Friday 27 May 2016

The former actress Nancy Dow and mother of Jennifer Aniston just passed (RIP) away, with respect! ..

MireilleMathieu - Santa Maria De La Mer

Jennifer Aniston's estranged mother and former actress Nancy Dow, passed away age 79 (RIP).  It was reported that Jennifer Aniston and her mother Nancy Dow comes with "family issues" as many of us understand very well, that sort of broken road and reasons why, they were not very close.

Jennifer Aniston said:  "Nancy Dow was very critical of me (the same as my "family problems" from the ex/husband, his sister social worker and some members of my direct family, that are over - critical of my personal - private life, as if they are so white themselves, as if belongs to all of them and in order to destroy it, or as if they are so perfect themselves, that are unable to see own mirror with me by own hypocrisy, etc") -  "Because she was a model, she was gorgeous, stunning and I wasn't. I never was. I honestly still don't think of myself in that sort of light, which is fine (well, I was called "the ugly ducky" and that can give you an idea of the bully people themselves, so weak, so trashy, so crap, so full of themselves, and so I refuse to arrive to own level and so, I remove myself from own sick environment!!) "  -  "She was also very unforgiving. She would hold grudges that I just found so petty ("tell me about it, I am still holding and hanging FOR EVER  "1985 - 2016" with:  5 boys, the river, the kiss, the china girl and a wave of lies, tales and defamation against my reputation, because the reality and truth of matters was hide most of the time and perhaps never existed, but own mind, perhaps to STEAL all me and mine, perhaps to EAT from the lie, perhaps to SELL own family as weak and bullies with full of own bullshit  themselves, etc!!")"  -

Unfortunately the relationship went down the drain, when in 1999 Nancy Dow published a tell-all book, "From Mother and Daughter to Friends: Nancy (Dow) Aniston, A Memoir (I refuse to sell own family ties, but made a blog instead and expose this sick family issues - environment, that is no healthy but destroys life!)"

The current status of  Jennifer Aniston with respect do not affect only her persona, but me, Sinead O'Connor, HRH Princess Diana of Wales, Paula Yates and a wave of victims from the same bully, sick, control freak, inconsiderate and manipulative environment and before my own children think that this is "a normal environment", I prefer to come out in the open and expose the criminal activity, bullying, control freak and abuse! -

So, welcome to the club:
etc ..

The abuse from bullies that come from your own mother, daughter, son, sister, brother, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, parents or even at school, work, shopping, visit the doctor and etc, but act as DICTATORS (Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler and Franco killed more than 70 million victims of war during the WWII, because wanted "perfection" that only exist in own mind with respect and nowhere else!!), that with time will destroy your own persona, personality and soul with anything and any-time, so better avoid at all cost and save your life while you can, because for me is too late, I lost unborn children, brother ( ) and a complete family abuse, crime and carnage! -

The VICTIMS either men or women are not WEAK peoples - please read properly, but gently, kind and human individuals, unfortunately predators bullies and their own bullshit see us an easy target and I refuse to change the conditions of my heart and feelings of the same and become one of them, but expose to "public and for public concern", because this is the worse treatment to anyone, in order to downgrade, minimax, subjugate, control freak and reduce peoples to (tears) zero and all due to own ENVY.

As such, "I prefer to have a QUICK DIVORCE from bullies ( and own bullshit, that become part of their own sick and weak environment, perhaps the rest should follows and request proper laws, in order to deter the bullying, violence, abuse, criminal activity and full intolerance !!! -

I remember my own mother holding into (tears) the holly Rosary and pray all day and night in order perhaps, to request FULL STOP the (bullying!!) ordeal from my elder sisters (accused of sleeping with church priest by mara, soco, tere and of course all was lies, because I used to accompany my mother everywhere, but just envy, they wanted to divorce my parents - as divorce themselves, as I defend my own mother, they came after for me, trashing everything from me and mine even brother  horrendous, paranoiac, criminal and the worse treatment ever existed against own blood, family, etc! -) against her persona, because own bullying and complete SICK ENVIRONMENT in which we need to deal on that time was a complete ordeal, with full of lunatics and own lies (5 boys, the river, the kiss, etc) against the rest, affect BADLY parents, children's, brothers, sisters, family and the merry goes around with a never end, until you stop the BULLYING, financial exploitation, abuse, intolerance, criminal activity, crime, criminology, destructive behaviour, and bullshit stop, FULL STOP!!-

The United Kingdom (Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland) law would not accept responsibility that we got a problem in society and for much that I am a person that holds psychology experience and understand matters fully well, particularly DESTRUCTIVE syndrome and factor behaviour, but the law is letting us DOWN badly, as now that I am studying the same, I find in the UK is a passing matter, but Latinoamerica ( ) and Mexico a true SAD reality, not that we are perfect quite contrary, but at least we ACCEPT and understand fully well our responsibilities within the community affairs, including that we have a problem, with complete destructive issues between family members that EXIST in REAL LIFE and any walks of life ( and not our mind is playing funny at any time, but the BULLIES mind and until we don't get the correct laws, treatments and protections laws, we will continue with the merry goes around (see circle of POWER and CONTROL and if you find yourself within the matters, remove from the abuse, but don't gamble your life!  ), non-stop and BULLYING ( ), abuse, intolerance, criminal activity, because the professionals ( are supposed to be with the community, not against our well adjusted society, community affairs and family issues?! -

I request to be remove totally from my family (except my children!) like Jennifer Aniston with own mother and even divorce from the ex/husband for the same reasons, until I know fully well, what happened to my brother and me during the "family (abuse) problems", holocaust and reign of complete terror, which currently I am investigate matters!! - Rosario Castellanos de Parker.


Tuesday 24 May 2016

Pot Of Gold Big Brother Slot Machine: "One Arm Bandit" -

The One Arm Bandit, slot / fruit machine is not regulate operation within the UK (Scotland, Wales, England and Ireland) laws (Gambling Act 2005), but falsely accuse and blame customers when unable to control the same machinery that strip of money illegal!! -

Remembrance Day- Poppy Day 2015 

What it was a pleasure years ago to play the "fruit machines (one arm bandits)" of such places from noble organizations (Amusements Arcades), today become no-noble-at-all and complete nightmare, when in reality STRIP your money complete, removes your human rights as money stolen from "One Arm Bandit", the law won't accept / acknowledge crime, abuse, manipulation, control and robbery! -

When victims do not enjoy life again when playing ( the fruit machines, when in reality that was the intention at the beginning and called, "Amusements Arcades" for a reason/s, when victims do not have a place to escape violence (from "family problems" as myself years ago, when married the ex/husband, now divorce!) and in general, when peoples / victims do no have a place to unwind, perhaps relax for a bit, meet new people and socialise, even elderly peoples got no where to go, but ripped badly of own money, as there is not alternative!!-

I believe strong GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS ( staff confuse peoples even more, when think is our fault, perhaps something wrong with us, "perfect well adjusted citizens of our community", but the Amusements Arcades Slot Machines (one arm bandits) staff "adjust same machines" to the point that, "One Arm Bandit won't pay you" not matter how much money you put inside the machine, "WONT PAY YOU, full stop (and this is because is not properly regulate by the law to pay you, "for every pound you spend inside the machine should be by law, some percent pay you back", as the law state!!)", which is one thing ( - complete different to another (One Arm Bandit won't pay you not matter how much money you put inside the machine and reasons why you lose your own money, otherwise if I am wrong, then why there is not more winners that play fruit machines, than losers?!!-  

In other words and in plain English, the customer do not own a slot machine to program inside the same and believe me, I owned several fruit machines in the past and in order to speak this way, "as all is programmed INSIDE to act / pay that way!" -  Now if you intent to use such places ("One Arm Bandit" ) in order to lose a couple of pounds for the trill, perhaps socialise for a bit is not too bad the deal, but trouble comes, when you lose all even yourself inside the premisses, then becomes by law, a no-place to enter, because is not regulate properly by nobody in the UK and Politicians only insults ( the community as "crack cocaine of gambling", when no research matters properly and due to ignorance of the real / true facts, because one thing is crack and another thing is gambling! -

At the end: "One Arm Bandit" is the only winner (not matter how much money you spend inside the machine - won't pay!), when in reality you could avoid all the stress, sweat of the game and even gambling FREE guilt afterwards, by own one!-  The new Computer games of today, "acts the same therapeutic ways", as any fruit machines of the past, "when relax brain after playing the game", except fruit machines comes complete with inside control program (as I was told by the ex/husband!!) to adjust own requirements, contrary of the computer games, that need to purchase box and games separate, before used!-

- As the main photo indicate, I was taken my photo by the Amusements Arcades staff, which never happens to me before in the UK (Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland), without my permit, consent and knowledge of the matters as the law state.  I need a form of prove over matters against my persona when unable to go places without the harassment that comes from same places, staff  and peoples, the reasons why you are seeing my main photo, together with this note and explain.

- It is a continue "non-stop" bullying against my persona, as the ex/husband told me before divorce that whenever I am, he will be there (control areas with help from Trafford council staff, that travels everywhere even Mallorca, Spain holiday 2010, if we remember!), exactly the same as ex/husband mother told me, when complaint about her two children bullying ( ) and fighting each other all day "non-stop", but not my responsibility as I am divorce - neither my children need to protect own father past life: "When murder, abuse and criminal activity against own family for no reasons except lies (5 boys, the river, the kiss, etc) to destroy reputation, that is not family, but criminal activity!  -

- On the 18/5/2016, after a short trip to the shops and stop to play, "One Arm Bandit (see photo at the top)", a person which is unknown to me and out of the blue, hit me in the shoulder harder and told me" stop playing", when I made a complain to staff somehow would not understand my spanglish (but no problem to exchange money!!) and told me why I never told them before (because happened that day and not before?), after seeing video recorder at own shop, the staff (bullies) went against me - false accused me of hitting the individual? - In reality, I told him to stop waving my hand in the air, "after" he touched me and not "before", in which bullies ( ) are trying hard to show me as "troubled maker / problem (the same as Trafford area by the ex/husband, his sister social worker and helpers, with respect to the Queen but explain in link:   )" but against the law, slander, lies, defamation against my reputation, including any physical contact is way out of question legally! -

- Since arrived to the area (Oct, 2015), the cleaning operatives always follows me inside the shopping precinct, even use a talky - talky to impress me (same as sister lupy, when I went to sell my piece of  VW land!), except this time (21/5/2016) as soon as I got the camera (see photo) ready to take the photo, he just turned away in complete different direction and at this point in my mind, I understood matters, games and problems, because nobody has any RIGHTS to follow, stalk and use any kind of threads and harassment against you even as cleaning operatives, exactly the same when ex/husband tells my children "what to tell me ("to work as cleaner", complete interference into my private life that confuse the rest and stop me to gain peace and develop further, but divorce?!) and hides behind them all the time" and expose us after, "if any problem/s arise from the same abuse and own actions, that reflects very much when his sister social worker ( tell him to go and tell me things (pretty much as; "Dad can you tell him " in order to frame him in the past with own dad - now is me with her bullshit!!)", in order to attack, frame, bully, abuse and divert own "family problems" that comes from their own childhood, not me:  "Dad can you tell him!!?" 

Again yesterday 23/5/2016 (and since Oct, 2015) , the cleaning operatives in the place where I live and shop came out of nowhere as photo explains, when waiting for the cash machine customer to finish - the cleaner came behind me, as own door enters and closes from almost same place, but in Manchester UK (Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland) cleaning staff works after shopping precinct is closed and not during opening times, perhaps same reasons.  Stalk / Harassment (protection from harassment act 1997) against the law worldwide: "illegal procedure with any excuses and equal to ASBOS" - I am watching (23/5/2016) my T.V. and the monitor goes blank as soon as I remove myself for a few minutes, 4 TIMES HAPPENED, when never before? - When I go out shopping and the central heating switch off, only when I go out, not matter how many days I stay indoors, but as soon as I left the stuff switch off, incredible? - I write (23/5/2016) and post letters that need to be address and my kind somehow knows matters by own father and makes phone call to tell me "we are family mum (?)" and since when we stopped being a proper family (?), I wonder what "family" has to do when I need to "request services in the community", complete different one matter to another matter and is my own business such matters, not "a family affair" but "my own PRIVATE affair" and the ex/husband acts that way to remove all my matters after, with the "we are family" and so what I am supposed to think out of the blue (we are family, when in reality him and I divorce!!??) and who is monitor my life because I believe he knows everything from me as happened in the past when married and full fact that own father tells them: when to call me, what to tell me, etc, etc, etc, etc ...!!!? - "Would you love somebody like that personality and I am not talking about my children, but the ex/husband and since when he changed, or "we are family", when exclude my persona and name even from his own mother funeral and the rest?!" -

IMAGINE: your STALKER BULLY is your own family member and unable to gain justice, deter the bully and own bullshit, control matters, stop the abuse as even hide with services in the community, because own parents passed away (RIP), the lack of justice and some members of your family acts as WALLS to protect the intolerance with any excuses and simple, you can not walk out of that situation even divorce, when your own children are forced to get involve - telling you that "we are family", not "when crime, abuse and criminal activity takes place, but after, when far too late, when all is lost with respect (RIP): HRH Princess Diana of Wales was used paparazzi ( and for me neighbourhood ( ) as you can see photos, that even travels / continue abuse!" -  The UK government wants foreign peoples (UK citizenship) to get involve into community affairs, learn language, work, shop and develop properly / normally, from my own experience since arrived (1985) the UK - up to now (2016), I don't see how with endless lies (5 boys, the river, etc), follows, stalks, spy, slander, bullying, particularly when removal of all my human rights, laws, regulations, services and without a chance to clean my name in a court of law! - The reasons why, I would not have contact with any family, except my children, unless I know full well what happened to my brother ( that comes with "fruit / slot machines when in Mexico" that is almost unknown to us the arcade games and why I end up with removal of everything: "As Tyranny is not healthy, but destroys humanity!!" but somehow, "we are family?" and with my full respect to my children, but I address direct to the ex/husband "not when there is economic abuse, male privilege ( - machismo, control, power, emotional abuse, use children (as if was not enough my unborn children, but like cannibals wants more?!!) crime, criminal activity, abuse, intolerance, etc!" -

- I don't have to take this kind of crap for a system any more, that use exactly the same council ordeal against me as Trafford area and where I come from with respect to, The Queen Elizabeth II, but showing the following link:  and requesting proper protection laws, as ex/husband told me before I divorce that the "english system for the english peoples" after I pay my duties to the estate and while I believe was a joke, today is a sad reality, when unable to gain any services in the area and my children tells me "where are family" as worry, but falsely accused - blame of  no working, but at the same time removing everything from me: benefits, job opportunities (too old, too disabled, too many excuses!!) and business start plans with no cash flows, so where you heard matters before, as you can see the wave of hatred preachers that follows after, because who will takes photos out of the blue and who will follow you when cleaning times is "after" premisses are closed not before?! - Where I am sick of this "family problems" that reflect with The Queen Elizabeth II own problems with respect and in order for you to understand the gravity of the problems, as brothers / sisters against own brothers / sisters and then I get blame and my own children forced to help after the crime and pursuit is gained, which is not our business, neither "our family" when crime, abuse and financial exploitation (   ) gained, because I have not seeing my family for a long time (1985 - 2016), neither I am looking forwards after the wave of abuse, intolerance, and criminal activity! -

As you can read cash flows problems with Prince Andrew ( also expose own children (very much like me and my children, unable to do anything right "because we are family" with the wave of intolerance that blocks and follows after, that reasons enough removes all our opportunity, help and services from the community, not the bullies as ex/husband and his own sister social worker, but me and my children, after they said: "we are family!" when left you in point blank, zero, nada, pure fresh air!!!-), but never Prince Charles and his own wealth (Pot Of Gold Big Brother .. ) with respect, that portrait "stable income" by so many sources, wealth, ability and even resources ( and is not ENVY by me, but calls RESPECT to my own private - personal life.  As I am the same as the rest with CONSTANT interference (from the ex/husband and his sister social worker: Pot Of Gold Big Brother Slot Machine) that removes all and confuse our environment with: "we are family!" and respect to my children, as we still the same strong bond of mother and daughters, nothing is broke, but stable, complete and unite!  -

Pot Of Gold Big Brother Slot Machine: "One Arm Bandit" should do what it said by the law for every single pound spend and mean to help ( peoples to gain a bit of extra cash in fun ways, particularly now with the benefits cuts, but becomes an ordeal when removes your living as different from lottery tickets, bingo and horse betting that cost so much a go, contrary of slot machines that are not regulate by nobody and programme to win only, not you but them, then as the name said: "One Arm Bandit ( )!!"-   ( If any questions about the photos are mine with no permit to use, because after the ordeal, at least I got the same to show the world of the abuse!! )  The following video speak of my laws as Mexican (, within the treatment that I receive in the UK unable to go anywhere without the abuse that follows after and as the ex/husband told me "the english system for the english peoples" that acts as wall unable to gain anything after pay my contributions to the UK state (1985 - 2016) even taxes when shopping and poll tax, also the moto, "we are family" then I stood no chance with the continue interference into my own private life, horrendous the manipulation by the bullies ( )! -  As when my children younger and the removal of all my jobs in the UK and reasons to contact my brother for help (  see documents), also I asked financial help to ex/husband mother for the same reasons and need to pay after, with the conditions not to tell carol parker as she will remove all from me, and was not true and somehow "we are family", but I ask legally within the UK law, if this way to act when removed of all and everything is the correct way ( to treat a family, now pulling my children to hide from the past and who give them the rights, when works for ( ) the community not against!?- Rosario Castellanos de Parker.


Friday 20 May 2016

Papa Francisco: "Explotar a la familia para hacerse rico es pecado mortal" ..

Virgen de Guadalupe (Virgen Morena) Marco Antonio Solis.

Explotar a trabajadores para hacerse rico es pecado mortal. Papa Francisco.

Hasta que por fin alguien entiende / comprende mi dolor, cuando las personas màs cercanas a uno, que te conocen desde niñ@, que jugaròn juntos el bote patiado, que escucharon la musica preferida de cada quien y aunque terminaras con los pelos parados, aquellos que comimos en la misma mesa junto a nuestros benditos padres y que se dicen familia, me han vendido por nada, por favores, por el que diràn, por sostener su fabrica (Zermatex y sus derivados ) LLENA de mentiras (5 hombres, el rio, el beso, la china, etc) para sacar ventaja en todo.

La familia debe entender que no somos sus GATOS el resto de la familia, ni por ser la menor que es siempre opacada, abusada, robada, perseguida, expuesta, estalquiada, descriminada, recluida, excluida, puesta en venta, molestada todo el tiempo con cualquier pretexto / excusa, ni por ser la(s) mayor(es) que ganan harta ventaja en todo y cuando digo TODO es todo, al borde que te dejan sin nada, nada de nada, fresco aire, zero, nil, sin respeto, sin nada de verguenza, o la del medio que como siempre arremete con todos, sin pensar DOS VECES las consecuencias contra la familia y a puro chingadazo limpio te venden.

El Papa Francisco dice que ES PECADO MORTAL hacerse rico con tu sangre, tu familia, tu hermandad, tus herman@s, tus hij@s, tus benditos padres, tus abuel@s, tus ti@s, tus prim@s, tus sobrin@s, asi es que por lo tàl, todos en la familia se ponen a trabajar por su propio mèrito, por sus propios estudios y sus propios esfuerzos, YA BASTA DE BULLYING!-

QUE NO LO DIJE YO ESTA VEZ, pero el santo Papa Francisco, muchas gracias: "Una familia se cuida, se honra, se venera y no se expone al mejor comprador / vendedor", pero se proteje de todo mal.

Con mucho respeto se escribe esta nota, pero ustedes ya perdieròn el respeto completo, al irse PRIMERO contra la familia (mis hijos en terminaciones forzadas, hermano, etc ), tampoco se puede dar "ayuda moral" a la misma familia, cuando es pretexto solo para matar, perjudicar, abusar, terminar la misma, YA BASTA! ..

Por el mismo nivel de abuso y crimen organizado familiar, creo ya llegò el momento en que se perdiò "la confianza" y l@s herman@s sin importar edad, me van a TENER que dar cuentas a mi persona, por sus mism@s hij@s, o mandar la ley para la misma.

Porque ya no es posible continuar con tanto control / venta familiar para despues ROBAR todo lo nuestro, fabricas LLENAS de mentiras (Zermatex, soborno, crimen organizado, chismes, bullying ( ), paranoia (chequeo con lupa), mental excusas, abuso de confianza, ventaja en todo tipo de situaciòn ( ) - sin aclarar primero, con cualquier excusa contra tu sangre, familia, parentesco, hermandad, "usando su mismo crimen organizado (la primiada, cosa nostra, trabajo, hij@s, etc) contra los tuyos y despues no recuerdan nada, nada de nada ( )", solo para su propio beneficio bancario, solo para joder al resto con cualquier pretexto, solo para marginar nuestra reputaciòn, solo para pasar la ley sin respeto por la familia, solo para terminar todo en deals / pagos y aquellos solter@s (ana pia, tere, carol parker, etc), aquellos sobrin@s que perdieron herman@ (jose, flor, etc, RIP), aquellos que viven lejos (cancun, canada, alemania, etc) de su mismo nucleo familiar, solo para continuar su crimen organizado, sin que nadie controle sus actos, o aquellos que profesan la ley, religiòn, profesiòn ( ), "sus mismos padres o la misma ley", tendrà que darme cuentas a mi de sus propios actos y empezando desde hoy (21/5/2016), usando las mismas palabras (Explotar a trabajadores para hacerse rico es pecado mortal. Papa Francisco. ) del mismo Papa Francisco, ya que es PECADO MORTAL explotar y vender tu familia como si fueramos negocio, estamos?-

Mi padre me dijo que TODOS sus hij@s eran totalmente LIBRES y SOBERANOS para establecer su propia vida con respeto "de y para los demàs" miembros de la familia, por lo tàl asi serà, cortando todo tipo de cadenas, quitando y rompiendo sus muros, pero cualquier acto contra la misma familia, la ley tendrà que darme cuentas.

Pongo esto porque en estos momentos estamos aclarando de cualquier pasado y tengo todo el derecho de hacer la misma sin recibir represiòn, regresiòn, calumnias, mentiras, odios que matàn, crimen organizado, muertes, dolor, miedos, etc.

Porque cuando visitò (1985 - 1986) la hija (pepita Jr) mayor de hermana (pepy) con su amiga, se la pasaròn en todo manchester jugando a las escodidas (del ex-marido y yo) para despues terminar con la policia ("porque terminaròn perdidas!"), no contentas en la parada del camiòn insultaròn al ex-marido de su persona (sin entender idioma español), que era un "puerco blanco marrano", jamàz comentè a hermana (pepy) por respeto - hasta estos momentos (2016), despues mando su familia "solo para molestar lo mio gravemente ( )", tambien mandò carta para insultar mi reputaciòn, cuando esta totalmente CONFUNDIDA porque era mara y su padre - broncas privadas (mara le echo la culpa a javier corona de violaciòn cuando vivia con hermana pepy en mexicali, tambien a mi hermano jose y a mi persona insultò gravemente reputaciòn, "beso a su esposo raul nuñez frade" cuando todo es mentira, entonces?!!), meses antes que hermano ( ) falleciera tambien me mando email para amenazarme (que si me metia con su familia se las hiba a pagar ( ??), desde joven se la pasa ROBANDO todo lo mio (sergio gomez pintado, etc) para despues controlar, molestar, checar, abusar, traer un mundo de locos, etc.

Esto dicho antes se refleja, cuando al fallecer mi hermano RIP ( ), pensè que era beneficial que su hijo tuviera educaciòn en Inglaterra y lo expresè con una amistad que aùn conservo email - comunicaiòn, pero nunca pensè que existian deals (compra y venta ) en la familia, para pasar la oportunidad a la hija de hermana (  checar nota; doble univesidad en Inglaterra GRATUITA, pues que somos sus pendejos o que?) que acusò (mara?) gravemente a su hermano (jose) de violaciòn  ( ) como explique antes y la razòn por la cual la mandaròn a Mexicali, o ya no recuerdan, sufren de amnesia total para despues confundir aùn màs la situaciòn y tener que esconder mentiras de mentirosas? -

Es ahora que me doy cuenta que usan amistades pasadas, para despues echarme la culpa cuando suceden cosas graves en la familia, tambien hay deals ( ) familiar sin respeto por nadie, existen mandas - mandalas que sòn venta y compra familiar, se roban todo lo nuestro sin respeto, hasta fotos de amistades pasadas para controlar nuestro mundo, checar, mentir, perseguir (como expliquè antes, en todo manchester por la pepita jr y su amiga, pues que estamos lucas, o les falla la chavela con sus mismas acciones?!!), confundir, esconderse, o aparentar quien no sòn, dominando la familia en una forma extrema, bastante cruel ( ), burlona, inhumana y abrumadora (ver foto con la madrina del vestido negro/gris en boda ajena sin tener RESPETO - - hoy estamos de luto, que raro no? ... y lo màs chistoso es que hoy QUIEREN usar mis hij@s para tapar todo lo suyo pasado contra mi persona y enseñar la misma escuela, porque terminaciones "aborto" forzadas no fueròn suficiente para calmar su sed de venganza, locura, muerte, control y dolor contra mi persona, pero entonces copiarè, tomarè ventaja y actuarè igual, lo malo es que no tengo sus adentros y por lo tal espero la justicia, memoria, reparaciòn y no volver a pasar crimen en la familia!), actuan como vulgar bullies ( ), solo para sacar ventaja en todo contra su misma familia, sangre, hermandad, parece como si fueramos su bendito juego ( ), burla, cañones, o fabrica ( Zermatex ) llena de mentiras, porque se quedaròn con todo lo nuestro sin piedad, dolor, o verguenza.

Pero se imaginan si nos quedamos con TODO lo suyo, para cobrar su crimen organizado ( ), sin respeto alguno por nada que sea su pertenencia y vida privada, porque pienso que ya nos toca nuestro turno, o los pongo en manos de la justicia ( ), ustedes me dicen como la quieren, pero de aqui USTEDES no se me van hasta no aclarar todo, absolutamente todo y todos queden satisfechos de lo mismo sin temor, odio, rencor, burla, o amenazas y aunque tenga que poner al santo Papa Francisco en medio para terminar el mismo crimen organizado, porque explotar a su familia, sangre y hasta hermandad para hacerse rico es pecado - crimen mortal !! -

Ahora me contò hermana (anapia) de una cantante (selena) Mexicana que falleciò por "problema familiar" en forma de burla y lo digo por si pasa algo en la familia, ya saben de donde vino todo, porque ya me cansè de sus mundos de bullies y despues no recuerdan el bullshit, ni quien empezo todo, o como estubieròn las cosas, pero la idea es infectar nuestros mundos con sus odios que matàn y sin aclarar antes nada, pero se van contra la misma familia, sangre y hermandad, pues que estan mal, que ya les falla la razòn, que perdieròn todo y por nada, que la familia ya no vale nada en sus vidas, pero explotar familia para su riqueza es crimen - pecado mortal !! - Rosario Castellanos de Parker


Tuesday 17 May 2016

Sinead O'Connor hospitalised ..

Tamara Gverdtsiteli - Si Tu t'appelles Mélancolie

 Sinead O'Connor hospitalised and found well in the US and I wonder if the medication, hospital and staff will solve her "family problems", may will return back her own family after long wars and battles, may will repair her own family damages and personal issues and may help her with present personal matters, with respect.  As the idea is that until you do not know how far the "family problems / issues" is and become present in your life, until then is not advisable any contact with each other and I beg that my family from both sides of the world respect my present decision and choices to cut them altogether (except my children), until I am 100% sure of what happened to my brother and the rest of my personal issues, because always use me to frame me after and time to stop, full stop!! - 

I don't want to arrive the day, that I need to copy my family own hatred against me and mine since day one (1985 - 2016) and the reasons why today, I prefer to exclude myself from all of them as they did to me, changed me for somewhere else and even sold me to the best bidder, but I want to paint a better picture of my own and not to fall into their own low life culture and bad examples! -

As the matter with my "family problems" is not the issues that went too far of the reality with own lies (5 boys, the river, the kiss, the china girl, etc), but the crime itself against own family and time to stop, full stop!  -

Mental disorder is when someone speak no-sense of the truth reality that we live today - nowadays and mental problems / issues could be someone that do not make any sense of the reality that we live today - nowadays and if you notice the difference between one and other, there is nil, nothing, zero and the same stuff of mental behaviour, but changed to different names, perhaps to confuse you, but same problem, attitude and even issues.  In my opinion there is not Mental disorder at any time, but hide ( ) a lie hatred preach, that in law is equal to an ASBOS, that goes against society, against your own family, against your own blood, against any norms of decency and time to stop, full stop!.

In other words and plain English, mental illness in my opinion is someone that speak of the infinite and never been in such places, may perhaps can travel the distances, time and even space itself but until we don´t see it (as the ex-husband father Bernard used to say to me, until then ..) as reality, we don´t believe exist, exactly the same as those peoples that lied against my reputation (5 boys, the river, the kiss, etc) and until we don´t see exist in reality (as you can see photos family was part of my life as good-mother, bridesmaid and etc  but acting as if we are in WAR and since when with, "the lies of 5 boys, the river, the china girl, the kiss, etc and etc" and then you think inside of you, as the hatred preachers bullies  that come against you don't make any sense of the truth and reality: from which PLANET those lunatics and hatred bullies are coming from, impossible to believe such unreal world?-) the problem, then we don´t believe exist, mean the prove in the hand as the law request, not just lies, lies and more lies as "ASBOS" that kills, destroy and savage attack human reputation, NEVER AGAIN!!-   

- Mental illness, problems, issues and/or disorder is one thing and money issues that brings problems with the same worry matters is another matter totally different, as my sister (mara) after married her husband (raul) become dependant with money worries / problems, perhaps of the worry and stress develop such illness that calls bipolar (as she told me) and in order for people to help her financially (emotional bribery!!), as she was diagnosed with bipolar mood disorder (as she told me!) the same as Kerry Katona (, also my sister (mara) comes with 2 daughters (like Kerry Katona!!) that helps and aid own mother full time in everything (and I mean everything!!) and in exchange the mother use her (mara) own illness to remove everything from me and my own children even education (as used the UK University twice, yes you heard properly twice the abuse: University of Sussex and Cambridge and for FREE with no UNIVERSITY FEE'S to pay AFTER as my own family, furthermore Mexican born "what strange?"-), services, support and lifestyle.

- So how my sister (mara) obtain matters for own children (university, etc) with no work as ill, other than use the ex/husband and his sister ( social worker that "helps, support, sponsor and sponge" own country, but don't remember after (?)", as I am unaware.

- Here is not about ENVY towards my sister (mara), but abuse from her to me based on her lies (the kiss, etc) against me, in order to cash own family (me).

-Can you imagine if I do the same to that sister (mara) when she is not watching me and I enter her private world to cash on her holly name, spread lies of her reputation and win the lottery ticket after removing everything from her and her own children, as she did to me!? -

- It calls HARD WORK no parasites of our society and I am talking about my own family / sister (mara) not Kerry Katona, as I need to work and pay for my own children education living in Trafford area "incredible the abuse (as UK citizen?)?" and not by using my family, but work to get cash and pay my ways and my children private education, clothes and living expenses, what a difference?!! -

- Now the sister (mara) and her own children are trying to use my own peoples (children) to re-direct own past and matters to me, perhaps confuse (which my children are very independent from me and live each other life apart with respect, as mother and daughters and not as burden to burden, so no confusion here, neither nobody is going to use us with own personal matters to continue confusion, abuse, money bribery and robbery of ID'S!!).

- I read the issues of Kerry Katona months ago with respect (   ), but connect with the same problems as my sister (mara), exactly the same problems, illness and all refer to MONEY PROBLEMS, nothing else, except MONEY!-

- As you read the next link  the paperwork reflects when sending me the Gestapo friends of the ex/husband, that works for the DWP in altrincham / trafford and lives same road (#11 sherway) from "family problems" of the ex/husband, his sister social worker and helpers members of my family (as mention my sister mara) and in order to spread ill against my reputation, re-direct / divert old past to me, but want to see me today and repair boiler, when his own is not exactly perfect ( and with respect!?-

- I am unable to understand this way of life when pulling me to live exactly the same experience of that sister (mara), when I need to pay for all her (mara) problems (abortion, money worries, etc), with own kind of helpers and lies (5 boys, the river, the kiss, etc), because my parents teach us to work, also sister (mara) comes with experience as travel agency so no reasons to act with envy, malice, lies, revenge and hatred against me all the time and since children the same problem, and not just me but even Pola.  

The problem of today society is that the UK do not have the law to help victims of "family problems"  as in Mexico ( and the reasons why members of my family arrive to the UK abusing own system, when "sponsor / sponge" by the ex/husband and his sister social worker that helps and takes advantage against me and mine (children but social worker? ) in order to cash, when Mexicans are not perfect but at least we accept that the illness of "family problems" exist and "is not in our mind", but "in the mind of the bullies that lie" and until the UK law do not accept RESPONSIBILITY when we got an issue / problem here, then we will continue with the wrong diagnostic, medicine and perhaps treatment, as you can see with my brother trashed?-

I cannot promise the heaven because even myself I am unaware how to combat "family problems" from my own blood, family and brotherhood that hide with own lies, spread and illness, but together we may get somewhere with the experience ( and at least we know full well that you are no alone with "family problems / issues" exist in real life and not part of your mind but the bullies that act with such hatred and own bullshit as: Sinead O' Connor hospitalised, Madonna (, HRH Princess Diana of Wales, myself, etc.   I respect my children own choices to stay with own father, fully support them in anything they want in order to keep the peace, no wonder they call me "cheerleader mum", as I placed my share when younger and received no financial assistance from him LIVING TOGETHER and even asked my brother (jose) for help when divorcing (1993) the first time (as you can see documents of my brother to assist me, at the end of the following link, to no avail).

My idea of my notes is to bring awareness of the difference in matters also to bring everything that you got INSIDE of yourself OUT and cry and cry and/or speak and speak and speak of the ordeal and issues that are right inside your heart and right now, but need to come out not matter what I use to help you, but the idea is to make you express your feelings inside now (not tomorrow too late and maybe another illness can develop, so avoid! and I swear to God later as all comes out - you will feel much better, you will be healed inside and ready for the world to see the change, please ignore those lunatics that are unable to understand your feelings INSIDE and act like her HRH Princess Diana of Wales (, as they never experience the bullies ( ), doesn't mean the bullshit don't exist / kills ( but very much present in your life and right now, not matter if those matters happened years ago, but still TODAY in your mind and better to take them out the illness that continue living with such ill hatred, manners, matters and issues inside you, but out, hit them out and placed the bullies and own bullshit where they belong, right in the bin.

I believe strong that the law and medicine should start separate matters before we become a zombie country full of tables, that lead with such problems as medication, instead of the law and stop / deter the illness, abuse, sick and own mental lies before too late as : HRH Princess Diana of Wales, Paula Yates, my unborn children / brother, Reeva Steenkamp, Natalie Wood, with their own Prince Charles, Bob Geldof, Robert Wagner, ex/husband and his family problems, Oscar Pistorius, etc.
etc ..

As the peoples that came against HRH Princess Diana of Wales abused her mental capacity to lie, mislead and confuse, but went with someone else and on the top of it "insulting" the Lady to bring matters somewhere else, as we said vulgar "to divert traffic" and believe it or not "WE ACTUALLY SEE IT AND EVEN WITNESS TODAY, with Prince Charles and Camilla, so she was not mental and she was speaking of the truth and she was perfectly normal to act that way but unable to find help to assist matters "on that time not this time (far too late!!)" but framed after of mental issues, when it was her bullies that acted against her persona, acted against the law and acted against any principles, and so it was me the victim, and so it was Paula Yates the victim and so it was the rest of victims that are framed badly in society as lack of "family support", because the bullies cowards (oscar pistorius, bob geldof, prince charles, ex/husband, robert wagner, etc) see victim alone and removed all help (natalie wood unable to swim and save own life, but robert wagner watched and refused to help!) to control, as MACHOS ( of society, superior perhaps and if you check properly most comes from Christian believes that cash reputation badly (as me, sinead o'connor, madona, teresa de calcuta/ Frances to Princess Diana of Wales, etc), until the UK law and Canon Law ( don't change, continue the abuse! - Rosario Castellanos de Parker.


Monday 16 May 2016

Post - Mental issues launched today, by the Royal Trio: "Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry" ..

"We can all play our parts by talking and listening to each other", Prince Harry. 

Pedro Fernandez "Dicen Que Los Hombres No Deben Llorar"

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry launched  mental well-being campaign, in order to address present lack of support, when psychological problems.

When we address mental psychological problems, that is exactly what it means, the rotten problem of today's society, that affects more one kind of peoples - than the rest somehow, not matter country of origin, language, sexual orientation, age, religion, colour of skin, male, female, etc.

 The psychological problems usually happens, when the victim endured SHORT / LONG term-time abuse, rape, bullying, war, repression, murder, emotional blackmail, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, domestic abuse, public exposure, endurance, resistance, hide, steal, robbery, oppression, "stalk", spy, monitor, slaver-ism and the list is endless, unlimited and comes with no end.

I let the victim/s of "stalk (as only one issue!)" to speak open ( the ordeal and not just me this time, as (as what she is living now, I become a victim since 1985 - 2016 from the ex/husband and his "family problems!") I am unable to understand how my brother (was living in Mexico, not UK!?-) followed me in the United Kingdom Trafford Area and perished ( ) by the same matters that was my private life as "Slot Machines" and in order to run from domestic abuse at home, caused by the ex/husband, his sister social worker and some members of my family lies (5 boys, the river, the kiss, the china girl, etc) against my reputation, that attached themselves into each other and since day one (1985 - 2016)!? -

As I understand psychological since younger, I don't let the bullies to affect me, but how you deal with your own blood, family, sisters and brothers issues, please tell me how (?as you can see photos family was part of my life, but acting as if we were in war: the 5 boys, the river, the china girl, the kiss, etc ??? ) and the only way to understand madness was when I started studying the WWII and the victims of war basically healed me totally - fully and made me to enjoy life again, which was very difficult to trust peoples again, the shock was enormous, the abuse between families infinite, the BETRAYAL was the full blow!! -

Today, I represent Israel Online Ambassadors ( even as name only, with no cause in the matter but make me feel whole, complete and healed, somehow this lead me to make my own blog ( to express myself, then I discover that I was not the only victim of "domestic BETRAYAL, bullying and abuse", but the rest, with similar mirror lives than mine and we attached into the same stereo types and this is exactly what I want to BREAK today: "The Stigma", where such bullies think that they can get away with the intolerance, murder, abuse and criminal activity, NEVER AGAIN, not matter if family, NEVER AGAIN!! -

etc ..

I only ask one think today and is not to see my family from both sides including the ex-husband, his sister social worker and helpers (except my children), until I know fully well what happened to my brother and the rest of my personal issues, otherwise they use anything in order to frame me after, use me after, or blame me after and I believe today, enough is enough, NEVER AGAIN! - 

Usually such matters mention before (abuse, rape, bullying, war, murder, etc) are very commune to find and experience in countries that are currently suffering war conditions somehow, as well the after effects can be passed to own children afterwards as form of shock, particularly when not heal correct and properly, when no proper medical attention as stigma, when nobody talk about the issues due to "what people will think of us (I don't give a shit, when bully, abuse and murder my own peoples, full stop!!)", when nobody connects with the rest for unlimited of excuses, stigmas and repression and "in order to take the mental issues out of your system and heal fast"- Furthermore when countries that repress the matters "inside of our system" and require full HUMAN CONTROL, but we must to remember ONE THING: "that we are not ROBOTS to keep things inside as form of repression, regression and stigma, but HUMAN PEOPLE that require proper treatment in order to heal (and if mean to speak, to speak, to speak and to speak of the ordeal until satiate, so be it in law, who cares "as soon as it comes out, the rest is not an issue, but a basic human necessity!") fast, very much the same as the rest part/s of our body and the rest is complete crap, bullshit, bullying and repression, regression, intolerance, abuse and corruption "after the abuse, murder and crime EXPERIENCED, no way (who is going to keep inside, nobody, then why us!?), NEVER AGAIN!" -

Such cowards bullies cannot expect SILENCE from us today and I mean my "family and their own problems" from the ex/husband, his sister social worker and some members of my direct family, particularly when RIPPED OPEN all our trust and family apart and complete, so NEVER AGAIN!! -

The reasons why I always think, that the best way to address such matters, particularly when many years had been passed of the abuse and burden and here I am talking about the WWII victims of war and is to OPEN SPEAK OF THE ISSUES, BURDENS AND AFTER SOCKS don't hide nothing, absolutely nothing (as you are allowed to grieve, furthermore when your own mother, father and complete family perished and the way they passed away, without saying goodbye, without proper help by nobody, without proper government interference over the "accident" of HRH Princess Diana of Wales and the Blair's went back to sleep after notice of the same and own book from same Tony Blair explains properly, what a decency!!! -  ), "until fully satiate", furthermore not matter time, not matter nation, not matter reasons, not matter family member, not matters conditions and not matter nothing, but allowed to take everything out in the open!!! - Unfortunately what happens if the matter of the WWII happened in Europe and not in my country Mexico, that I was not aware of the issues until a few years ago when I studied matters of the same WWII and reasons why I understand where the problem comes from, by the ex/husband, his sister social worker and helpers, including members of my family that they were taking FULL ADVANTAGE of the matters and reasons why, I am here today to stop, full stop!!-

As you are aware and with respect to may concern matters, but I am presently representing HRH Princess Diana of Wales, Dodi Al - Fayed and the driver case that unfortunately are not with us today (RIP) and trying to understand matters fully well and in order to help even more to me (as I lost unborn children and brother) and the rest, badly affected, as I believe strong that the way such victims perished was not "an accident" but "a murder with intent" -  When I go with the case of HRH Princess Diana of Wales and her party: Dodi Al  - Fayed and the driver (RIP) is a shock to me - to know full well today, that time passed with not result over matters, furthermore for someone with psychology understanding and since younger.  It will take me a full book here to express over same matters, but I am please of her own children taking the lead in everything (, so I am including a few links of my own findings so far to take my case seriously as a-merit and with respect:

etc ..

In order to become a psychological representative is someone that heals and let the patient go soon afterwards, to keep the patient - victim for future references (excuses), not only mark the victim but becomes a burden to society and the idea / rule is: "when someone that holds a traumatic stage in own life, after received the correct treatment (speak, speak and speak until satiate and take everything out, even by tears!!), then we must let them go"  no questions asked, no reference to nobody and "stop then and there, any kind of emotional attachment", because nobody is the property of the rest, nobody, full stop! -

As you will never hold a patient in any conditions after suffering an accident (sunburn, fish bite, ear infection, etc) for AN ETERNITY, so I am unable to understand WHY the victim with mental issues THAT NEED TO SPEAK OPEN OF THE MATTERS IN ORDER TO HEAL and no shame over the matters as HRH Princess Diana of Wales ( RIP, but need to be hold in medical records, as if  life belongs to the medical team for further research with no form of RESPECT, permit, consent and knowledge from the victim whatsoever, and even after passed away is the same possession, control, manipulation and bribery but this time is her own Spencer family, when public need to pay even for a visit?!-,_Frogmore

I got one request over matters from HRH Princess Diana of Wales issues, explain with instructions of the same in the following link:  and for me to continue investigation, now if nothing happens then mean nobody cares over the issues and I will stop matters all together and make a book instead!-  I hold a letter from HRH Princess Diana of Wales own children permit to make a book over her own life, with thanks for the matters, also I am full aware of the money reward from Al - Fayed family with refer to the "accident", in which I believe was a "crime with intent to kill!" and working alone in the case, with no representation by nobody except myself and my full respect! -

I want to receive public respect over my work, exactly in the same way as HRH Princess Diana of Wales, that worked for charity worldwide and free by her own choice - never mine, when in my case, I am like the rest that want to receive satisfaction and remuneration ( for own work and permit perhaps by The Queen, Elizabeth II as I got bills to pay, very much like HRH Prince Charles of Wales (, Harry Potter writer, Beckham family and the rest UK peoples.  I ask respect ( over my own choices and how I want to deal with my own matters private, exactly in the same as the rest of UK peoples, with thanks, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.   


Friday 13 May 2016

Petition to The Queen Elizabeth II: "Racism, Snobbery and Slavery not acceptable attitude worldwide" ..

Celebration | Playing For Change | Songs Around The World ..

They are many issues within the last past weeks, that got the public attention worldwide by one way or the other as:  "Racism, Snobbery and Slavery not acceptable attitude", but marks the United Kingdom establishment as intolerant, racist and perhaps bully ( ), so LET'S SING OPEN OF OUR ISSUES:  Racism and Racist attitude affect us in many ways of life, even at home by our own family members that separate, discriminate, racially oppress and even kills one to another, even if born by the same father and mother for the RACIST BULLY ( ) we are not equal, but need to infect with illness of own hatred heart towards and against the person that he / she believes is different, when on my LORD'S heart, we are all equal not matter colour, disability, religion, sexual orientation, age, country of birth, etc.

"RACISM that SNOB and SLAVE humanity should be a thing of the past and should be a crime in law the difference, between one to another for no reasons, except bully ( ) malice, spread, hatred of own heart and intolerance, because for my Lord's heart we are all equal and the reasons why we are born, the way we are born, so special, as nobody is perfect.  Unfortunately for the snob, racist and bully ( ) that slave humanity wants all perfect, the reasons why perished 70 million victims of war during WWII and without counting the rest badly affected"-

(I don't intent to own any material and educational purposes)


Muslim, Christian, Anglican, Judaism and the rest worldwide intent to be RELIGIOUS STUDIES only ( ), that do not conform by any disability, sexual orientation, religion, age, or colour of skin and anywhere of the planet earth can profess the freedoms to pray the god that suit you best and own intentions, because even the world and the Vatican comes with own rules, laws and principles, that need to stick by it and by order, law and command, but we question legally and within the law: "Any RELIGIOUS hatred, ill spread ( against the rest, wars, criminal activity, intolerance, bullying, that should be a crime in law and penalise when fall within the law" -

(Again the same boring issue: I don't intent to own any material and educational purposes)

etc ..

RACISM could affect badly, when dis-malting relationships within another nations of the world for no reasons.  When Prime Minister, David Cameron calls Nigeria and Afghanistan "fantastically" -  When we have the rights to speak and express an opinion in public, but need to understand that RACISM against society is not acceptable by law and the rest pay for matters, when removal ( with intent to control and manipulate our world, not the Prime Minister ( that committed the offence by law, but the community pays ( for his own racist attitude against the most need in the world, even ridicule.

There is an agreement to increase protections for whistle-blowers ( ), when in my case past / present with my blog ( never existed the luxury, holding more than 440 notes, but branded by the ex/husband, his sister social worker (, helpers that acts as ASBOS and own world of violence that calls: "family problems", with all the names under the sun, stalk, spy, bully (, insult my mental capacity, gender with masochism (, country of birth of corruption and anything that is mine handled with constant (RACISM) monitor by himself, his sister social worker, helpers, the (local) government and UK system, now pulling my children to help (as if my unborn children was not enough!!), when steal, robs, snub, racially oppress, attacks my persona ( ) with: "the English system for the English peoples" after paying my taxes since day one (1985 - 2016), as lack of trust then I question, why I should trust such peoples and why the ex/husband married me (now divorce for same HATRED, that nobody can live civil by the constant / non-stop gossip that kills my reputation!! ), perhaps in order to remove all my human rights, kill my peoples (unborn children, brother, etc  ) based on lies (5 boys, the river, the china girl, the kiss, etc) and satiate own family ancestry, blood and tradition, may perhaps to hide own country reality and divert matters to somebody else's instead (tax avoidance, slave, child abuse, etc) and criminal world, with respect:
Currently doing advocacy:
etc ..

Nigeria's President says he is 'shocked / embarrassed' by remarks.  'Yes' Nigeria is corrupt, President admits.  After the offence: Nigeria not seeking apology, but 'wants its assets back'  India wants Kohinoor Diamond back.  The "snobbery, racist attitude and slaver oppression when removal of all and everything", may affect badly the British Empire:

etc ..

My same words and feelings that there is nothing more from me, even if the ex/husband and his "family problems" said sorry would not return back all mine stolen, damaged, killed and corrupted to no repair, so who is at fault!! .. 

It is not the first time David Cameron, Prime Minister insult:  It is not the first time a Prime Minister (Tony Blair) fails own duty, that KILLED innocents: HRH Princess Diana of Wales, Dodi Al - Fayed and driver "accident (", the Middle East "war on terror", etc.  It is not the first time a Prime Minister use The Queen, for whatever reasons: support, hide, shield, etc.  And not just The Queen, Elizabeth II but Prince Harry is used to help government issues (NHS ), differ to charity (Invictus Games ) matters (without offence, that I am also disabled!!).  The action itself that can be made in good heart towards humanity, but government may use as excuse ( to go against peoples. When perhaps David Cameron ( "snobbery" is a personal family affair (, way out of order with excellent education.

In the other side, that belongs to charity work in which The Royal Family has been doing for many years and generation worldwide, but opposite from government issues, somehow today confuse when Prince Charles interfere ( and differ from Royal duties, exposing own family badly:  HRH Princess Diana of Wales, Dodi Al - Fayed and the driver ( all I can said, until further investigation   "before" renovation  as nobody can pass the English law. ).  While The Queen has the rights to know all and everything that happens within government ( issues, but up to now She never got involve, except Royal Life and Duties. Including medicine and treatment, because not every case is the same.

As a mother I understand (, but when born with duty as Prince Charles crowned ( with intent to follow matters properly, furthermore when responsibilities before the law, like Prince Edward, Princess Margaret and even Prince William of Gloucester with respect (RIP):

etc ..

The Queen Elizabeth II looks delighted, as she wins £50 Tesco gift card at Royal Windsor Horse Show, after race victory ( and I can not be more trilled for Her, but for me any social involvement is questioned by the "family problems" of the ex/husband, his sister social worker and some members of my family (now using my children to help!), that makes my private life as when play slot machines which is a normal part of the English system, like bingo, horse betting, lottery, but used against me to cover own criminal activity, as this is how my brother passed away with respect ( and since then and up to now (January 2010 - May 2016), never visit Mexico not even once, even probe by my passports either Mexican or UK, but falsely blame? -

Now would you LOVE somebody like those peoples that use everything that is mine, with intention to hurt you badly after, blame you after of everything and even frame you after as the worse possible ways, forms and even shapes, would you? -

Can you believe "the worse experience of my life" when lost my hearing due to meningitis at very tender age of 9 years old and removed not just my dog ( that was my complete family, Mexican background, friends, language, atmosphere, country of birth, food, weather, environment, brother ( ), but also my unborn children due to "family problems" of the ex/husband, his sister social worker and some members of my direct family, that cashed with own lies (5 boys, the river, the kiss, and etc) against me and mine, with respect.

As today, I am forced by my own children to speak to own father again after divorce and after removal of my matters, because he keeps telling them, what to tell me, instead to sit in a court of law and tell me what he wants as everybody "normal" does the matters, or at least sent me a letter to explain his own matters, but hide with my children to go and tell me, as if I don't know full well where everything comes from, "his own sister, social worker", that reflects his own words (as we remember!):  "Dad: can you tell him ( )??????" and after I lost everything, believe me when I am telling you, those 2 peoples are the last individuals I want to see them again ( ), including own personal issues and since children !! -

As I am doing investigations of my brother ( even playing the slot machines to understand matters and reasons why I refuse to see peoples and members of my family, except my children and the reason, as I don't want any of them change the way I see matters, with respect, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.