Wednesday, 5 March 2014

James Caan founded of Mayfair and heavy Investor for Dragon´s Den, advice people who want to start any Business ..

El Choclo ..

This note comes after a reference from James Caan in the usual internet social places, where everybody can join and take part of the groups, not just me (In 2004, James Caan founded Mayfair based, private equity firm Hamilton Bradshaw (HB) and joined the panel of heavyweight investors for Dragons' Den in 2007.  In which, Jame Caan column in the Evening Standard advise entrepreneur how to pick the right "backer" which means in plain english: "An entrepreneur -investor" for (any) business. ).The Problem normal people have when start venturing into any business big or small is what we call cash/dosh/money, as we cannot start from fresh air and the banks fight hard to lend you a single penny, then people like James Caan ( ) removes all (ideas, ideals, inventions, means, ways, forms or shapes) from small business and finally you need a reference in other wards is called: "who is your friend", because without those amazing "gold machinery" you stand alone in the middle of nowhere. I do not know of which right backer (entrepreneur -investor) for business we are talking about here, but big business entrepreneurs don't respect small business starters, otherwise we would not be on financial crisis!"-I owned an eBay shop and the labels entered our life and started "War of Trademarks" and small business went out and Labels sitting on our place now Facebook, then Linkedln"-I am surprise to see greed and ambition of business man/women that start from the most reputable University places and acts as references of any entrepreneur, leaving the rest of world population behind. My question is to all of you and yours that are so rich and clever not by your own merit, but removing us small business from our environment, as eBay and Facebook was made by the public not rich magnates. Who is the clever in business ventures and who abuse position, because at this stage we are facing financial crisis by the greed. I am ashamed to be Mexican and 50% of my peoples are terrible poor holding the rich magnates of the world, like Carlos Slim. Where my people works long hours mainly stationed on the North of Mèxico (Chihuahua/Ciudad Juarez) bordering with Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and earning peanuts with no benefits, medical insurance, equal pay system, break times, holidays pay, education, training, health and safety, etc. The sad reality not just of the Mexican people but also Chinese, Indian, Pakistan and worlds most poor countries, peoples, lands and glories that rip off badly the decency, in order to make a few billionaires, millionaires and rich entrepreneurs leaving the rest of the world behind, with no cash to invest but need to sell themselves for cents and exploited. The note do not reflect/refereed to Jame Caan alone, but all the small groups of super RICH entrepreneurs, because is only a small groups that make money on someone expertise. Where the world is vast and extent for us small business to make something on our names and not stealing from us. What I question legally is the greed and lack of respect of worlds super rich and successful entrepreneurs that steal our ideas/ideals, without (our permission, consent, knowledge) mention the stealing of our resources (eBay, Facebook, Linkedln) called: Chambers of Commerce. "I do not need to tell you who win prices, trophies and stardom, by the greed of those that steal from the small business world and backed by the government schemes called: Chambers of Commerce?"-What surprise me even more the Prime Minister, David Cameron ( ) visit China with strong groups not alone, while on my times the trademarks send me the officers when I was trading from China to anywhere in the world and not touching the UK, but calling insulting names to the Chinese people on eBay?-I remember requesting eBay to remove the slanderous feedback (fake, stolen, etc.) direct to Chinese people, while was not probe on the matter, but slander direct to them by trade / marks rich entrepreneurs in order to mislead the world and not to see, where all their own wealth comes from?-"My question is if those Chinese people aware of slander to them by business entrepreneurs, because that day business will be finish, but eBay closed my shop instead?-Big catalogue or business names like: Littlewoods - Bench - Republic - Mandmdirect - etc, that spy on my trade as they supply goods to me in the past, now they trade outside the UK with my ideas, won my prices and cashed on me, but sent me trademarks to stop me?-How many small business worldwide are paying their own taxes as duty ( ) but not the big corporations that exploit poor countries, with their own trademarks wars as those items belong to the owners of those factories, but exploited to the core of decency and removes small business, that even Marks & Spencer sells food trade from different brands, but I was not allowed to sell own items on my eBay shop?- 

etc ..

Now that I understand the English law, I think the matter is what we call (in law): rich racist entrepreneurs and corporations that need to change the way the world is regulate as the crisis affects more rich countries than poor. As the poor countries are used to be exploited and poor but not the rich countries and while those people do not trade with respect to the rest, the idea is only wasted and is only a matter of time, before the world collapse. I notice in The Queen's Speech (with respect) referring to people that work hard is merely a concept more that a reality, as many steal all from small corporations, business or traders, as happened to me and millions worldwide lost own business and now call: crisis. We do not question the good intention to create new jobs and opportunities by the UK government to the citizens / nationals, but the actions of removal all that is our hard work soon after with slander by the same government staff (Chambers of Commerce, council, etc.), that brings a wave of intolerance to us. As mention before with loads of racist comments from eBay buyers to us sellers regarding of where the items were coming from (China), as those matters do not happens alone, but the help of government staff in charge of those Jobs (jobcentre plus / neighbour house #11), Places (eBay) and even Post office (my old job in Altrincham - WHS).etc, that control the environment and groups of bullies, that in law could be a-merit an "Asbos", for the harassment-bullying-intolerance (act) to me, as those people are professionals, but helping the trademarks and removal all from small business, where you ask why we are in crisis?-Now moving UK nationals from wealth/fare to work, means time: to educate, adjust and repair old times system to new times system which is not the same one to the other. So is all down to time that by law we need to abide/obey the rules and not just jump from ground zero to ten, because what family, unemployed, old, sick receive in social security is supplement to help with the cost of life in the United Kingdom, not mere a salary of the supper rich government staff that earns millions from the tax payer and killing the rest. In order to avoid sue people by the merely spreading lies of the reality that is hitting the UK at the moment, but whoever wrote The Queen Elizabeth II speech misleading her Majesty enormously and can bring large consequences, as Her Peoples are dying by the misconduct of those irresponsible that do not care less in the government. I take the matters seriously as I am unemployed thanks to them. I swore to protect The Queen's interest when I become UK Citizens and I intent to do so to the end, so no misleads here please, but the reality. If you notice the music "El Choclo" to accompany on this note is about a music concert by two sisters (IIIenyi), in which both are happy sheering own expertise in music fields. Well the business is the same, where we should start making a tinny effort in respect each others fields, that trade - marks destroys by the evil "envy" of small business people selling their own items on eBay (me), but I have their own permit in letter to sell the items and excuse to steal idea and sell on ebay, avoid taxes and continue to be rich exploiting poor people. In reality and the full fact in law is that those items belong to the people that producers/factories them, can you imagine the tables would be turned around if they hire me as their own lawyer and may own staff get better job regulations to protect them. As if we are going to trade in the world, then to do so with respect to the lives of others citizens around the globe, as the UK reputation is in the frame, including the weather, with fracking, etc:

etc .. 

This tirade is not envy, abuse or anything similar, but to make conscience of the financial crisis after all us "small business" paying the price and unemployed, not the rich corporations as it should be the matter. The financial world affect small/big business and we all need to make conscience of the world status is to share, not to remove from the rest, also the crisis affect us badly not matter status, single, married, white, blue, rich or poor, but the trade marks and those that stop us from achieving our goals (government). I am full aware of Mr James Caan to be a business man that becomes in the circle of any business mention in the world and can be called entrepreneurs. I am talking about my own experience here and millions of small business that were badly affected in the past by the trademarks and now bankrupt by the matter, also soon after the crisis emerged, nothing else, but the mislead, while those items/goods belong to the correct business owners (factories/traders) and even countries, as they produce on own floors. In order to aid their own people/staff/conditions of work, as the matter is way out of order by the millions (££$$$) made when selling those expensive items and the staff in very poor conditions. So lets protect each other interest, because one thing is the idea (label/trademark) and another matter very different is the clothing/garment/item in law. Now if I get my way, I would be collecting millions of taxes revenues of those labels/trademarks that are making millions on hide places like websites, eBay, etc, as I need to protect The Queen's Financial Interest, Rosario Castellanos de Parker. 


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