Monday, 10 November 2014

Celebrity Bitches Laundry, Psychologists, Robin Williams, let's Talk Mental Illness Like Adults: "Are You Listening Doctor?"-

(I want to make sure you understand that I d not promote nothing, 
the link below Mickey Mouse is a regulation to protect us "me" 
from trade marks, ideas and matters - legally). 

Tamara Gverdtsiteli Granada 2010 mziuri varskvlavis gaxsnaze 

This is my second edition (, after my note indicate 50 signs and symptoms of stress that cause mental issues that develop after the stress period of your life, not before (thanks God!), mean that everybody is born healthy, content and happy, but the (mental) issues can develop after (50 + confusing signs and symptoms). Where the number 50 "as a whole", a large amount of issues to deal with and even cause confusion into passages of own life. When in reality the problem/s and issues to deal into our life can be divorce, difficult relationships (father, mother, sons, daughters, cousins, husband, wife, boyfriends, girlfriends, friends, ex/husbands and their own families, etc) as nobody is BORN the same - perfect, also despair, loneliness, melancholy, missing someone, abuse as whole in society, work problems, family abuses, castrate in society (colour, disability, age, religion, sexual orientation, etc), that cause issue and develop into mental (pain), plus on the top of that matter, the victim can receives the wrong medication, as my sisters. In which, I am pleased to read on the news that no drugs - alcohol in Robin Williams system, after my note explain of matters in our society. A probe in law, that no medication can cure "family problems" and matter please me enough to change the law, with respect to Robin Williams (RIP) and his family. As several members of my family lost own liberty, because of family problems (issues), plus pumped with the wrong medication in order to control them, instead to finish matters in a court of law. Where, by holding the Magna Carta anyone that lost own liberty in life (not matter how) can use the law, as nobody can take away your liberty that you were born into society, nobody can make you a criminal until probe in a court of law, with your full presence - consent to acknowledge, nobody can abuse the law - as the Rule of the Law (nobody is above the law) indicate, mandate, and order. Where, I am here to stop, full stop the abuse in family (in my case) and to finish the issue (or any issue) in the same environment (also can affect work, on the road, relationships), but in a court of law. As there is nowhere else in the world more responsible in any professional standards, backgrounds and place, to take the victim and the bully to sort own differences, but the court of law. "Where victims (of any particular crime and the bully (usually professionals), both sitting in the same bench in a court of law,  nothing to hide and dealing with own differences (issues, matters, abuses, problems) in front of a Judge, not like Harry Potter with, "confidentiality acts" the Cowards!-As we study mental issues comes from many different matters that happened into our life (more than 50 + so a-braise yourself), not when the professionals think they can barrage into our lives, without our permit, consent and knowledge of the matters, as if they are (Gods) above the law, because nobody is, by holding the Rule of the Law. As if the professionals can swipe the green card to go into our holly premisses, which is our personal life, persona, body, mind and spirit whenever they want and place us a red card for a minor problem - issue, that happened years ago (why not before by such cowards?-) - is happening into our life present time (why not to finish in a court of law the issue, who is afraid?), because that is wrong, that is abuse in all forms, ways and even shapes, also that is illegal the procedure in law, in other words is bullying by the professionals to victims. I call mental issues, instead of mental illness, because as any illness is a passing matter in life that should not be a worry thing and when gone, gone, full stop!-Instead to stop, full stop mental issues when it gone, but a matter of concern that carry on for the rest of the life of the patient, with a red card (as if we are in the football match) and the other half bullying us when swiping their own green card full of professionalism (perfectionism): "As doctor, gp, police, family member, friends, teacher, mental (disorder) worker, council staff, government worker, manipulator, society, community, public (in general), neighbour, neighbourhood, paparazzi, control freak/s and/or even relate to us somehow, that want to cash (on our holly names!!), control our life in any ways (who give them the rights?), use matters (mental issues?) to own advantage (to study, to work, to earn, to control us, etc), or abuse us (in any way, form, or shape), or the system badly due to same ignorance ( to deal with matters in the correct way - in the human way - in a professional way - the rest is bullshit (unnecessary matters, extra baggage, abuse of power and profession, corruption, etc), with my fullest respect!- Professionalism is a profession that commands what the name means, nothing less, below the standards enough to remove licence of the professional. Perfectionism do not exist and comes from dictators like Hitler, Franco's, Mussolini's and Stalin's, that between themselves, killed a whopping 70 million victims of war during the WWII.In other words, any kind of profession should be taken with very light pins, monitor like oak, and scrutineers the reasons why into the profession, by the teachers to the students."Where any profession is treat with full respect of the law and the professional is not allowed to treat own family, friends, neighbour, or even next of a kind very much the same as doctors, dentists, social workers, gp's, etc, failure to notice "without prejudice" is unquestionable in any law, as those health - care professionals swearing to practice medicine (body, mind, spirit) honestly, signed a contract, received education, training, shadowing and even monitor, so no excuses into criminal activity"- As can be profession such good to our society, but also destroys the (community/society) world, in the wrong hands. As WWII full of professionals that helped (shaped) Hitler (, because the man in question was suffering his own mental issues (with respect). So who is responsible of such amount of criminal activity, when on Hitler times killed, 70 + million victims of war?-In my case, abuse of power and profession by the same family ( and their own problems, that made me to be FULL aware (just now unfortunately) of the goodness and dangers of such profession when is left in the wrong hands, like dynamite ready to explode at any time, so bad the matter - unfortunately, if not monitor on time!!!- Where I do not question the scape many people use to unwind after work, but the criminal activity at work, by law and who is responsible?- In other words, anything relate with any kind of professionals, professionalism, professional standards, or anything of profession, we should take with extreme care - handle with care at work place! POW! BOOM! BANG! - Where, by the level of abuse of relate workers, either by the NHS, Bupa, Dental, Social workers, Social Services, Council staff, any work relate paid by the public expenses, or private, but the public in general (including me) badly affected by such professionalism (me)that demands anywhere in the UK, fully installed working order video cameras to monitor such profession, services and staff. As the public in general is not concern of the UK system (NHS, DWP, etc), one of the best in the world without questions, but the criminal activity that is brewing on those places and who will address the matters legally?-Where, I should not apologies for to speak my mind freely, after I lost: unborn children, brother (, sister detained under the mental health act in the UK, several sisters badly affected with mental issues, my children bullied in school, pets badly hurt, and a wave of haters preachers that landed in my doorstep (from Mexico, Germany, Cancun, Canada, etc) thanks to the ex/husband sister social worker, that swiped her magnificent professional green card against me and mine with abuse, for/and/since 28 long years (1985-2014). Now they are trying to use my children to cover the mess of "family problems" of the ex/husband, his sister social worker and helpers "that lasted 28 + long years the ordeal" but the link just below ..  .. did not made itself, but a wave of professional misconduct, by the social worker that swiped her green card. Where you can pardon me for the lack of trust to any level of professionalism in the same way, as I lost family members irreplaceableness (mean you cannot replace peoples at any time, never - ever again! lost trust in professionals standards in the same way as the rest, until you show me the contrary, otherwise "time" to remove licences.Now that I am studying my own language that is not going to hurt nobody, as animation, recording, music, videos, photography and exactly in the same way as UK peoples gain qualification in own language as English, but when I read the plagiarism conditions of the University standards, crawls my whole complete body. As the ex/husband sister social worker parents typed her own work and research her whole career on her behalf when at the University. As they told me, because they were doing the matters in front of me, as Bernard with the book researching and Betty typing the matter and they were telling me that her daughter could not cope with the career, but helping, where on those terms (type and research) the University can remove qualifications (no wonder we are in deep crisis today). Where I do not question career, but the criminal activity that comes from such educative places, with abuse of power and profession against own family, friends, or even the community badly affected. I am going to see if it's true of removal of qualifications, by the University on those conditions as plagiarism, where the ex/husband sister social worker swipe her green card against me and mine with mental capacities, mental health acts, mental issues. As I do not deserve this level of abuse of power and profession ( covered with "confidentiality acts", by Trafford council staff, the ex/husband and his sister social worker, that hide the whole complete mess afterwards, without mention the abuse itself legally?-The link has nothing to do with The Queen Elizabeth II with respect, but trusted her own staff, which is different, in which She is not liable but direct with the peoples involve, not matter reasons - excuses, but abuse of power and profession. Another matter: As the link indicate on very good time (2012 -2014), I went to request assistance from council housing services (trafford, manchester, oldham, etc) in fact I am register with all of them to no avail. In which, last year I mention my case of housing problems (after the divorce) - repossession order (before the divorce), at the court hearing to Judge Wheeler but ignore the matters - never reads the bundle of papers (as shows on the link - read letter I went to see  accommodation earlier this year at Sale, Trafford and the council staff somehow removed the whole matter,with the poll tax, mean they communicate with the ex/husband and the deal failed?-Another Judge gave me an order 26/8/2014, (with thanks!) see link letters: where the hearing was on the 27/8/2014 (am I confuse?), to help me to seek accommodation as "homeless?"-When in reality as explain before I had been looking for accommodation but removed, when the house that we habitat is in both names, me and the ex/husband, so by law, I am entitle to use it, until the ex/husband pays my part, so I can buy or rent somewhere else in the whole UK. I had a home previous in Oldham (see photo) and the ex/husband told me to return back to the provide, even me paying for it?- Soon after left Oldham (1993-2014), I had to endure years of bullying by the ex/husband in the new home (Timperley), when I could be used the Oldham house as refuge. Instead, I went to the amusements arcades to hide myself, to unwind from the ordeal at home and complete sabotage of my life by the predator of the ex/husband (see letters inside link).  As I was not aware of any "family issues - problems", on that time (1993), or any other time otherwise, I could be divorce sooner. "I lost all today, even my reputation by such peoples" -

The courts are not interested, except who's party swipe the card, never read statements (mine), so who is liable for the years of abuse by the law in the UK, of professionals as judges, solicitors, barristers, courts staff, social worker sister of the ex/husband, etc?-When I do the things as the bullies claims against me and mine, then to use any form legally, but when I do it, not before in order to hide crimes, criminal activity and any other (mental) disorder, by the professionals. Where I have to represent myself legally as even solicitors used to help the ex/husband side and at the same time, using my legal aid - the corrupts?- My life is totally destroyed by the criminal activity of the ex/husband, his sister social worker ( and professionals as helpers. The reasons to close my room at the present place (the same as anapia) where I habitat with a key, because the trust gone. I am afraid of the ex/husband after knowing too much, in order to protect my children, even the reasons of my brother death ( I will never forget and I will never forgive the ex/husband and his family problems. Where by law, I am entitle to know of any past record of the ex/husband, because what is the reasons of his sister social worker to protect her brother, what is to hide, which police record is there that I am unable to read, acknowledge and protect me and mine, with plenty confidentiality acts like Harry Potter: as my brother killed, sister detained under the mental health acts, children bullied, pets killed and the criminal activity described before, for 28 + years (1985-2014) the ordeal. So who is liable in law of the abuse of power and profession to me and mine, who I should address the bill for the criminal damaged?-Because what is reflect to me, reflects The Queen as well, as She is entitle to know by law of everything that happens in her own country, to protect her Royal Family, so the matters works in both ways (with respect), as both comes with responsibility. Why I have to leave my children (not matter age) in the hands of the ex/husband and his sister social worker, unaware of any past record of both of them, just because they fixed - selected with the aid of the council staff, even the friends to pull them away from me (from links: The lack of luxury of Tradition)?- I have the responsibility before my Lord, to protect my living children after I lost unborn children, by the "family problems" of the ex/husband and his sister social worker against me and mine, also my brother's life they need to contest. Where the courts works on both cases, not just on the ex/husband side as that is corruption. Where the career is not going to be used as weapons against society and the friends as professionals are not going to be used against me and mine (children), as happened with the "family problems" of the ex/husband, his sister social worker and helpers?-All this matters of professional misconduct is affecting members of the community that were not even born like my children, when the "family problems" started in the first place (1985-2014), but unable to finish in any court of law the abuse, even to clean my name. I am not the only one badly affected, but the whole UK with the professional misconduct:

Trafford Council (scandals):

Politics (scandals):

NHS (scandals):

Social Worker/Care system. 
(from links: The lack of luxury of Tradition):

DWP (Unemployment-ATOS exams and Bedroom tax):




Domestic - violence/abuse:

Criminal-Judicial system:

Middle East Affairs:
Arzobispo Desmond Tutu comentà sobre el estado de Israel y no de los Africanos?..
American and British taxpayers´money propping up a Scottish Split, European separatism and endless Middle East Wars ..
Tony Blair and George Bush: Bloodshed in the Middle East is all yours – you own it!

Where time to tackle the following links in society as adults, services badly used and abused by the same staff and profession, that we question not the system as one of the best, but the criminal activity. As the victims as me and mine by the professionals to practice career, without our permit, consent and knowledge of such matters of abuse and whose body regulate the abuse?-Let's be honest and to be responsible as adults of what we are creating in life, because there is two sides (of the story always!) here that need to address before any medics, psychologist, or care providers, and the sad reality of the bombing in profession (deepens what we got, but usually bullies us), that need guinea pigs (victims - us) to study, to practice, to experiment and to etc. My question is: if the victim is aware, she/he gave the professionals full permit that the law request, for such practices, or she/he is pumped with strong medicine like my sister?- Because you are not going to fool me again, once the health providers told me my sister was poorly, but I will not fail twice, as I studied the matters very well, to even oppose to such drastic's measures by the use of the law, to protect me and mine and the victims. As I saw with my sister when she was detained under the mental health act and all was lies, my sister was fine, but "family problems" the issues, that in the correct way, healthy one and by the law, this matter could be address in any court of law years ago, full stop, but the professionals lie to me. I was a career for old peoples and I witness the bad practice so many times as the links explain. I worked in nursing homes, within Trafford council area, private, direct payment and agency so I gained a lot of experience in the community, that even today hunts me badly, to tears. I never knew existed that world and I wish more could be done to expose and stop, full stop the abuse!- I do not know how you can be so cruel with your own peoples, to treat them in such precarious ways, forms and shapes that even foreign nationals see matters and takes full advantage. So, without falling myself to defame the reputation of any professional and their own standards, YES, unfortunately, mental patients are victims of the same standards and reformatory that our society wants us to be perfect, but nobody is born perfect, very much the same as Hitler's times!-Now, when the government handle the matter in responsible way and provide the community with better alternatives to deal with such issues, like a court of law to fight the victim direct the bully, then we are in the road of healing process. Because our freedoms (with the magna carta) are not negotiable in law, not matter in which way - capacity attacked, bullied, handled, or pretends, even by mental issues and we are not liable in law for any abuses, that are committed by us, or someone else´s (as my own sisters and my children´s), when unaware of the law properly. When the law is not clear enough to any mental issue, or capacity to negotiate matters and even the Judge unaware of the law with my issues. or how to handle my problems, so where to seek help, hope, aid, etc?-So please, let´s not to pretend so much, let´s not to be so over - Judgemental to your own peoples, let´s be more human peoples with the community, with caring attitude to society, or just please leave the certificate where it is and walk away, before the storms takes over. The reasons why I use the "family problems" (in the same way as they put me in the frame) for anyone, any standards and any educational backgrounds understands and obey, ably and respect the law, otherwise you are wrestling with your own demons as failure is not plausible any more in law, because this country - the UK comes with more professionals that we can possible cope - mentally and with respect!-I am a witness attacked badly, by the same professional and standards.  In which, you can call my Psychologists methods on my own name if you wish, as the simple, methodical and repairable toll in society that is yourself, because nothing last forever, not even a mental issues. Particularly when dealing with such matters in a court of law, to stop, full stop the bully, issues, or matters!- But what happens when society - professionals blames innocents civilians (as me and mine) and castrate all kind of freedoms (magna carta) to us, with mental issues, laws and abuses, furthermore hide with "confidentiality acts" the bleeding cowards!-I do not need to tell you the results, prisons fully booked for minors matters that can be repairable in society "before" the matters can develop further, if the court of law takes such matters in more serious attitude and responsible ways - approach, the same with hospitals fully booked for minors matters - illness, that pass away with time. As giving enough time the body can heal back to normal, because mental illness is that: illness. As any simple illness in life when happens, the person is not booked in the mental reformatory, but the doctors treat and the patient heals. So why not the mental issues address in the same way as human body, in which way is different mental to any other part of the body and why victims get the red card for a minor hi - cap in life and the bully - professional get the green card, when abuse the community?- In which grounds in law the abuse of power and profession to our persona, by the professionals?-Who gives the professionals the rights to own our persona and why?!- As the Magna Carta speaks louder than any words can describe the matters itself and is freedoms in any measure, style, grander, or law. In which, I can use the Magna Carta = Freedoms right now to remove any mental issues to my sister that was detained under the mental health acts by the corrupt system (ex/husband sister social worker) in this country, even me and my children if ever, without our permit, consent, or knowledge, including my sisters in Mexico. As explain before "family problems" deals in a court of law, not in hospitals, or medication, lets alone social workers (sister of the ex/husband), that breaks the law as they are not allowed to impose any mental capacity, or mental issue to the community (me and mine - sister), or lose licence by the abuse, even gained education precedences, when her parents did the career for her own advantage to go against me and mine, by her lies of the river, the 5 boys and now the dishwasher by the ex/husband, against me (brother). A small memory - tribute to Robin Williams, as him, or someone else´s was posting matters on social places as you can read the note in Spanish. I, the same as the rest, unaware that this remarkable man was living with the mental issues, to make this note earlier and then he passed away, for my shock, totally shock!- It´s now that I understand the full process of the matter (mental issues) and the strong necessity to speak of this mental issues in the open, full open, like adults and break the (medical) barriers. So in a way, I feel a bit better writing in the matter to highly the matter and the victim to fell less stress, guilty about the necessary actions to lead his/hers life independently - away from the rest, or living with the demons inside fighting with him/her non/stop. A failure that the society wants us to be, totally weak as rags dolls, instead to notice the necessities of this man (Robin Williams) and millions of victims that walks in life, unaware how to handle matters of, "mental issues" in a positive way. I can provide with the knowledge, stories, matters of issues, but at the end of the day is up you, how to handle matters, also take the full responsibility of the matters, ways and tolls to aid yourself, to help yourself in positive ways and restore your life again, not me, you and not to let the rest to change matters, until you gave me an opportunity, that I can change your life for the better. As mental issues - illness is what the name means, illness and passing cloud that can be restored when the sun comes up again, simple as that!- But the government, society and politics wants to keep half of the population in profession (selected) and the other half like Mickey Mouse, as you see the photo, with respect to anyone affected by the inequality, that is not mine as I am unemployed. So the professionals can put hands into your own life and up to you, if you let them inside your own life, or not, as I can not impose myself, only warn peoples. I will always thanks the Psychologists when younger (9 + years old), that helped me to shape my persona today, when I lost my hearing to meningitis, in order to aid society to help themselves. The knowledge she gave me from ground zero to professional standards, that I hope, I am doing a good job, dealing in public, not hide in "confidentiality acts"- Where at the end she told my parents that I was ready and told me to use the knowledge in the same way as she did to me, with a pinch of salt, in other words, not to abuse peoples and conditions, because at the end of the day, I do not hold any certificate, but the experience. I believe strong, mental issues need to be deal in the full open, mature, adult ways and very responsible for all the cloud nine afterwards, because nobody can keep a country acting like robots and expect robots to deal in human ways as possible, impossible, simple not possible?!!- Because we have not rights to hold into peoples, but to let them to walk away when healing and even break any medical records into tinny pieces, because nobody has any rights over us, not even Judges as they are not Gods, but human people like the rest of us, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.


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