Sunday 1 July 2012

SOPA, PIPA and now CISPA. Petition reached almost 200,000 signatures, enough to get the attention of Mark Zuckerberg and the rest of his inner circle ..

The Statue of Liberty, represent Freedom of the United States of America, from July 4, 1776. It gave birth to a Beautiful Country called America. Today, the American People are fighting for Freedom, Human and Civil Rights, Respect, Tolerance, Civil Liberties, Freedom of Speech and Equality !!-The day America detained, our Civil Liberties, Freedom of Speech, Human and Civil Rights, Tolerance, Respect and  Peace!!..

This song is about People from all over the World, who with time, they have immigrated to America. "Everywhere around the World, they're coming to America ... Everyone of them got a dream to take to America and because of that, they're coming to America... "

So sad to see the American dream chained, dragged along and put behind bars. Detained under any Terrorist Act, Law or Treaty. Imposed by the same Politicians, Country and People. if lucky, the Statue of Liberty will be kept secure, in Guantanamo Jail. Otherwise, it will perish in Execution. ..

Chief Seattle's speech (by Mark Sawalha)..

Do I need to add more? ..

American Holocaust of Native American Indians (FULL Documentary) ..


A Video of Guantanamo Jail Cuba, made by a 13 Year OLd. 

English Version: I want to share the following information, please SIGN the petition and let's together save the Internet going to Jail !! ..
1- Dear all,
The Internet strikes again! The press is taking note of the work we've done to put CISPA supporters on the hot seat. From WebProNews: After Demand Progress took Facebook to task over the service’s support of CISPA, through the use of of an online petition, the social media king offered a response to quell the masses. According to their email updates, Demand Progress’ petition has reached almost 200,000 signatures, enough to get the attention of Mark Zuckerberg and the rest of his inner circle. There are three easy ways to help us continue this fight:
•Click here to chip in a few dollars to support Demand Progress. We rely on our members to fund our work. If you can't donate, you can help us put more pressure on Facebook and Congress by letting your friends know about our campaigns:
• Click here to share our open letter to Mark Zuckerberg with your friends.
• Click here to ask your friends to email their lawmakers in opposition to CISPA.

2- FireDogLake notes that we've put enough pressure on lawmakers that the White House has started openly criticizing CISPA: This follows the pattern of the SOPA/PIPA debate. Everyone supported it until Internet freedom activists raised awareness. Then the White House drew some lines in the sand against it. And eventually, the bills died. The civil liberties and privacy coalition emerging against CISPA may need some additional players from the tech community to really put a nail in this thing, but the progress so far is encouraging. There are three easy ways to help us continue this fight:
•Click here to chip in a few dollars to support Demand Progress. We rely on our members to fund our work. If you can't donate, you can help us put more pressure on Facebook and Congress by letting your friends know about our campaigns:
• Click here to share our open letter to Mark Zuckerberg with your friends.
• Click here to ask your friends to email their lawmakers in opposition to CISPA.

3- Please help push this letter -- and the image of Mark Zuckerberg -- viral on Facebook, and let them know how furious we are. You can use these links: If you're already on Facebook, click here to share with your friends. If you're already on Twitter, click here to tweet about the campaign. Or, just email the link to your friends:
Here's a sample email you can send to your friends:
 What is Facebook thinking? They've signed on in support of CISPA -- the new bill that would obliterate online privacy, give the military crazy new abilities to spy on the Internet, and potentially let ISPs block sites and cut off users accused of piracy. The Center for Democracy and Technology says, "CISPA has a very broad, almost unlimited definition of the information that can be shared with government agencies and it supersedes all other privacy laws." According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation: An ISP could even interpret this bill as allowing them to block accounts believed to be infringing, block access to websites like The Pirate Bay believed to carry infringing content, or take other measures provided they claimed it was motivated by cybersecurity concerns. Internet users were able to push GoDaddy to withdraw its support of SOPA. Now it's time to make sure Facebook knows we're furious.
Please tell Facebook to withdraw its support for CISPA. Just click here:

One last thing -- Demand Progress's small, dedicated, under-paid staff relies on the generosity of members like you to support our work. Thank you! ..

En Español: La Cámara de Representantes aprueba la ley CISPA de ciberseguridad. La Cámara de Representantes aprueba la ley CISPA de ciberseguridad 
Queridos amigos y amigas,
Ahora mismo, compañías como Microsoft y Facebook están apoyando una poderosa nueva ley que permitiría a EE.UU. espiar casi todo lo que hacemos online. Pero si alzamos nuestras voces ahora, podremos exigirle a estas corporaciones que den marcha atrás y frenen el ciber-espionaje. Únete a la acción: En estos momentos, EE.UU. está a punto deaprobar una nueva ley que permitiría a agentes estadounidenses espiar casi todo lo que hacemos online. Pero podemos detenerles antes del voto final.
Ciertas empresas a las que confiamos nuestra información personal, como Microsoft y Facebook, apoyan CISPA. Esta ley permitiría a las corporaciones compartir toda la actividad y contenido generado por nosotros con agentes del gobierno norteamericano, sin ninguna orden judicial, y en nombre de la seguridad cibernética. Esta ley CISPA anularía las garantías de intimidad de casi todos los ciudadanos del mundo, sin importar dónde vivamos ni desde dónde naveguemos en la web.Si nos unimos y alzamos nuestras voces ahora, podremos impedir que estas empresas que se lucran con nuestro uso de la web apoyen el ciber-espionaje. Firma ya la petición dirigida a estas poderosas corporaciones:
La Ley de Intercambio y Protección de Información Cibernética (CISPA) permitiría a empresas que hacen negocios en los EE.UU. recoger datos exactos de todas nuestras actividades online y entregárselos al gobierno estadounidense, sin notificarnos siquiera de que estamos siendo vigilados. Sin necesidad de orden judicial, causa legal, ni debido proceso. Y lo que es aún más grave: esta ley provee a gobiernos y corporaciones una inmunidad que los blindaría ante posibles denuncias por violación de la intimidad u otras acciones ilegales. Quienes apoyan esta ley alegan que la información de los usuarios estará protegida, pero la realidad es que incluye enormes lagunas jurídicas que convertirían todo lo que hacemos online en un posible objetivo. Y hoy en día toda nuestra información privada está almacenada en Internet: desde nuestras transacciones bancarias hasta nuestras compras personales.CISPA está siendo impulsada en el Congreso y se someterá a votación en unos pocos días. Lancemos un llamado masivo para impedir que las corporaciones le entreguen a EE.UU. un cheque en blanco que permita controlar todos nuestros movimientos. Haz click abajo para actuar:
Este año, ya ayudamos a detener SOPA, PIPA y ACTA: tres grandes leyes que eran graves amenazas a Internet. Ahora, bloqueemos CISPA y acabemos con el ataque del gobierno norteamericano a nuestro Internet. Con esperanza y determinación,
El resto del equipo de Avaaz. Más Información: Se cocina en EE.UU. la Ley CISPA que legitimaría el espionaje en Internet (Fayerwayer):
Proponen una polémica ley antipiratería (Clarín):
Facebook matiza su apoyo a CISPA (RTVE):
Eramos pocos… y llegó CISPA, otro intento de EE.UU. por controlar Internet (Noticias de Tecnología):
Golpe a CISPA: la Casa Blanca indica que deberá preservar la intimidad y las libertades civiles (Alt1040):
¿Quieres contribuir a construir la comunidad de Avaaz?
Somos una organización enteramente sostenida por pequeñas donaciones individuales y no aceptamos dinero de gobiernos o corporaciones. Nuestro dedicado equipo de campañas se asegura de que todas las contribuciones, incluso las más pequeñas, den un alto rendimiento. Nota escrita por Rosario Castellanos de Parker 1/7/2012.


The Life of an American Army Officer !..


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