Saturday 6 September 2014

We are in the border of another brutal war with any excuses and the rise of Islam - Christian worlds, in which Shimon Peres propose Pope Francis: "A United Nations of Religions" ..

ווארים איך וועל נעמען איר פון צווישן די כידאַןאון קלייַבן איר אויס פון אַלע לענדעראון וועט ברענגען איר אין דיין אייגן לאַנד.
עבור אני אקח אותך מבין עובדי האליליםוקבצתי אתכם מכל הארצותויביא לך לארצך 
لأني سوف يأخذك من بين وثني، وجمع لكم من جميع البلدان، وسوف تجلب لك في أرضك  
 For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land.
Io vi trarrò di fra le nazionivi radunerò da tutti i paesie vi condurrò sul vostro suolo 
Για εγώ θα σας μεταφέρει μεταξύ των εθνών, και θα συγκεντρωθούν έξω από όλες τις χώρες, και θα σας φέρει σε δική σας γη 
Car je vous retirerai d'entre les nations, je vous rassemblerai de tous les payset je vous ramènerai dans votre pays 
के लिए मैं बुतपरस्त बीच से ले जाएगाऔर सभी देशों से बाहर इकट्ठाऔर अपने ही देश में लाना होगा.
Denn ich will euch aus den Heiden holen und euch sammeln aus allen Ländernund werden Sie in Ihr eigenes Land bringen 
И возьму вас из народов, и соберу вас из всех стран, и приведу вас в землю вашу 
Căci vă voi scoate dintre neamuri, vă voi strânge din toate țărileși vă voi aduce iarăși în țara voastră.
Para vos tomarei dentre as naçõese vos congregarei de todos os países, e vos trarei para a vossa terra
 Pues los recogeré de entre todas las naciones y los haré regresar a su tierra, Ezequiel 36:24 

Nana Mouskouri - I have a dream. 

At the present time in this peaceful century, but still facing the world with infinite excuses to incite one to another with full hate, instead of peace, harmony, tolerance, love, understanding, prosperity, completeness, wholeness, well-being, welfare, stability, justice, memory and restoration. The perfect world do not exist, but is create in equality to all, regarded of colour, sex orientation, age, religion, etc. In which, the color of skin is not a passport to win/lose life, but live in accordance to the scripts. The same sexual orientation to use the matter with respect, without confusing the rest. We are living in times of non/age, but respect is the norm. Since the Judaism was born, hundreds of new religions followed, as Islam (Muslim), Christianity (Jesus Christ) and many more. In which, our society worldwide comprises of variety of differences, but the middle lacks tolerance into each other. We have more prisons in the world in order to control, when in reality is understanding and education, that lacks. The difference in races measure by the poverty - riches - opportunity in which the wold governs and created such position in society, religion and even community. A Christian person would never become Buddhist in the Far East, except by conversion, conviction and vice - versa mean, society create the environment that we habitat, including religion. Religious affairs deals with sacred matters and government/politics affairs deals with social - community matters mean, everything comes with own matters, regulate by a world, that we may/may not see, but exist.  Religion in  my country Mèxico and Politics, within own Government is totally divorce by the Mexican Constitution and into each other, since the 1920´s (Yes, since the 1920's .. !!), The constant intimidation to our Mexican peoples, by the religious affairs (Cristeros - Christians) was causing more wars, than blessings and "La Cristiada" was born to regulate No, we do not hate Religion quite contrary respect is the norm, but we believe strong that government - politics and religion are separate matters, like water and oil, do not mix. The confusion that those entities in a form of religion brings to own life is way out of order, legally and socially. I was born in Puebla, Mèxico, that habitat Arabs and Jews, I see them as brothers and sisters, to help, cherish and love them, not to hate, kill and murder them?!-I understand that Israeli (Arabs) peoples that are born in Mèxico is not the same as the Middle East and this matter gives me more excuses to protect either of them. As the Middle East peoples (Jews/Arabs) still wear my Lords humble clothing mean, still in times of peace and redemption, the Mexicans (Jews/Arabs) as explain before, so no way!-At the present time the world is fighting the same confusion as Mexicans in the 1920´s, "La Cristiada", but now called: "Terror groups"-What helps one country may do not helps the other country in the world, but we are all facing the same terror groups. In Mèxico our terror groups are govern by "Drugs Barons" that were born just after signed trade treaty (1993-94) agreement, with America and Canada. The same as the Middle East govern by "Hamas, ISIS, etc", ( ) born just after their own leaders killed (Iraq/Saddam Hussein, Lybia/Gadaffi etc.) in order to continue oil trade in the Middle East and control, full control. We are in the border of another brutal war by such "Terror Groups", with any kind of excuses to bring hate to us.  At the same time, the first world countries do not know how to approach "Terror Groups" when such power comes from business deals, that feed them?- The great power given to "Terror Groups" is way out of question legally and fully supported by the tax payer that foot the bill: America, UK, or Worldwide, but blame Israel (Arabs), when Jews (Arabs) fighting Hamas, so how?- The rise of Islam - Christianity worldwide that surpass imagination: "As if terror groups are programmed like robots to attack and kill at anytime, anywhere and anyhow", but blame Israel (Arabs) peoples?- In in which, Shimon Peres propose Pope Francis: "A United Nations of Religions" - In my point of view due to the circumstances mention before (with respect to anyone concern) in which Israel (Arabs) is blame for first world countries matters and only shows in public, what they want to expose and frame them (Israel Arabs) all the time, instead of terror groups. I have not other option to request protection laws to Israel (Arabs) peoples: As Israel (Arabs) Online Supporter ( a Council of Religions Affairs instead. A council that will monitor such hate by any religion, instead of United Nations, that already exist, but deny the protection to Israel?-I am unaware in which grounds UN ignore Israel pleas for help with terror groups (Hamas) and only concern for Palestine affairs, as both born with human rights?-I believe the Holly Vatican (Christians) comes with own laws and regulate by the same Freedoms of Religious affairs (equally to zero), but not Muslim world, that I understand as Arabs. I am concern of real freedom of religious affairs, as hope in council state regulate body may create a better understanding world, with opportunities to all. The world council (of religious affairs) is not the same as the local council and better hire people that understand the matters (me), instead making a mess of the matters. As the United Nations bodies are there for us, including religion, sex, age, color and even human rights, to no avail. I can fill a proper report but will cost you millions in the same way as Tony Blair charges the Middle East affairs. I propose a new form of initiative: "A United Nations (UN) Resolution Council" in order to control hate, any hate even religious, heal scars and stop further spread. 

As terror groups is a form of abuse to both parties: the peoples in business that brings such hate groups in the Middle East in order to have the oil and the victims of the Middle East peoples that need to run to another side of the world because of wars, educate themselves and return back to help (terror groups)?- And they are not happy in Palestine (Gaza, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Lebanon) but happy in Australia, Canada England, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, USA, Norway, Holland, Denmark, Switzerland and Latin America (Now, if anyone can tell me where is Palestine in the Middle East map that somehow, I am unable to find the place and since the beginning of the times, with thanks!-) At any time they (don't) blame themselves, ignorance, opportunities, education, religion, or leadership, but countries where they habitat (thanks to tax payer!)?- Apart from matters mention before they hate: christmas, chinese new year, or any religious celebration worldwide, t.v. news, radio, nude women, football, pork chops, hot dogs, burgers, beer, bacon, hats, music (, cinema, shave and they have no problems with the law, or birth control: several wives, mother/s -in law and children. I blame both parties (Middle East victims and oil people in the Middle East) for the abuse that represent the present position either religious, color, sexual orientation, disabled, age, but blame Israel (Arabs)?- Including present (6/9/2014) world leaders trying to fix the past abuse (Bush/Blair), in which the oil magnates - business men/women are the winners : rich beyond ( dreams and the tax payer is not happy!!- I believe with: "United Nations (UN) Resolution Council" will control either way (Middle East victims and oil people in the Middle East), monitor either way  (Middle East victims and oil people in the Middle East) any kind of abuses and may request Blair, Bush and rich magnates copy of own bank statements, business deals and form of subside in present time. As Golda Meir mention before (Any one who speaks in favor of bringing the Arab - Palestine refugees back must also say how he expects to take the responsibility "£££$$$" for it, if he is interested in the state of Israel. Golda Meir.) and with respect.  As who is paying for the matters, as who is paying for the murders, as who is paying for the abuses, as who is paying for the professional misconduct (, and who is paying the terror groups (drugs barons, hamas, etc) to control with fear the world?-The world can not possible continue holding abuse, matters and hate, even the tax payer (is not happy), for the professionals to come and steal the living ( the others, because then, that is abuse and this is exactly, what is happening to the Middle East Peoples. As for example: the world and the community that we habitat is not paying the local (trafford) council for they to come against us after, as happened to me with the excuse of "family problems" and the tax payer foot the bill. In the same way America and the UK tax payer paid to Blair and Bush for such wars and abuses back in 2003 at the Middle East. In which, I have not got an answer of the appeal claim against the (trafford) council, at the Royal Courts of Justice in London, for me to bring matters to a world council  ("United Nations (UN) Resolution Council") and monitor such abuses and like me in the United Kingdom, or worldwide (Middle East) the rest, Rosario Castellanos de Parker. 


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