Saturday, 9 February 2013

The Bedroom Tax affair and the 50 shadows of pure indecence ..

I want to mention before we carry on this note that the picture has nothing to do with the note itself, but intents to show the British People how we look into their own well organized Government Services, including the Bedroom Taxes. I am a great believer in Respect, Peace and Tolerance with other cultures, religion and traditions, furthermore equality. Please in the name of GOD, read the whole note before jump into conclusion, as we love (Muslims) People Worldwide. This note intent to highlight domestic abuse women gets from those cultures mention in the photo, in the same way as We, The British People of colour, religion, sexual orientation, disability, age, traditions, country of birth, language, creed, etc,  gets abuses from the British Government and their own staff, but with well earned British taxes ..
Yuri - Serenata Jarocha - Colás y Nicolás - Tilingo Lingo - La bamba ..

It is Sad the reality of many Women, Men and Children lives in the UK with the MP´s and Government Staff (Social Services, Social Workers, Police, Doctors, DSS, NHS, etc), cuts and abuses into our personal life, who are driven by family problems, personal vendettas, neighbourhood, paparazzi, stalkers, pranks, lies, defamation, hate propaganda, bullying and the full harassment treatment, that the Government staff  brings with them to work, for us to receive the full blast in the services (Education, NHS, DSS, etc). The services that by law need to be meet and the Government staff get paid for, but We, The British People do not receive the services because: a)"lottery postcode, b)"who is your friend attitude", c)"tomorrow", d)"somebody will call you back (and never does anyway)"- In Britain at the present time we are living in a world of uncertain, with so many changes into the British system, services and institution, but Prince of Wales call us:"dysfunctional world"- The thing is we do not have his Duchy of Cornwall to lie flat down and have a peaceful rest life like him, but work. Not, I am not working at the moment, but barraged by "family problems" that I was not aware off and even, when divorce by the same intolerance but 27 years later. I found out that the ex/husband sister, have problems with me and my beautiful country of Birth, Mèxico. You may fell sorry for me, but like me, there is hundreds of people (disabled) in Britain, bullied endless by the same fallen system that brings intolerance, abuse of power/profession into our lives. No, this time is not Prince Charles, Jimmy Savile, Dale Farm Gypsies, Margaret Thatcher or Mickey Mouse, but the same people that you put all your trust on them to be abused in great measures and with little control from the places where they work for, but protected by the same unions, employment regulations, code of practices and hundred of abuses, that do not check background from staff, or set of reasons why, the employer wants to work for that company or wants to be social worker, police officer, job centre plus sttaff, etc?- As a Society, we have a duty of respect and care/protect, code of practices and hundreds of responsabilities into the lives of children, elderly, families and even pets, that are unable to defend themselves. Furthermore government staff have a duty to provide a happy environment to Britain, including the Police, for all of us to live in Peace state of mind, body and soul.  But failing  badly the British system, by bringing to work all their own garbage, instead of putting the rubbish in the bins provided by the state, which is the courts and down the lies, defamation, abuse of profession and power against innocent individuals, who are British residents and pay taxes. This is why the Government services (NHS, etc) are failing us (British) badly, as those services are not a battle-fields, but jobs that provide services to UK residents.  In Law there is two sides of the coin, not just one as the professionals are trying to bring cases to court, also with real probe in the matter and not only because they need to make "target", but target innocents individuals, children, disabled, families, elderly. Penalising wistle blowers (me) removing everything from them (blogs, fb page, etc),  because those people speak the true. they dare to stop the lies and "family problems, paparazzi, vendettas, abuses to humanity, etc" at home or abroad and write about it, but to be shut up by the same government staff, council, social workers, etc. "It is frightening to live indoors full time, with no protection from the Law, that we need to request help and get nothing at all: If something happens to me or my 2 daughters in the UK or abroad, by the fallen Police services, as they keep ignoring my request for help, then I place absolute blame to the ex/husband and his family problems, including his social worker/sister, as well the British Monarchy to ignore my pleas so many times for Humanity help"-There is not secret that the British services are hostage by the same intolerance of Government staff, who have full control of the services. They are afraid to be seeing own abuses in the open fields (court), bullying and racism to the state and people affected by them badly (disabled, children, old, families, etc). We are paralyse with fear of horrid vendettas, by the same Government staff that represent groups of disabled people, but abuse to the extremes. Teaching lessons to Innocent council residents (me, old, children, families, etc) unaware of the malice and hate propaganda against them, because many times they are disabled/unaware. Instead of fixing a hide camera in every household that have children, old and disabled, to check abuses of carers and probe in a court of law of such lies/true of the matter|s, how much we could be saving (in cash)?-Because the British people of today, are Educate to University standards, impossible to commit all the abuses listed by government staff, impossible!!. There is always the minority, but to be label all the British people in the same way is cruel and racist, by government staff. Unfortunately, Innocent people (children, old, disabled, families, etc) unaware of those things happening to them by the same illness, age, suffering years with the abuse/er of power and profession (shout, etc), that in law is a crime itself (me with the sister of the ex husband a social worker), but protect by the same immunity of own jobs and the same British law protect Government staff, with unions representatives and the full monthly, so we disabled people (me), families, old, children and the lot against them, by law stood no chance and let alone, against Goliath!!!-As I mention before, we are creating a society that is paralysing us with fear, by the same British Government and staff, but the British people are educate to the highest standars?-


For example we got the case of: pedophile works with children, but fail to investigate background, past history, family problems, or even set of reasons of why they want to work on that place and with children?-By law all those little things matters, as I lost unborn children, my brother is death, my sister detained under the mental health act, daughter bullied by the whole school, my pets abused or killed and me bullied by the ex/husband and his friends (neighbourhood, council, police,, etc), social worker/sister, the whole are of Altrincham and beyond. Where I lost everything by the same intolerance and hostage at home, by the same people, who remove all the local services (council staff) from me, since we move to Trafford area (1993) and the ex/husband sister becomes a social worker. Even treats on fb of the same people, as the photo below shows, but I am not friends with any of my family and their own problems, this is why I am divorce, but they are on my social life online with treats, pretending to be someone, to mislead?-Even on Christmas follow me  (the ex/husband) when gave cards to neighbours (after me), to impose and embarass me?-They got confused into why they received 2 cards instead of one, but the ex/husband would never told them of our divorce, but arrive to confuse, stalk is against the Law!! ..

I mean what is this kind of harassment (words), by the same Family problems posted on FB?- ..

There is hundred of Families in the UK that are torn apart by the small groups of individuals, that represent the fallen British system (social workers, council staff, solicitors, etc) with perverse/malice interest to council residents, unable to obtain justice by the lack of honest solicitors/barristers failing standards, that mislead or remove of all that is yours (children, family, husband, etc), who gave them the rights?-.It is only a small group of criminals, that destroys everything that the Queen Elizabeth II gave to Britain, believe me, you will never have this life again as she promised to give to Britain the very best and this is the repayment to a great Woman and your own Queen?-I wish my People in Mèxico ever gave this opportunity in little or bigger measures, but a better standards of life that they are living now, for a very rich country, but when?-


What are we trying to achieve in the care professions in the UK because perfection do not exist only was on Hitler, Mussolini, Franco and Stalin minds, killed 70 million victims of war (1939-45), that were of Jewish background, disabled, colour, religion, age, etc. "What we want is a service, not perfection, it's to much to ask for?"-I made a note for you to fell proud of what you got, it is so nice abroad to be British Citizen, we are the envy of the World. Please do not let anyone ever destroy the Monarchy, particularly those Queens and Kings that work for country, land and people regardes off, even more, in the name of the Faith (God). Unfortunately, parents comes with no instructions or manuals, plenty faults and so are colour, religion, sexual orientation age, disabled, children and old, but British people can not afford by law, this army of abuse and interference by a third person (social workers, council staff, solicitors, etc) doing the jobs of a police officer ( neighbourhoods, paparazzis, etc), in order to block the common sense of a police officer duties. Where today, we are creating endless groups (council, social workers, etc), jobs (poll tax, bedroom tax, etc) and messing (destroying) with the business of others individuals, that are not our concern, or nothing to do with the services they provide, but using and abusing the services (NHS, DSS, etc) as if they are the owners, only because they work on those places or represent the British Government fallen system (social workers, council staff, etc) by helping own friends to win cases and in my case is the ex/husband (social worker, council, neighbour, etc) friends that work for the same places. The riots in the UK was an example of absent parents, separated by own children so the carer can have family life, destroying other people lives and families, but who is minding the children,?-.  Yes, there is abuse on childrens homes, elderly, families, pets (10/100) but not by the amount of unrealistic cases that nobody checks on those abuses of the social care jobs, nobody checks if the case is real, abuse of power and profession or if the carer (social worker, etc) is trying to make a target in the work place, as I explain before on my "family problems" and the abuse of me and mine, by a social worker, sister of the ex/husband destroying everything that was our life, including our little lives and my brother, but full aware of the malice and damaged. The Judges got no time to investigate those crimes, lies or false information/accusation, many times are mislead, relying heavily on social workers, solicitors, barristers, council staff, etc, and the honest of those professionals jobs that work together, "for and against the case" - "breaks or makes family life" and all depends who is your friend?-Playing Gods like Dr Mengele (the Angel of Death), Hitler's own exterminator, with his own philosophy  of: one to the right, one to the left, means one child was saved and  the other killed in the gas chammbers.The Camp Doctors and The Angel of Death, were fine standing, cultured, Husbands, Fathers, Lovers, who morning and night kissed their Wives and tucked own Children into bed (apologies my blog was attacked by the same intolerance, but the note itself reached a higher amount of visitors). I believe that by fixing a camera at home, where family, disabled, children or old person lives is the only way to know for sure, if the person accused is victim or criminal, maybe save us wages on those jobs that cost the British country a real mint, those jobs are your taxes, because those professionals (social workers, etc) removed all my jobs based on lies. The same as Princess Diana bullied, when she made a request of help, with books, etc, (RIP), but how many are like her and me, except that, I am a nobody with no status of anything, just a plain Mexican. I am not accusing Prince Charles of anything, apologies if this look like, as everybody will come to God and explain to him of reason/s so, who I am to accuse people for?-However, I was forced to come out in the open about my past life, so it should be everybody, not just me. I am highlighting the problem/s that our society lives today, with sickness, violence, bullying everywhere by little Hitlers, in modern British soils. A country that should go up and not down in any way, form or shape and the best example in the whole wide World.
The Government staff jobs (council, social workers, etc) mainly were create on times, where the poll tax started and Business were on the roads. Today those same excuses are in order to create more jobs with taxes, but called the "Bedroom Tax", except the Business gone and they are hide on the Internet, so there is no money to pay for the extra amount of government jobs. This is why we are in Finacial crisis, but nothing to do with British residents services, as we are unable to control the British system, except the same government staff. The government jobs involve power and profession with loads of abuses to families, children, old and disabled people, particularly poor and lone, creating a wave of abuse with close doors, terror by little Hitlers, with tax money. A burden of taxes (poll tax, bedroom tax, etc) that we realistic can not afford at the moment, because the Business on the roads are slowly going into the internet and nobody is collecting the taxes over there, even if those Business are living on UK soils?-Today, British people are receiving education to the highest standards to be accounted in law by own merits or abuses of power/profession, as we are living in a multicultural country and society aware of differences, colours, disabilities, age, sexual orientation, religion, etc, as we are not aliens.

David Cameron and Clegg wants to remove the services, education, benefits, etc, but unfortunately this is why the taxes are paid for. The Job Centre plus/Business entreprice/Chambers of Commerce, etc, they are a form of Business bodies that act on benefit and a duty to create jobs. Unfortunately the abuse in government places is out your own imagination, as those jobs are given to people friends of the same staff, with no qualifications in the matter, earning your tax money. They are causing confusion, abuse and intolerance to Business (small) with loads of (hide) harassment and tales of: "intellectual property rights"-Unfortunately the abuse of power/profession within government staff (ignorance) is costing the British tax payee a big chunk. As those labels are fully operating inside eBay/Ebid/Groupon/Internet website, etc and free of tax duties. With the full knowledge of the same government staff and covering "who is your friend" to avoid the penalty. "Here on this note, I am talking about a small group/s that work for the British government and not all of them. I am responsable for my own writing, but I am not responsable for what you want to understand"-La Paloma Blanca was the name of my Business trading on eBay, from ground cero to become Gold powerseller in less than 6 months, it lasted over a year. Rosario Parker was my married name, the Business and marriage are now dissolve, thanks to Government staff and "family problems" of the ex/husband sister/the social worker, causing misery to my life And guess who won the prices:"The Chambers of Commerce, Bench label and Littlewoods catalogue, etc, now trading on eBay and abroad, with my idea?"I got letters of permission from the label company and receipts of purchase in their own shop/s but accussed of "trade marks lies"-Please do not fell sorry for me, as the small business on eBay all gone and file Bankruptcy, Britain is on the brink of suicide for the same matter and crime. Because one thing is to sell the items and another very different is to make garments, but accused of trade marks, living in the UK and the clothes made on China?-This abuse of government staff is for everybody, not just me or small Busines.
While I am unemployed of not fault of my own as explain before, I am writing to contribute to the British Crown and Country, mainly because of the Jubilee Celebration and to pay my respects to the Queen Elizabeth II and help the Economy. Somehow for the hospitality to be living in the UK for more than 27 years, but my work/material stolen again in which my blog was badly afected, by the British government staff. In which this note alone won a movie "Skyfall" and the Angel words was what it makes  the beautifull song.This note was used to make the Paralympics Olympiad london 2012, and create the woman that was placed in the middle at the opening of the ceremony, do you remember?- Troy Davies case of death penalty only won Oscars in American movies, instead to give freedom to the man as the note was intented to do. What a shame on those people that make money based on misfortune and pain of the Human kind with so little care!! "Spielberg American director who defined generations of cinema lovers, say ‘Lincoln’ is his most ambitious movie. While I wrote the notes, not to inspire Adele, Spielberg, Olympiad millions in the bank or even Lincoln, but to save a life that was Troy Davies, Cancer victim that reflects in the way I fell with the "family problems", when I lost my unborn children and brother or even the Irish Travellers that lost their own homes.What a sick society we live nowhdays, where a few people made millions, based on the pain of the others like "Skyfall" and people buying the songs. To benefit crimes against Humanity like my unborn children, brother, pets, Troy Davies and every single victim of the WWII which in total were 70 million and plastered their lives when killed on my blogs for people to be aware of the murders and stop the crimes, but making millions to so famous individuals, without mention  the terrible pain of losing your own envirolment or home, like the Irish travellers and made a Bond movie and music about it. The government insults of us unemployed with bleeding benefit cuts, and living with a meagree £700 a month full time writing (me), but some people earns with my own material £41,000 a day!-  If they can not read at the bottom of every one of my notes I write, it is not my problem when stealing my material that by Law they need to abide and obey (that money is for the British people and crisis). I am unemployed, how do I sue to a rich ambitious individual with little care in stealing my material, no wonder the world is in bad shape and poverty in great measures, where only a few millionaries and the rest suffer poverty !!. This note, by Rosario Castellanos de Parker.


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