse, bullying, intolerance, hate propaganda and racism, but to be "proud" of our legacy.

The problem lies when another women do not respect the work from another female person and steals misleading badly the public, takes any opportunity to use any "topics" used on the moment and pretend the work - ideas comes from them and not the original person and here build bitchs, build opportunity, build abuse, build jealousy, build hate, build corruption, etc.

It is well know worldwide that women are the best bitches in the world starting from own "family and their own problems (", with respect but the true and reasons why some men abuse women badly as left the doors wide open, not matter culture, country of birth, religion, age, etc.

As if you notice very well, the abuse never comes from men to men as there is respect between themselves, but women against women as lack of respect between themselves and time to "RESPECT" our legacy, time to Honor our legacy, time to defend our legacy and time to behave in the proper way.

In the case of HRH Princess Diana of Wales with the case of her own sister Lady Sarah Spencer, as she was going out with Prince Charles "before" and this matter alone was the tool to go against her own blood, sister, excuses to cash, dominate and control, the result was horrendous, because left the doors open for the rest as Camilla Parker Bowles, etc! -

In my case, with the "family problems" of the ex-husband and his sister social worker, that develop ( into groups and more groups and more groups and more groups against my reputation and at the end, all those "females and family members" spoke lies (5 boys, the river, the kiss, etc), because nothing has been probe legally in a court of law as any other case, but badly affected by the bullies.

The "status" that represent "Feminism" in a WOMAN, any woman worldwide, including and none extent your own blessed mother, daughter, mother in-law, grandmother, sister, granddaughter, aunt, cousin, female or child should be respect, treasure and protect.

My note is not about Justin Trudeau with respect to him, his wife and his complete family, but one of a few men, that is not afraid to speak OPEN about "women issues", with thanks for the great support, respect and tolerance!-

I don't want to model any man into Justin Trudeau own shadow, but remember any man worldwide, who gave him "life", which I believe strong was his own mother, and a feminist "woman", so please "respect" -

I myself and my own children that come from my own womb, fully protect with my Mexican Laws and Constitution, because nobody can walk in life without a form of defence, protection laws and system.

As the ex-husband told me just before divorce 2012, not when we married 1985, that his English system for his English peoples and me thinking what is the point of UK citizenship and after pay all my taxes, duties and etc.

You and everyone has the Rights to receive HUMAN RIGHTS, FREEDOM OF SPEECH, RESPECT, FAIRNESS; TOLERANCE and EQUALITY, not matter the colour of your Skin, Race, Disability, Religion, Sex, Age, Country of Birth, Sexual Orientation, etc.  One World, one God, one Race, let's bring a new era where PEACE prevalence at all the times, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.


Monday, 11 January 2016

Cristina de Borbón: "Es muy duro que la familia te abandone" -

Cristina de Borbón: "Es muy duro que la familia te abandone"-

"De España vengo" de "El Niño Judio"

Aquí se hace abogacía solamente por la Infanta Cristina de Borbòn y Grecia y su esposo, Iñaki Urdangarin, que estàn involucrados por el caso Nòos y cualquier otro caso que se les ajusta, "para el pùblico y la atenciòn del pùblico"-

Quiere decir que este caso de la Infanta Cristina de Borbòn y Grecia y su esposo, Iñaki Urdangarin estàn expuestos en pleno pùblico legalmente, por el abuso del caso, estorciòn del caso, corrupciòn del caso, caso sumamente extremo sobre esta pareja, cuando es un problema fiscal, no una forma de pago y mantenimiento directo para la familia Real Española.

Por lo tàl y con todo respeto para quien corresponda legalmente, me tomò la libertad y el derecho libre de representar a la Infanta Cristina de Borbòn y Grecia y su esposo, Iñaki Urdangarin en el caso Nòos y cualquier otro caso legal, hasta lograr remover todos sus cargos jùridicos que se les ajusta erróneamente y en contra de esta pareja: "Hacienda somos todos" -

Cuando sus servidoras del gobierno Español me indicaròn cuando fuì a Barcelona, España, esperando recibir ayuda moral, pero me insultaròn que para ustedes los Españoles, soy tàn solo una extranjera, pero al tener ciudadanía Inglesa, también soy miembro de la Uniòn Europea y por lo tàl puedo pedir ayuda moral, puedo representar este caso y en total, puedo vivir igùal que un Español.

Mucho màs cuando se les brindò ayuda moral a cientos de Españoles en Mèxico, durante la dictadura de Francisco Franco y su Franquismo, por mi padre y sus amistades el Presidente de México en aquel entonces, Don Làzaro y su hermano Don Dàmaso Cardenas del Rio.  Por lo tàl, no permito que nadie en mi familia directa e indirectamente se enriquezca gratuitamente, cuando nada les costò, pero todo el crédito directo a mi padre, tampoco el Español tiene ningùn derecho de usar, abusar, crecer y hasta enriquecer con el dolor ajeno de la Infanta Cristina de Borbòn y Grecia y su esposo, Iñaki Urdangarin.

Porque si es asì, entonces tengo todo el derecho de exponer este abuso por el pueblo Español contra la Infanta Cristina de Borbòn y Grecia y su esposo, Iñaki Urdangarin, cuando sòn otros los intereses que promueven este abuso contra la casa Real Española, porque estos personajes sòn parte de la misma familia.

En ningùn momento cuando llegaròn cientos de refugiados a Mèxico en tiempos del franquismo, les insultamos de ladrones (, como ustedes lo hacen contra la Infanta Cristina de Borbòn y Grecia y su esposo, Iñaki Urdangarin, pero les dimos todo, absolutamente todo y hasta la fecha no hay pago, ni de hacienda, fiscal, or remuneraciòn de nada, por lo tàl, cualquier deuda de estos personajes ( la Infanta Cristina de Borbòn y Grecia y su esposo, Iñaki Urdangarin ) queda nula, anulada, terminada, zero, nada.

La popularidad extrema por la Infanta Cristina de Borbòn y Grecia y su esposo, Iñaki Urdangarin es totalmente oscurecida con este caso y es una làstima que el Español no tenga este tipo de problema en Mèxico, cuando también ustedes nos deben todo.

No es un secreto que “la Casa Real revisaba lo que hacían (" tampoco era secreto que "la Familia Real conocía y apoyaba proyectos en los que estaba involucrado Urdangarin y su esposa (", pero falsamente acusados, expuestos sin piedad por venganza y cayeron en una vil trampa.

Porque no se sabe si los papeles para este caso que se lleva contra la Infanta Cristina de Borbòn y Grecia y su esposo, Iñaki Urdangarin, sòn reales, honestos, o legalmente corruptos, quien nos puede garantizar la misma, quien? -

La absolución de Rajoy ( es suficiente, por ser el primer mandatario del gobierno y politica Española, no la monarquia (¿Qué sentido tiene acunar la inocencia y la ingenuidad de Cristina de Borbón cuando su propio hermano y rey la ha repudiado y proscrito?-), con respeto.

No es que cuestionè la Monarquía Española con mucho respeto, pero es que nadie puede irse contra su hij@, herman@, padres, familia, hermandad, sangre, tradiciòn, pais de nacimiento, parentesco, gente, cultura, nadie!! -

Tenemos mal ejemplo en nuestra sociedad hasta por religiosos revoltosos, que traen violencia contra la mujer, cuando estàn para el bien de la comunidad y la Familia Real Española no es diferente "tiene sus responsabilidades", no puede pasarse la ley.

Por lo tàl, nadie puede irse en contra del otro por cualquier motivo, excusa, circunstancia entonces Rajoy està en todo el derecho de usar hasta la ley para lograr la paz y el respeto, aùn siendo la Familia Real Española.   

"El Estado defiende a la infanta (ya empiezo a creer en España, MUCHAS GRACIAS por este cambio): "El lema Hacienda somos todos es sólo publicidad" -

Se parecen tanto a los problemas de mi familia (, que no sabría en estos momentos cual es caso nòos y cual es caso vos (ustedes), con respeto.

Con mucho respeto, pero por Dios sòn una cruz muy pesada y siempre las menores en la familia tenemos que jalar ( la carreta, cuando no es nuestra responsabilidad, ya basta de abusos! -

Yo me àmparo juridicamente y hasta legalmente, incluyendo todo lo mio (hij@s), porque nadie puede pasarse el imperio de la ley ( sin un juicio propio legal, leal y honesto, tampoco nadie puede abusar, violar, corromper la ley con cualquier excusa, o problema, porque todo tiene soluciòn en una corte de justicia, sobre todo cuando hay comunicaciòn positiva, directa y sin violencia contra nadie, mucho menos tu sangre, herman@, padres, ti@s, prim@s, familia en general.

No espero ningùn pago pero ejercer libremente mi vocaciòn de abogacía y reconocer mi trabajo, màs ningùn miembro de mi familia lejana, o cercana me representa, o lo representò, mucho menos recibirà pago alguno por mi trabajo, pero el suyo, igùal la Infanta Cristina de Borbòn y Grecia y su esposo, Iñaki Urdangarin, ya que no somos la remuneraciòn de nadie, ni de la familia! - Rosario Castellanos de Parker —


Sunday, 10 January 2016

El Obispo de Albacete culpa la mujer, por machismo violento ..

Vikki Carr ni princesa ni esclava

El obispo de Albacete se une al de Toledo al culpar a las mujeres de la violencia machista.

Contesto su MACHISMO intolerante, abusivo y muy racista:  Que por eso no soy cristiana, su mismo odio, acoso moral, abuso interminable, e insultos para nuestro género femenino està lejos de la realidad, insoportable, inaguantable, y fuera del Imperio de la ley.   

Si tubiese la ley hoy, pondria contra demanda por este insulto a mi persona como MUJER, si el resto de las mujeres les vale madres este machismo violento de quien venga, como venga y de donde venga, a mi no!-

En tiempos presentes donde fallecen millones de MUJERES por el machismo hasta cristiano, ya no es una gracia pero un crimen de lesa humanidad, aùn las palabras del Obispo de Albacete, porque se puede ver manipulaciòn de hij@ contra su madre, para tapar al padre.

El machismo familiar se mirò hasta con los introvertidos bullies (, que no paràn de molestar contra la mujer como el Obispo, me defendì y defendì la reputaciòn de mi hermana (flor) de joven cuando no pude màs sus indirectas, humillaciones, bromas (pesadas), choteos, burlas, insultos (putita), machismo (no la dejaba trabajar y de pilòn sin gasto alguno, vendiendo al resto!) quedando el cuñado (javier) tumbado en la cama.

En vez de pedir una disculpa por los insultos "directos/indirectos, bromistas y ofensivos" contra mi hermana (flor) y su familia (me), continuò el bully (javier) a su favor (
para vender, provocar y molestar aùn màs a la familia, hasta enseñar a sus hijos como pagar deudas de sus fábricas cuando estabàn quebrando: "usando la mano de maradona (£$$)", contra mi persona.

No solamente el bully (javier) provocaba a mi hermana (flor) con sus "bromas pesadas" y "todos en la familia fuimos testigos", también la dejaba sola con su hermano (Roberto Azpiri Mercado) quien ofendió terriblemente su reputaciòn (putita!!), esta se desquitaba conmigo y su hijo Pancho me defendía, así es que era un circulo totalmente vicioso en la familia de poder y control.

Si estoy difamando, entonces porque no hacemos un juicio, para saber TODA la verdad. Ahora en la familia, no teníamos necesidad de que mis padres nos dejaràn en la casa de ninguna hermana, pues teníamos todo, pero la obligaciòn de pagarles todos sus gastos y solo recibimos machismo, racismo, burlas, abusos, etc? -

Hoy no podemos bajar la guardia, hasta que el ex-cuñado (javier) me pida una disculpa pùblica, por insultar su hermano (Roberto Azpiri Mercado) la reputaciòn ( ) de mi hermana (Flor Castellanos de Azpiri), estando ambos presentes y como testigos de la violencia contra mi familia! -

Este bullying CONTRA LA MUJER (flor) por el ex-cuñado (javier y digo EX - CUÑADO, porque bendigo el dia que ya no somos nada con todo respeto para mi hermana que falleciò y quitarnos de encima esta gente, porque todavía en la actualidad estàn en todo lo nuestro, para continuar usando hasta la hermana del ex-marido en Inglaterra y seguir imponiendo su poder, machismo y control sobre mi persona y los míos, cuando ya perdì hijos por lo mismo?!!!) perjudicò gravemente mi reputaciòn (perdì hijos por terminaciòn <aborto> forzada, insultos por la mano de maradona - pancho, etc) y mis hermanas usadas como billetes de lotería para pagarles todo a sus hijos, comprar casas de a un lado y del otro, robarnos todo (amistades, dinero, trabajos, etc) con cualquier excusa, vendernos con cualquier pretexto como si fuéramos su mercancia barata, hasta la fecha no termina nuestra deuda y el resto, aprendieròn abuso, robadera y venta familiar (5 hombres, el rio, el beso, etc).

Sin embargo los Azpiri/Mercado no tienen que pasar estas humillaciones, acoso moral, violencia machista, ofensas por ningún miembro de mi familia, tampoco los Matamoros/Gamboa (nalgaritas), porque los Corona/Sanchez estaban en mexicali, jalisco, tlaxcala, df, etc, igùal mi persona sin ver a nadie (1985-2016), ya que me quitaròn todo.

La violencia machista llegò a dominar la vida de estas hermanas, donde sus hijos (lupy) tenían que decirle "todo al padre (alfredo) y donde se encontraba su madre en ese momento!!!!!" -  No necesito decirles el estrés por este machismo violento y abusivo bully, hasta se desmayaban (lupy) de la presiòn, llorabàn (todas!!!!) conmigo para sacar todo, me contaban absolutamente todo: por teléfono, email, hasta telepatía, que actualmente puedo leerlas a todas y sin estar presente en sus vidas, puedo saber quien puso que en el facebook por lo mismo y este abuso machista violento, lo tuvimos que vivir el resto el resto de la familia, cuando tuvimos que PAGAR sus deudas, sufrimientos, dolores, abusos, etc.

Creo que nunca podrè perdonar a estos hijos de p... machistas, por robarme mi familia, por matarnos a todos en vida, por establecer este franquismo en la familia, por el poder y el control, que me rehusó totalmente a volver a ver a mi familia en estas condiciones, porque no pienso cargar nada de nadie, pero forzar a que la misma familia salga de su mismo infierno, sin temor, sin dolor y sin un poco de piedad, quitando las cadenas, rompiendo muros, hasta ganar justicia, memoria y reparaciòn.

Así es que no me extraña que el resto de la "primiada" continúe la lecciòn contra la misma familia con cualquier pretexto para robarse todo, darnos lecciones (mi hermano corriò a los azpiri de T.B. Ver por lo mismo, estos se vengaròn!! ) y decir que somos un problema familiar, que ya està muy refinado por aquellas personas que fueròn familia y se les olvidò la violencia y el machismo que tubieròn que vivir, de veras y desde cuando somos sus problemas, pero màs bien, somos sus chequeras? -  

No tenemos fecha para terminar este abuso familiar, machismo, barril sin fondo, que se robàn todo lo nuestro ( con cualquier pretexto, sin explicar bien como pasàn las cosas pero todo a su favor, para después remover hasta nuestra forma de defensa y el resto tapàn crimen organizado.

Podria continuar enumerando machismo, violencia y bullying familiar que no solo pasa en mi familia ( ), pero creo la misma gente puede hacerlo por si misma, porque luego me usan para sacar ventaja, para echarme la culpa, or romper mi reputaciòn, "sin contar bien como pasàn las cosas" -

Ustedes los cristianos sòn una gràn pesadilla para la humanidad, gente que està para el servicio ( de nuestra comunidad, pero se van en contra de la misma con su mal ejemplo.  Su misma soberbia està destruyendo la Iglesia Càtolica Cristiana, no su santa VIRGEN bendita que es una MUJER, pero ustedes.

En tiempos presentes lo que falta entre parejas ya no es solamente AMOR, pero RESPETO familiar, que se pierde con el mal ejemplo de machistas religiosos, tapa-violencia bullies y revoltosos!- 

Porque "Gracias a Dios" ya no necesitamos la Iglesia para tener relaciòn directa con nuestro Dios, rezamos en el facebook y twitter, por el uso del internet somos bendecidos por el Papa Francisco y sin viajar hasta Roma, en mi blog cuando sale mi verdad, todos en la familia y sus problemas se confiesan, pero lo màs importante es que también cargan sus propias culpas, problemas, chismes, mentiras, soberbia, etc.

Porque cuando muere la mujer - hombre por odios sin fundamento alguno, violencia (machista), bullying, acoso moral, crimen organizado entonces decimos:  "Abajo las armas, anarquía, odio entre razas humanas, violencia, intolerancia, bullying", pero centrar sus BENDITAS energías en el respeto, amor y la tolerancia! -

Porque saben ustedes machos intolerantes, abusivos bullies, contradictorios violentos y ofensivos miembros de la comunidad (cristiana), que lo màs chistoso es que, el personaje que los pariò, quien les diò la vida y formò toda su santa vida, "es una Mujer", su madre, tía, abuela, o la suegra, pero MUJER!! -  (, asi es que respeto!! -

Durante estos años mi familia y yo sentimos su mano de dios muy fuerte, supimos también sus deseos machistas contra la familia, intenciones con graves consecuencias y bullying, hasta romper nuestra reputaciòn, creo hoy estamos en todo nuestro DERECHO para exponer abuso familiar "para el público y responsabilidad del pùblico" - Rosario Castellanos de Parker


Friday, 8 January 2016

The Queen Elizabeth II: "The patriot and impartial Monarch ..

God Save The Queen .. 

It was an article (  The Queen is the perfect embodiment of a patriot and impartial monarch) relate to the present Monarch with respect and Principles of Laws, that state very clearly, what I always knew: "The sovereign has under a constitutional Monarchy such as ours (The Queen Elizabeth II), three rights – the right to be consulted, the right to encourage, the right to warn" -

Now mention the three rights ( "The sovereign has under a constitutional Monarchy such as ours, three rights – the right to be consulted, the right to encourage, the right to warn" ), which I uphold very high as UK citizen and demonstrate in all my blogs, in which some of them closed by "family problems" of the ex/husband, his sister social worker and helpers (members of my family, now using my children for help!), that interfere into my work.

In which, saying the three rights ( "The sovereign has under a constitutional Monarchy such as ours, three rights – the right to be consulted, the right to encourage, the right to warn" ) mean in any language, form, way or shape, that my work is going into the right direction, furthermore when my blog is open for the public and for "public concern", so nothing hide! -

Basically with the three rights ( "The sovereign has under a constitutional Monarchy such as ours, three rights – the right to be consulted, the right to encourage, the right to warn" ), I protect me and mine (children) of anyone who dare to lie, defame, insult, stop, silence, or hide my work, because of the severity of certain cases, that need to be exposed in public and for "public concern" -

Furthermore, I protect me and mine (children) legally, when exposing any contents of my work, by the use of the Three rights ( "The sovereign has under a constitutional Monarchy such as ours, three rights – the right to be consulted, the right to encourage, the right to warn" ), so helps me God! -

I have in my blogs, more than 421 notes investigate and redacted by myself in the most honest, open, and up to date and my ability as Mexican born with UK (Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland) nationality.

I believe strongly that any individual in life not matter job, status, nationality, colour, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender, need to safeguard - protect own matters, The Queen Elizabeth II is not different as anyone of us, particularly when politicians - government gamble her own ancestry as for example, Scotland by Her own Mother? -

In which at that moment, I used the three rights ( "The sovereign has under a constitutional Monarchy such as ours, three rights – the right to be consulted, the right to encourage, the right to warn" ) with the aid of my blog and warn The Queen Elizabeth II, in order to protect Her own kingdom as Scotland.

As If someone is dealing wrongly with your belongings, affairs and personal matters, would you like someone to come and tell you ( "The sovereign has under a constitutional Monarchy such as ours, three rights – the right to be consulted, the right to encourage, the right to warn" ), in order for you to protect your matters, or ignore matters, whichever way you choose - entitle up to you, but why not The Queen Elizabeth II, particularly when matters belong to Her mother's place of birth and ancestry, as Scotland? -

As in the past, many internet articles removed for whatever reasons and I hope you understand the importance of my work and protect me and mine (children) in public, when dealing direct with my investigations, because the severity of the matters when exposed ( "The sovereign has under a constitutional Monarchy such as ours, three rights – the right to be consulted, the right to encourage, the right to warn" ), greater than my words can express.  So saying this matter, I am taking the "liberty to apply, copy and write" all the contents of the note, exactly as printed and in order to protect me and mine, so helps me God! - Rosario Castellanos de Parker.


(King) Prince Philip and The Queen, Elizabeth II .. 

      ...  ...  ...  ...  ... ... ...

Copy / Paste, with links:

The Queen is the perfect embodiment of a patriot and impartial monarch, by Ahmed Bayram.

Longevity, popularity and, above all, impartiality. Over more than 63 years, Elizabeth II has been an embodiment of a monarchy that always puts people first. Her frequent engagements with her subjects and unrelenting willingness to listen to them have distinguished her from some passive royals and other despotic ones across the world.

Throughout their reign, her predecessors made sure they were always hands-on when it came to decision-making and foreign policy. King John spent a fortune to go to wars while Elizabeth I was a monarch with broad political powers that she had an influence over politics in the whole continent.

The Magna Carta (1215), the Bill of Rights (1689) and the Act of Settlement (1701) all sought to put an end to those extensive powers. After decades of violation of those charters, the Hanoverian accession saw those powers finally transferred to the Parliament.

In his The English Constitution (1867), Walter Bagehot outlined the prerogatives of the constitutional monarch.

‘’The sovereign has under a constitutional monarchy such as ours, three rights – the right to be consulted, the right to encourage, the right to warn.’’

With the arrival of the House of Windsor, Bagehot’s three-pronged prescription materialised. Tangible authorities began to dwindle, and the crown became more of an institute that symbolises grandeur and splendour in the country and across the Commonwealth. Queen Victoria’s great-great-granddaughter Elizabeth assumed that role better than any other monarch.

Queen Elizabeth II’s stature as a constitutional monarch means that she has to remain politically neutral. She, however, maintains certain political duties, such as appointing a Prime Minister, who has the support of the House of Commons. She also opens the parliament and has the authority to dissolve it. Beyond that, a modern monarchy is largely a symbolic entity.

When it comes to the UK’s domestic or foreign policies, questions have always been raised on whether Elizabeth has honoured neutrality and stayed away from interfering in significant decisions.

‘’There have been a small number of occasions on which the Queen has made an intervention on controversial political issues but, on the whole, she has remained above party politics,’’ Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent at the Daily Express stated.

‘’It’s a tricky balancing act for her, as she has to reflect the attitude of her elected government without appearing partisan. I think for the vast majority of her 63 years on the throne she has maintained that balance very well.’’

One example, in particular, sparked controversy ahead of a historic vote for Scottish independence. The Queen reportedly expressed hope that “people will think very carefully about the future”. The comment was viewed by many as a last-minute intervention. However, it accurately showed how the Queen of Scotland wanted people north of the border to make sure they cross the right box.

Unlike Queen Victoria- who was a self-confessed Conservative- the Queen never favoured a particular political party over another, supporting her people’s choice instead. As Head of State, she never votes in any local or general election, even though any law prohibits her from that.

It is also true that the Queen has formed stronger relationships with some of her 12 prime ministers than others. Her first Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, was 52 years her senior and was often described as her mentor. Their 30-minute weekly meetings would extend to two hours, in which they a host of topics would be discussed, from state affairs to horse-racing.

Things were not quite as intimate with the only woman to hold the office. The Sovereign and Margaret Thatcher were said to have developed a frosty, businesslike relationship.

‘’She [the Queen] worried about Mrs Thatcher’s hostility to the Church of England,’’ wrote John Campbell in his The Iron Lady ‘’and about the effect of constant cost-cutting on other voluntary organisations of which she was patron.’’

Respect, however, was always a feature, and the Conservative leader’s services adequately rewarded with the most prestigious honour; the Order of the Garter. Upon her death in 2013, she received a ceremonial funeral that was attended by the Queen.

Among all, her first Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson was arguably the Queen’s favourite official at No 10, despite unfounded fears that he would follow a hostile, anti-monarchical approach upon his arrival. He was an intelligent raconteur who entertained with his funny stories.

Royal biographer and historian Robert Lacey seems to agree that the pair was in harmony, ‘’It is often said that Harold Wilson was Elizabeth’s favourite prime minister. Certainly the Queen granted him the honour accorded only to Winston Churchill among her PMs, of going, against protocol, to dinner at Downing Street to wish him a personal farewell.’’

The big question remains whether the monarchy would have survived if the Queen showed any sign of political preference. Monarchs before her saw their fate sealed because of reckless policy decisions they made. Lessons from history have prompted some to link between Buckingham Palace’s neutrality and popularity.

‘’I don’t think her political reticence explains why she’s been monarch for so long,’’ Dr Hugh Pemberton from the Department of History, University of Bristol, suggests. “But I’m sure it does explain her enduring popularity,’’ Pemberton added.

Our monarch will continue to serve as a loving, loved and admired Sovereign. Her acerbic wit and patriotism will always stand her in good stead. And long may that continue.


Thursday, 7 January 2016

UK Prime Minister, David Cameron VS Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition, Jeremy Corbyn ..

HALLELUJAH - Aleluya - Haendel

Prime Minister, David Cameron insult Shakespeare to have the opportunity to mock leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn.  Now can you imagine if this was the opposite and labour was making fun of the conservatives, with a wave of words using Shakespeare excuse and celebrate: new cabinet, agendas, holidays, etc? -

I thank Jeremy Corbyn to keep himself cool, calm and ignore bullies, in which the rest of labour representatives followed the example, but our Prime Minister, David Cameron (with respect) mention: "Labour lost".. not, when I just re-joined.

- The reasons of me to re-join Labour Party, as The Queen Elizabeth II feel uncomfortable of the beginning of Jeremy Corbyn leadership (, in which he has been proved himself after and followed politics, government, community and society protocol, so he is in the clear now, with respect.

- The reasons of me to re-join Labour Party, as I did in the past when I put my name for Trafford leadership and lost, because my part was not heard and was chosen someone else's instead of me.

- The reasons of me to re-join Labour Party, as to bring balance back to the UK (Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland), which is very much displayed into a rich and affluent ministers, government and politics, with my fullest respect but leaving the country poor, dry, jobless, without a form of subsidy and support own living, when lack of proper education, jobs, benefits, training, housing, business ventures, opportunities, cash to start a proper business, which is a basic necessity to anyone that holds human rights, to anyone that is made of skin and bone, to anyone that live within the planet earth and not a luxury, but a HUMAN necessity! -

While every UK (Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland) minister is allowed to speak open and freely at the commons chambers over matters that concern and relate community issues and even celebrate Shakespeare within schedule, but not a place to mock, bully, destroy reputation of one to another (, as this was the case from David Cameron MP, against Jeremy Corby Leader of the Opposition.

There is strong speculations that Corbyn represent "a threat to our security", but where is the validity of such claims, that put The Queen Elizabeth II in perspective towards such lies. Here I am addressing politics, government and community affairs, the rest is left to own wives, or I will sued for defamation of character.

As I am writing here right now, my laptop keep freezing, while the matters comes direct from internet supplying (virgin), but need to address matters in public and for "public concern", as while it happens the corrupt individuals enter personal matters, also annoying, this is not professional standards, but bullying services provide.

Squidgygate ( refers to telephone conversations recorder from Diana, Princess of Wales and James Gilbey with controversy, mean without permit, consent and knowledge of the victim/s and against the law.

Squidgygate is similar to internet (freezing) snooping, without permit, consent and knowledge of the victim (me).  Where politics ( Tony Blair  ) and government staff , take advantage of people's vulnerability and SPY personal life, with any excuses and without a court order for the victim (me) to know reasons to invade own personal life, that is against the law such corrupt behaviour and in my case is internet provide (virgin) and in HRH Princess Diana of Wales was the telephone provide, which I am unaware, but she passed away: "Bullied" by the state.  

This bullying (spy, freezing, snooping, interfer, etc) into my personal life, deter me to start any kind of matters, or even business ventures in the internet, as the spy also steals everything from the victim's  (my ideas, work, etc) hard work, not the government and politics staff, but us badly affected.

 It is well known that Prince Charles with respect, works within government and politics staff including Tony Blair in the past, not The Queen Elizabeth II, but Her son, this reflect to HRH Princess Diana of Wales.

Because of the level of abuse direct to HRH Princess Diana of Wales, even from government and politics affairs, in which perished in an accident ( together with Dodi Al-Fayed and the driver, that I have been taken the case with me, as surrogate sister for the Princess and victims.

I protect me and mine (children) from any kind of abuse, defamation, lies, intolerance towards and against my humanitarian work, requesting even worldwide laws for protection, because nobody can take the international law, carta magna and rule of the law, nobody! - Rosario Castellanos de Parker.


Tuesday, 5 January 2016

"Charity Start at Home" ..

Amazing Grace

A-  I went to Manchester UK to celebrate the December (31st) 2015 holidays and to my surprise I found the roads blocked with HUMAN PEOPLES, scattered all over the place and roads, in which many of them UK citizens and/or foreign nationals, but have the same equal desperate financial needs, while trying to take your attention and gain a bit of cash and proper life, to no avail.

B-  Today (5/1/2015), I was expecting the charity (British heart foundation) to come and collect a small double bed that I got a refund for the matter, because the seller refused to collect and told me, I can keep it as transport cost almost the same.  In GOOD WILL, I arrange a charity (British heart foundation) to come and collect the bed as minor damaged, but in condition for anyone to use it, but refused?-

This is what p... me off, as you can see history A and B doesn't same to match in any way, form or shape, neither makes any SENSE in the matter to me, where one HUMAN person need the bed and the CHARITY refuse to take it, as own regulations, etc?-

Where a homeless person (line A, see pics as well!!??) doesn't give a (s....) cent if the bed comply with any current legislature (fire, etc) as the charity (line B) was telling me, "when refused to take the HOLY and ALMIGHTY bed", but a comfortable bed to lie on when sleeping/sitting/etc? -

So where was my crime today to offer a small double bed with matter to adjust, but the holy charity (British heart foundation) refused to take the £179.99 back to their own shops and sell it for cash and help such peoples, that are unable to help themselves at the present time, or it is me to notice this kind of new "prima donas", when only think in their own interest and not the rest (charity principles!!!)? -

What is the point to have charities on the streets and pay taxes, rent, gas, electricity, when easily, I can leave the holy new bed, next to the charity box that is left from council for clothing purposes and add a note on it:  "IF YOU NEED IT, PLEASE TAKE IT"  -

As the reality of the matters the charity is for peoples that are unable to pay the full prices of such expensive items (small double bed £179.99), either in the high street shops, or the charity shops itself that cost almost the same, neither got the place to accommodate except certain items, or whatever peoples can give to them for free.

I don't have a CHARITY shop to make my dream come true and ask vulnerable people to come and help themselves for free, as this is the meaning of charities, not to pay any services, prices, cost, but FREE.

In other words and in plain English, if another charity refuse to collect the bed, I just placed it next to the council charity boxes for clothing, PIN a note to it ("IF YOU NEED IT, PLEASE TAKE IT" ) and full stop, but worry me the weather, as there is no cover for the bed and/or the HUMAN person!! -

Relate to the same matters: "lack of proper housing accommodation, when on empty property" ..
etc ..

I am not the mother Theresa of Calcutta, neither any holy saint, martyr or similar, but the same as the victims, I was refused accommodation by the council staff  (see letters ) and this is not revenge, but a frightening situation, that degrade human people to the lowest possible ways, when no need as sustain empty property, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.


Saturday, 2 January 2016

Bill Cosby: "The Cosby Show" -

BEETHOVEN - CLARO DE LUNA (Moonlight Sonata) ..

I am writing with my full respect to every single victim of Bill Cosby if that is the case, but at the same time, I write on behalf of the man who is sitting in a court of law alone and charged, because in law, both sides need to be given own statements, before going to public, until either of the parties are found guilty of lying,  or raping the law.

In my case, the "family problems" of the ex-husband, his sister social worker and helpers deny me "the law abide right" to take the case to the courts, where all of us sit on the same bench and read the same statements, charges, malicious spread, lies against me, because nothing of such false allegations against me, has been probe in a court of  law, but destroying my reputation to the lowest possible ways, as the corrupt people hides, either in my children for help, or with "confidentiality acts" the cowards,  bringing a wave of defamation acts against me from all over the world, in order to charge cash, but nothing probe in a court of law? -

Now with the case of Bill Cosby, I am full aware of the American system regarding the reputation of a person to go that lightly in public and for public concern, as if  the man was a nobody but a well respected superstar, particularly of the charges that serious damaged and repercute his imagen, leaving him with no form of defence  and not offence to the victims which must be devastate the ordeal, but we are dealing with an old man, not when Bill Cosby was younger.

As a career for older peoples with experience in mental issues, but the reality is that the victims of Bill Cosby are targeting a very vulnerable old man, that is incapable to deal with such matters at the present time, very much as young child of a tender age, like Ronald King case, that rely on  services to look after him and his wife, but was left alone to deal with his own old age, plus his wife, not wonder he snapped!-

Bill Cosby case is different in the way develop as Ronald King, that was charged with murder of his wife, when he was entitle by law to receive services in the  community, in which he was paying for in the care home but "neglect", contrary of Bill Cosby "neglect" when charged in full public - live performance, with not court  hearing, no judge and not probe of legality from more than 35 victims in his case and at this lengh of age, not when younger days, but when incapable old age?-

My question is: Would you sit a small boy or girl in a court of law charged with murder, or sexual issues against him/her, not because own parents will come and defend the small child, so why old peoples neglect with no form of defence, protection laws, proper care in the community, but take light own matters as "neglect",  which is a crime from the caring world, but somehow they jumped over the case of Ronald King, with no form of defence but charged, now is Bill Cosby time?-

It is me, or the law in both sides of the atlantic are taking the piss (sorry the word, but unable to find another in the English dictionary, particularly, when I was  in the caring world years ago and was put under scrutiny - pressure, but not the rest?-) from old peoples, as Bill Cosby and Ronald King, with little or no decency at  all, regardless of who they are, age gap, probe - reasons over matters, nothing at all!-

As I am a great believer that colour of skin, disability, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender is not a passport to gain a better life, but equality to all.

I, the same as the rest of T.V. supporters from the Cosby Show, find very and extremely difficult to understand the charges against Bill Cosby.  A man as Bill Cosby,  where every single episode need to be check and double check by himself, "before" going live on full T.V. performance, but for who you taking me for and the rest of  his own peoples that he stood for in the past, today "neglect", but what a decency?-

Apologies to the victims of Bill Cosby, but I have the freedoms and rights to defend the person that is left with no form of defence, when on advocacy, if I think this case is leading with insufficient  probe over matters, without suffering any kind of violent outburst, intimidation, corruption, intolerance, abuse, etc.

When I said this matters, because I remember very well when Bill Cosby show need to keep all his T.V. family cast on the lead, as on the time (1980's) when the show  was performance, he had a reputation to deliver to his own public, in which was not a privilege to be of colour on that time and even this time, but a basic necessity to survive such kind of public and promote good "family environment", or he was out for good.  In small words and plain English, Bill Cosby was like "father" figure to all his cast, for anyone to come and tell lies, tales and defamation of character.

The matter mentioned before, reflects as one of his T.V. fictional daughter and not sexual nature, but as "black sheep - revelios without cause (In the late 1980s,  Lisa Bonet was simultaneously the coolest of The Cosby Show cast and the black sheep of the fictional family. The then-20-year-old actress endured a public fallout  with Bill Cosby thanks to a "racy" movie called Angel Heart, marriage to fellow black hippie Lenny Kravitz and pregnancy )", which is one matter in law (black sheep - revelious), very different to the other matter (sexual nature) and the judge need to define properly.

The matter has  nothing to do with Lisa Bonet and my apologies if she may think so, but to probe in law of the "good reputation" that Bill Cosby need to keep on his live T.V. shows:  "The Cosby Family", nothing else! -

When I watch the video of one of Bill Cosby victims (, reflects my sister (mara) that accused my brother ( and elder sister husband of the same nature and nothing probe in a court of law, but cashed, used to destroy reputations to the lowest possible ways, forms and shapes. In which whatever happened to my sister (mara) in her life, I need to live the same ordeal as form of punishment, when falsely accuse me of "kiss" to her husband (raul)  and the rest of liers (5 boys, the river, the china girl, etc) that followed her after, with little respect to my unborn children that perished for the same lies, tales and defamation of character against my reputation and cashed.

I am not saying this man is/was an Angel, but the women who bring charges against Bill Cosby need to probe legally of the same, in a proper court of law, not alive in  public (which my case is different, as I already explain before!), as if this is the case, I will be charging all of them with libel, as nobody can pass the rule of  the law.

As my family knew of my matters, with my sister (mara) and her followers lies (5 boys, the river, the kiss, the china girl, etc) against me long time ago, but nobody asked me of my part to cash and keep longer to pay for own lifestyle, very much like a business: "Cashing on your own blood, family, traditions, etc" -

When one person suffer the ordeal of falsely accused in full public is horrendous the abuse, can you imagine more than 35 peoples against me and unable to probe over matters in the UK court of law and defend my reputation? -

As the ex/husband who protects such lies, defamation and tales (the kiss, the river, 5 boys, etc) against me and mine, mentioned to me "when on divorce times (2012) not  before (1985 - 2012)" that the English services for the English peoples, a very good time, particularly when I paid my taxes, contributions, etc? -

As my RACIST family choose the lies of such peoples over me, making a full show of my persona in the wide open, cashed on my unborn children as if worth nothing and now using my living ones to shield old past, pin me in the wall unable to defend me and mine (because the english system, for the english peoples?), closed the doors to me and would you love someone like that, and why me, or my parents? -

Because as Lisa Bonet, my sister (mara) acted all the time, against the family rules (In the late 1980s, Lisa Bonet was simultaneously the coolest of The Cosby Show  cast and the black sheep of the fictional family. The then-20-year-old actress endured a public fallout with Bill Cosby thanks to a "racy" movie called Angel Heart,  marriage to fellow black hippie Lenny Kravitz and pregnancy with daughter, Zoë ), blaming to me, my brother that persished from same lies and brother in law from all her matters and nothing probe in a court of law, but demand (mara) me to live her same ordeal that happened to her and by her own making, falsely accused me of kissing her husband, that the rest came to help (5 boys, the river, maradona hand, etc) and cashed? -

When a few days ago, the ex/husband falsely accused me of lying with my blog, but not action in a court of law to probe my matters and clean my name: "when he said that him and his sister never had any problems", then why he is working at the manchester airport, when the place and job was previous from her sister, social worker, but her  own parents ( ) need to do her University career (The bully HIDE in the following link  by the same UK government corruption, that covers criminal activity with "confidentiality acts" the coward and I am unable to break the abusive and horrendous tradition -  illness of our well adjusted society.  So in other words and in plain english, the corrupt system full of "confidentiality acts", that you are unable to see the  following link because my page is now closed, but exist and real the bully, bullying and their own bullshit!-  "Where the bully can come and  destroy your world, but you are unable to expose their own malice, intolerance, violence, etc, so how?"), even against the law, in order to keep the peace at home and not problems, between brother and sister, no, never, are you sure? -

As I lost everything today, by such "family problems" of the ex/husband, his sister social worker and helpers as members of my family, with no time for parole, full of hate and steal all me and mine, in order to cash by the abuse of such lies, tales and defamation acts.

The courts when dealing with the case of Bill Cosby need to follow the law properly, as I know full well what racism does to  any human person (, particularly when the wrong law apply, but the case itself as libel, when probe over  matters, not slander, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.