Stunning young girl and beauty of Sauth Africa model: "Reeva Steenkamp" (RIP) ..
Jon and Vangelis - Love is ..
My heart goes to the Family of a well known South African beauty and model, of a great woman of substance and leader of Human Rights for her country of South Africa:"Reeva Steenkamp"-As on the day of her murder, she was about to give a speech regarding "Domestic Violence" to the South African People in general, but killed by the same domestic violence- So, let's to do the speech on her behalf and highlight the criminal matter/s that surround all women in the world. Reeva Steenkamp is one of the millions of women worldwide killed by the same intolerance, illness and posesives of machos (Men) cabrios. I am talking about a small group of men that insult the rest of their own masculine world population in the most grotesque and degrading ways imaginary to mind, body, soul and spirit. Think or they want you to think those machos, that they can get away with murder of their own macabre actions and violence, but justice. Reeva Steenkam died in the hands of violence, intolerance, abuse and revenge of those charismatic guys that the World same to love to bits, but unaware of their own Hearts and Feelings towards their own Women. Cowards of our modern Society, that are not afraid to communicate those feelings (behind doors) in many ways and manners to their own women, hurting and hunting them, as if they were animals and killing them in many ways and manners to mislead, twist, corrupt the Law, but kill. For those men is a sport trill and many times those cowards are help by the same kind of parasites of our modern society that helps in the vengefully hunting and spreading of violence. Parasites of our society that do not only kill the victim but the holly Law as well into two bits. Separating our well known Society and Laws into two bands/ways/forms of people and opinions regarding the matter or murder, worldwide. Human kind same to see only their own IDOL behind the bars accused of murder, but unable to see the Murder itself and guess what?-The small Hitlers get away with the whole murder, by world wide status, money, fame and violence. This is not a good example to our young people of tomorrow as they can see the dysfunctional behavior and may copie their own Idols, imitating their own actions of evil ways!-So, when are we going to finish the criminal stuff and abuse towards our women/girls of any age, religion, incapacity, colour, sexual orientation, etc, because without us men would not be on earth in a million years. Here is where we said "Respect" to the mother who give you birth to all men regarded off, as women are not prostitutes or cheap womb labour, but made into one, by the twisted society/religion/politics. Women can not get pregnant by the Holly Spirit and in some sides of the world are prisoners by it, when termination (abortion) are chosen by them, when rape or out of own will-I mean it is not so bad enough to be stuffed (semen) our bodies, without our consent, permit, knowledge and agreement in the full matter, but we need to suffer the rape as well in Justice and into our Human Rights/Laws, but what about the men who rape those rights?- And the child (fetus), what it got to do with the abuse itself to be penalise into termination (abortion) and murder, when he/she is not into an age to have a say, if wants to live or died?!-What about to wait for when the fetus (child) is 21 years old of life and then, if they want to have a termination or not but to choose and how many of those fetus/human people, would said yes/no (Nobody!!)?-I do have respect to the wishes of women who wants to have a termination (abortion) for any reasons they may have, because who I am to condone them?!-By Law women owns their own body, mind and spirit and they can do anything they want with it and since birth, but answer of own actions direct to our God alone. Fortunately there is a small group of women (me), who do not want to have a termination (abortion), for whatever reason/s they may have but forced, where is the Law to protect us and the child?!- We, The World can help to heal our system with bad men (small groups), that murder/rape/abuse women worldwide. We, The World ask respect to our women of tomorrow worldwide, with fresh Laws to protect us. We, The Women wants our own place and Court of Law, to set our own Laws and protect our own kind (my unborn children), from male population/machist attitude. The bad reaction of Oscar Pistorius has nothing to do of taking any tablets (steroids), alcohol, or medication, when killed Reeva Steenkamp, but bad Heart due to jealously. The Jealously itself is the worse weapon or poison to Human population, I lost unborn children because of that reason alone. The steroids business on Oscar Pistorius home has to be deal on a separate court of Law, with a separate hearing and a separate crime itself to be deal with by the Crown of Justice to find out: why those steroids where inside Oscar home?- The same matter has to be reach in London, to open an inquest into why oscar failed the steroids exam, before" the Olimpiad in London 2012. As it was clearly the performance Oscar Pistorius gave us in Sports, as he was label the "fastest man on earth"-It is not my place or anybody elses place to decide of stripping Oscar Pistorius of the medals gained or not, but the Organization of the Olympiads in London after a proper investigation into the matter. The Murder of Reeva Steenkamp has nothing to do with steroids, alcohol, drugs, food poison, etc. As taking steroids in sport is a crime in the field of sports when cheating and misleading. The murder of Reeva Steenkamp with 4 gun shoots and a cricket bat with blood that are believe fractured her skull, then in question of Law, we call "Murder, by 1, 2, 3, 4 degree, plus the blood cricket bat that fractured Reeva's skull"- Reeva Steenkamp died in the arms of her partner, Oscar Pistorius, after hours of hunting her around the house as neighbours heard screams coming from Oscar home, but nobody called the police or services (incredible!). Reeva Steenkamp died on the earlier hours of Valentine's day, 14/2/2013 (RIP) after 4 gunshots and cricket bat with blood was found inside Oscar House/Reeva's body. Oscar Pistorius was not on any illusion of steroids, drugs, alcohol, or anything similar, but full aware of what he wanted to accomplice "kill Reeva Steenkamp"and then called his family soon after or when Reeva Steenkamp was barely alive as reports said in the matter:"According to City Press, Mr Pistorius also called his father and sister and asked them to come to the house at around 3.20am on Thursday" People involve in the "accident/murder" of Reeva Steenkamp, who were there for a few seconds before she passed away as the report said, maybe accounted in a court of Law for cover/witness a criminal act. "Miss Steenkamp was said to be still breathing as security guards, neighbours and Mr Pistorius' family gathered, and he tried to give her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. But once police and paramedics arrived on the scene, she was declared dead.". The reason/s of the murder itself, we will never know as Oscar Pistorius keep changing the real reason/s, with a wave of lies that has nothing to do with steroids or any other alien similar. The police, Judges, Solicitors, Barristers and everyone involve of the murder and justice of Reeva Steenkamp, need to reach a verdict based on swearing on the Holly Bible and with the real facts of what it was found inside Oscar's Home/Reeva Steenkamp body on the day of the crime, including human people as a witness. When Oscar Pistorius was aware of Reeva's (RIP) body and mind state or even life/death capacity of the young woman's body, then he contact by phone his family and friends also shouted neighbours for help, but not before (strange)?!-Oscar Pistorius forgot to speak to police, doctors or ambulance for help before contact his family, friends and even neighbours for "advice in the matter or maybe morale support"-But the action was not done until after all of those people mention before (Oscar Family, neighbours, friends), arrived to Oscar Pistorius home and witness Reeva Steenkamp body, mind, soul, etc (cold murder). It doesn't matter who contact those services (police, ambulance or doctor), but the fact that time was left to pass to reach help to save Reeva's Steenkamp life. Time means a lot in question of Law and much more in matters of life/death, that means murder/save life, but also means that People involve are full aware of the murder/save life action itself. In other words cover murder or criminality is a crime matter by Law. Here we are talking about Reeva Steenkamp life/death hanging in the limbo, by the slow attitude of the people (Oscar and his family, security and neighbours), who were involve in the drama minutes or hours before Reeva passed away, but ignoring her shouts for help as neighbours heard them: This is exactly what happened to Princess Diana who died in the tunnel of Paris in the hands of her ex/love: Prince Charles, hunting the young Princess in a form of paparazzi all over Paris, she was unable to reach the Hospital on time, in the same way as Reeva Steenkamp. The jealousy reflect on both Princes Charles and Oscar Pistorius, as for Diana was Dody sitting next to her, Oscar was the email message from a rugby player: I can not understand in question of Law, which of those young lives, who were accused of, with no valid whatsoever in the matter, as Prince Charles was going out with Camilla since married to Princess Diana and divorce for the same matter and Reeva was not the wife of Oscar, to either of them to be hunted and killed after in the most horrid ways as possible?-Oscar Pistorius is a risk to society itself, as own police records speak lauder than my own words here to describe the hate of past abuses with other women as well: Unfortunately Reeva Steenkamp own light was to much for Oscar to bear, in the same way as Princess Diana was to Prince Charles and both killed in "accidents" and the tales off- Women need to have a place in Society that protect us in a court of Law, where murder means murder and the murder, criminal and matters themselves can be settled in a court of law, with clean, transparent and open bill of women rights. Where Mothers, Sisters, Daughters, Aunts, Cousins, Nieces, etc, of those men that rape, hurt or kill women of any age, are not to interfere with the course of the Law itself, by any means, ways, forms or shapes. We, The Women Worldwide had enough of the murders and criminality into our own gender and if not careful we are going to be extint soon. "We, The Women have enough of vengefully aims and lies that surround our lives for an eternity of abuse of power and profession from men showing us their own superiority/machismo. As if we are living in the wild with the Lion King in extreme danger, forcing us to get rid of everything we ever have: life, social life, money, family, beauty, fame, stardom, children, etc. In order to please those men and their own machist attitude with own"family problems", then later to get blame without a court hearing?-Women walks in life alone with fear from the same intolerance that surround our lives. How many of those women are left death alive, as everything is removed from us (me), by the same intolerance and machist attitude?!- Billions of women are killed worldwide as Reeva Steenkamp, Lady Diana Spencer (hunted), etc, that not matter status, colour, disability, age, but killed without mercy, full aware of the matter (at any time) by the criminal and pretend it was an "accident."-We, The Women worldwide can not find a place safe on earth, where to find support to cover and protect us or what is ours (my unborn children) by law. Women are living a death sentenced in many countries in the world, forced to live a life with fear, intimidation and extreme poverty (India, Mexico, Pakistan, China, Africa, Middle East, etc). Millions of women worldwide runs for their own life bullied, everywhere they goes by the ex/husbands, to reach nowhere, unable to get access to help like Princess Diana or me, both of us requesting help. Diana in a form of books, t.v. and me on FB, both of us living in the UK, in a country that we are supposed to go up, not down. While it is too late for me to protect my own kind (unborn children), I intent to highlight the crimes against humanity to women worldwide, as I have a duty of care to my daughters. Since the times of the caves women need to live with those men (small group) that get a trill with life, inventing a pre-fabricate bunch of lies that in this case is Oscar Pistorius. Killed not just the victim (Reeva), the Law as well and what the Law stands for, or means to be for, in benefit off, but kill the whole Law and system. As if the Law worth peanuts in legal matters or when it suit the men but not the victim/case. The Victim's pain (women) for those men has to be greater than life itself according to their own gospel. Men that incite against women many times the pain is not enough for the criminal, but need to kill and if not stop the problem/s can go on and on and on and on, to non/stop like mine. Where I lost unborn children, brother, sister detained under the mental health act, daughter abused in school, pets killed or tortured and all this gained under the British Umbrella/Law, that is the best in the World. And before you fell sorry for me, there is millions of women behind me that are murder one way or the other, in many ways and forms, but killed, either alive or death, but killed!!-Victims of domestic abuse are killed and the criminal get away with murder. Fathers teaching lessons to our well adjusted young generation (my daughters) to continue the abuse behind doors, removing everything from them (me) or sending a wave of hate towards us, in order to stop me, to come out in the open and request help to the Police, Courts, etc. The British Law works for whoever got "friends in the system" and I got none in Britain, but not work for the case relate. Even more against my case relate, that the ex/husband sister is a Social Worker, somebody that are well know in British society to break families bond and British Law system as well with lies and get away with murder by the immunity/protection of the same Law. The women in the links below lost their own life as "Reeva Steenkamp"or family members like me and always by the same charismatic, handsome, well behave, polite men and their bunch of helpers. "Domestic Abuse kill, it is time to stop it, full stop!!
I hope my note fulfil Reeva Steenkamp wish to speak openly of domestic abuse to large audiences of South African society and politics, including the way women lives nowadays with fear of: domestic violence. Please do not to confuse domestic abuse (murder), to violence in today's society of South Africa (thieves/intruders), as the second one is due to extreme poverty and the first one is caused by violence at home. In question of Law, those two forms of violence are totally separate and not relate to each other. One steal your money/possesions and the other steal your life or the life of your loved one's. South African or American people need to carry guns to stop the hate, but in England our arm of destruction is hate itself, use in the same amount of violence, kills with the same power, destroys women, families, children and society in general. The murder of Reeva Steenkamp was a coward act, as she had not weapon/s to defend herself against Oscar Pistorius and for the length of time that lasted the ordeal, so I do not which kind of charges to apply as I am not a solicitor, barrister, judge or member of the court, but wanted to write of the ordeal that we women walks together in life: Domestic abuse that kills. The house of Oscar Pistorius is in the best position of wealthy area inside South Africa, where the area itself is well protected, wired and any form of communication, inside to outside and viceversa, confirmed by the police of South Africa. In which I would like to express my gratitude for no to make the stardom of Oscar Pistorius to hide important evidence to help the defense of Reeva's murder, including to mention the domestic abuse in the past, a credit to the world in honesty to South Africa Police Force (Hilton Botha). Please tell me, who will dare of try to pass an inch of Oscar's house, when the thieves/intruders know full well that they are going to be gunshot by Oscar Pistorius pasion for the guns/fire arms, he is a well known man in South Africa and Worldwide?!- Oscar Pistorius keeps changing the real facts, intentions, reasons/set of reasons, why he murder/kill his girlfriend Reeva's?-The true still on the lose and totally alien to us?- In Reeva Steenkamp memory and those brave women that are killed in the name of Love and not necesarily on Valentines day (14/2/2013), but everyday, maybe challenge the criminals with the words:-"Love not Hate day in Sauth Africa and Worldwide"- This note with the same respect to all of us women, that fell in Love with the wrong men, by Rosario Castellanos de Parker.
I hope my note fulfil Reeva Steenkamp wish to speak openly of domestic abuse to large audiences of South African society and politics, including the way women lives nowadays with fear of: domestic violence. Please do not to confuse domestic abuse (murder), to violence in today's society of South Africa (thieves/intruders), as the second one is due to extreme poverty and the first one is caused by violence at home. In question of Law, those two forms of violence are totally separate and not relate to each other. One steal your money/possesions and the other steal your life or the life of your loved one's. South African or American people need to carry guns to stop the hate, but in England our arm of destruction is hate itself, use in the same amount of violence, kills with the same power, destroys women, families, children and society in general. The murder of Reeva Steenkamp was a coward act, as she had not weapon/s to defend herself against Oscar Pistorius and for the length of time that lasted the ordeal, so I do not which kind of charges to apply as I am not a solicitor, barrister, judge or member of the court, but wanted to write of the ordeal that we women walks together in life: Domestic abuse that kills. The house of Oscar Pistorius is in the best position of wealthy area inside South Africa, where the area itself is well protected, wired and any form of communication, inside to outside and viceversa, confirmed by the police of South Africa. In which I would like to express my gratitude for no to make the stardom of Oscar Pistorius to hide important evidence to help the defense of Reeva's murder, including to mention the domestic abuse in the past, a credit to the world in honesty to South Africa Police Force (Hilton Botha). Please tell me, who will dare of try to pass an inch of Oscar's house, when the thieves/intruders know full well that they are going to be gunshot by Oscar Pistorius pasion for the guns/fire arms, he is a well known man in South Africa and Worldwide?!- Oscar Pistorius keeps changing the real facts, intentions, reasons/set of reasons, why he murder/kill his girlfriend Reeva's?-The true still on the lose and totally alien to us?- In Reeva Steenkamp memory and those brave women that are killed in the name of Love and not necesarily on Valentines day (14/2/2013), but everyday, maybe challenge the criminals with the words:-"Love not Hate day in Sauth Africa and Worldwide"- This note with the same respect to all of us women, that fell in Love with the wrong men, by Rosario Castellanos de Parker.
Reeva Steenkamp and Love ...
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