Saturday, 6 December 2014

Simon Bailey, Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo): "Request, help for Paedophiles and Save The Children, from Tony Blair!"-

Autumn Statement 2014: David Cameron accuses Ed Balls of 'maso (Balls) sadism'

Елена Максимова - Je Suis Malade - Голос - Четвертьфинал - Сезон 2 ..

1- Help paedophiles who just look top cop: "People who have viewed Child sex images on-line, but are not likely to be contact abusers should be treated by health services rather than brought before a court, Britain's most senior child protection police chief has said"- 
My answer to this matter: "Please give victims of crime a fair chance to speak open of the abuse and ordeal, as primordial"- Instead of hire foreign bodies (as police officers) that comes with no experience - understanding in the matter and lack of sensitivity - respect for victims of crime. Abuse of power and position in any profession, otherwise the police officer would never request:"Help for paedophiles, instead of Help for the children and victims of crime?"- As trained to the highest level possible (Chief Police Officer) imaginary to mind: "Understand position fully well in order to know better of job description, status and reasons for the post, also capability for such demanding post and capacity to understand - hold present momentous of crisis - changes in political and government structures (from old, to new government), including brushing skills educational with up to date role for the post without losing old structure, someone that respect regulations, rules, code of practice - conduct, furthermore a basic idea of such principles (reasoning, common, erc) of laws (any laws) that govern us not just ignore our freedoms (Magna Carta), because no-one is above the law (Rule of the Law), with that on mind, then no excuses for the role of the professional job not matter status, or grades (Simon Bailey, Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo)irrelevant in law when leaving the community with no form of defence (defending paedophiles, instead victims of crime?)!"- As to be a victim of crime in any age, way, form or shape is not a joke - amusements of the professionals, but a serious matter. As this matter of victims of crime and level of criminality has nothing to do with any professional (as police officers, social workers, council staff, solicitors, etc) and own flashing (swiping) cards, friends, standards, grades, or position for the job (with my fullest respect), but the victim/s direct to probe matters in a court of law, not to remove - hide the law and protect paedophiles, instead of victims?-As anyone who represent either party (victim  of crime - paedophiles) in a court of law in a form of solicitor, or barrister was not present on the time, moment and seconds of the ordeal, but the victim alone and the paedophile alone need to probe in law of his innocence, not the professional. So please (back off!) don't get confuse - emotional attached to the job and role, that is not yours to play in a court of law like Judgement day against the victim, prosecutors in paedophiles side, or God's will with any profession, standards, or grades, but the victim of crime to probe. In other words, who give professionals the rights - permit to interfere direct in the life that is not yours, but the victim of crime badly affected by the abuse and with respect to anyone mention here, but the law is the law!!:


As someone that studied Psychology when younger (9 + years old) after I lost my hearing due to Meningitis as my parents wanted me healthy, not struck off for ever, also the English (Mexican, American, International) Law for years now and for my own purposes only as I need to survive in the UK (somehow!), but matters give me enough ammunition to understand your matters - matters of the state, except that I lack the paper (apologies!). I believe strong that because of the sensitivity and level of the matter, victims of crime of any age got my voice, vote, understanding in law and psychology also any principles (if ever exist!) and my full respect, but again victims need to probe in law of matters, not me. I based this matter alone, after I read from Simon Bailey, Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) plea (Help for Paedos, not Victims?!) and Bill Connolly plea (His Dad abused him, when younger!) as you read before, that I stand next to Bill Connolly, for the extend of matters - time and level of abuse (father to own child!) not just mental, physical, but body as well, that with time can confuse peoples and reasons why paedophiles hit again and again and for ever, if you give them the chance, as they got the excuses, while in modern times, the idea is to stop, full stop abuse!!- I salute Bill Connolly because he managed to make a super happy family environment after the turmoil, resolved his past with his wife that advice him to his own benefit and the best of her ability, as very sensitive matter, also forced him to face his dragons, which is extremely hard without getting burned and on exchange, Bill Connolly respected his own children which stand as my hero, contrary of the rest pathetic low life´s that continue the legacy, instead to get help, full stop!- "Where if you see Bill's Connolly life should be the same for the rest of victims of crime that turned life to the best, not matter level of abuse and such professionals (police officers) to stand in a corner as form of respect - protection to victim - community that pay own wages, as matter has nothing to do with professionals, but between the criminal (paedophile) and victim of crime only"- Where in a similar situation a small girl accused actor ( of abuse (paedophile), while in reality the mother of the same child - victim was helping the actors wife (as I found in research) and formulate rape, when in reality was domestic abuse (between actor and his wife), that on that time in the UK courts was not stabilise properly in law, except now (well almost!). However, the case stolen from me, as I was doing free advocacy to the actor's not the child because, I could spot the difference of the matters (domestic abuse - paedophiles) which are two different matters in law, two different matters relate to each other in law (domestic abuse - paedophiles) and two different rules - laws apply in law, in which case was going on for so many years with no success, except making solicitors very rich (££££$$$$$). I managed to stop greed and confusion (domestic abuse - paedophiles), as none case relate to the other in any law even worldwide, which happens to be the solicitors firm of the Prime Minister, brother: Alex Cameron?- Now, if the child matter is true (, then to wait until adult to express properly by herself, not the mother that was not present on the time of the ordeal and may mention in law of more realistic matters and what went on during the abuse, between the child and the actor, otherwise the actor need to protect himself in damages, with a large sum of money to child's family for false accusations, so whichever way, works positive as the accusations need to stop, also the abuse from the actor, as the child mention. Where in the case of me and Bill Connolly today and in the past very hard to advance any level, without carrying such load of pure sh.., that I went to seek help to the courts for help, to no avail! - Where you read my last links and acknowledge the victims turmoil as famous as Bill Connolly, that not matter stardom the blow of the abuse, by victims of crime is the same, affect the same way and leave a long lasting scar that will never repair, heal, or amend, not even sorry is enough any-more, but compensation, justice, memory (as my unborn children and brother perished! and non-repetition of the same matters in criminal activity -crime to any level is the best medicine - approach!- In other words: "The Chief Police Officer has not legal rights and legality to remove - cover - hide any matters that portrait crime in general, in any way, form, or shape, in fact abuse of power and profession, with removal of licence - oath as breach of contract and the rest of principles.  "As matter of abuse is not the Chief Police Officer (police, social worker, council staff, religion, politician, government staff, doctor, judge, solicitors, barrister, community officers in general, etc ) business and case to interfere in the matters, but the paedophile and the victim alone to probe in a court of law and as such, to probe in law of the same matters, the rest is corruption!- I stand accused by the ex-husband of me calling him paedophile years ago, when in reality, I was hosting foreign students and I need to sign in law paperwork, apologies but the law is the law, where I told him the same to be aware, but he got (revenge) the wrong way?!-

2- We have another part of abuse in any age, as "Save the Children" for young people, where staff furious over global legacy award for Tony Blair. Where before I ever speak of matters that don't concern me as Blair - Bush murders in the Middle East, I should explain of matters of my own past, as I did before and now. Where as woman, I am unable to get pregnant by myself and even in religion impossible to believe such matters, of our Dear Virgin Mary, but someone made the child together with her and with respect. Now, if I ever run from clinic in order to protect my unborn child, but who will run next to me, to stop my family acting as Gestapo (sister tere and ex/husband), who's?- Where even my sister (tere) was standing next to the doctor in Mexico to make sure he done the job - termination (abortion) properly, arrived to the sister house (flor) to hide the body and all that was made in order to protect reputation of another sister (mara), that lied of me with "the kiss (my ar..!)" to cash, of my brother (jose) and brother in law (corona) accused of rape, when all was lies, as my brother - unborn children death (RIP) and sister (mara) alive and well, so when?! -In order, my sister (mara) to bring a wave of intolerance and hate propaganda to the family direct that lasted so many years now with the abuse, in which my unborn children (not my sister mara children) and brother ( not my sister mara's brother, as she never regarded my own flesh - brother as her own, otherwise we will never be in this bloody murder spree!) perished in her rivers of lies, that even the ex/husband (empty dishwasher) and his sister social worker (5 boy, the river, etc, ) copy and helps in the vendetta - cosa nostra, with another wave of lies, full understanding of matter in law (as social worker and jury service), malice and knowledge studied career to attack me and mine after, as today and reasons of me to study, "Bachelors of Laws" to bat back and protect all mine, as we cannot continue with the abuse any-more!?"-In order the lies (5 boys, the river, etc) of social worker sister of the ex/husband: "to re-direct matters (termination - abortion) elsewhere (5 boys, the river, etc) and even bring a wave of hate to me and mine, as far as Mexico to break my reputation and help her in vendetta and climb the ladder ( sucesfull life, that when unsuccessful to get what she wanted in Mexico (1985) cashed for the last 28 + years non-stop (2014), with tales (5 boys, the river, etc), even members of my family played the part to financial gain in England, as mention before in all my notes and links and time to stop, full stop the abuse!- Now, after saying this sad part of my life and I hope this is the last time to gain compensation, justice, memory and non/repetition of the same matters, in order to protect my living children from the same "family problems and fate", as this emotional and financial bribery is finish for good!- As I regard my sister (mara) husband in high place even today, that my children perished in the hate propaganda, as I believe God exist, not me, but my Lords!-I am not saying that I pardon my sister (mara) for the lies, or her husband (raul) for helping, but in the hands of my Lords, not mine and where the law exist is not invisible!-I believe strong that nothing went on except friendship, when I understood the game to divert matters, I myself stopped visiting my sister (mara), that continue invite me to her home (with thanks!), but decline without thinking twice!-As she (mara) told me herself, "at the same time (when I understood the game to divert matters,)" that she spoke with her husband cousin (mario) and stopped our relationship and in that split moment, I thank her enough. As she (mara) done me a Big Favor, as I was marrying someone else instead and millions times better, with thanks!- "In fact she (mara) and her children were my helpers in the wedding (1985) in a form of thank you, so no bad feelings from me, but the abuse finish here and today!"-The matter happens again one more time (of several's times with other sisters) and this time she (mara) spoke with the ex/husband sister social worker (the same as norma hazz with soco and broke my marriage with a wave of tales. Where you could say, both bullies (mara and carol) fund each other in this heavenly life (the same as norma hazz with soco), after years of successfully brainwashed her (carol) own brother against me (what a low and degrade place to arrive in order to achieve - score points, see birthday card!, but this time both (bullies) acted with help of "primiada" as her own daughter split Imagen (rocio", because alone the cowards killing family reputation, never!!- I never meet sister (mara) child (rocio) soon after I left Mexico (1985) and I am not looking forwards, but she is living in the UK, "unable to acknowledge me (for whatever reasons she got in order to continue the manipulation - cash ££$$)" and free of the tax payer (WTF!)?!- As she (mara) told me herself, "at the same time (when I understood the game to divert matters,)" that she spoke with my sisters husbands family (norma hazz) and broke marriage (soco - beto - dieter, rafa - gracia, tere - porfirio, me - wtf!), or stopped relationship (carol - 5 boys, me and only god knows who's, any - manolo, mela - priest - friend of raul, soco - maccise - ivan, etc) and in that split moment, when my elder sister (josefa) was going the same matters as the rest of us, I somehow stopped divorce of her (josefa) own husband (corona), but attacked badly by her own daughter (Pepta jr.) as I still got letters and emails, so believe me, never again!-When saying this matter: I believe strong in law that even today the same sisters friends with the ex/husband sister (even after divorce?) on fb - social places, to erase me of their own lives (push me out), but unable to be part of the ex/husband and his sister social worker own family and for more than 28 + years the ordeal, but arrive in London, hide in Manchester, or with shows (to show me off?)!-Where I do not care of the friendship between my family and the ex/husband sister social worker on fb - social places, but to be blame of everything!- I lost all for the same abuse of power and rofession and they gained - stole all from me, even removed my name from the family passed to the ex/husband sister social worker (wtf?), to be blame (ana pia) after of the "accident" of my brother (, when both families (ex/husband and I) are friends since day one (hide unable to know - paranoia)?!-The idea is to probe in law of matters that "family problems" of the ex/husband, his sister social worker and helpers accuse me, now the same similarity happens to my children; putting children (mine), against children (mara) to fight and with full support of their own father (ex/husband) and his sister, social worker (carol) that sponsor the bullying against my own children to help, "primiada (corona, azpiri, matamoros, hazz, nuñez, delgadillo, parker, etc?)"-Where the elders sisters are super well and the rest of the family fighting each other in the same way as own children, using mine with help of ex/husband sister, social worker, that works for the benefit of the community, not against!-All is done to probe in law the charade of abuse by the same professionals (ex/husband sister social worker) that stand as example, but fails the community, because in Mexico the law is different, but not in England, so she should know better!!-As any family (mine, or the ex/husband) equal in abuse of the rest of the family, none are the best, but use the same motives: hate propaganda, score points, etc, instead to finish abuse in a court of law? - Where all is to hide what our families done in the past and stole the lives of my unborn children and brother and in law both count as crimes: the criminal activity and hide the crime, but trying to use my children for a matter that comes 28 years ago?-As the ex/husband never mention single mothers - financial help in the UK, before termination (abortion), except refusal to bring his own for the same matters, as unemployed. On that time, I gave the ex/husband chance to run away from the wedding "as I was cancelling it", by his own sister malicious spread of him, before the wedding, that nobody remembers is not my problem?!- "I am divorce now and very happy where I am presently, so no worries, but sadden me the present situation in my family: destroyed - ripped apart!"-What I am trying to win now with my blog is to clean my name and protect my own children of the same ordeal as me, the rest I do not care, as it's me that will face my Lord, not you and yours!-In the same way, Tony Blair and George W. Bush:
September 11th in Mexico as well, not just America ..
The first world countries inside the Middle East affairs, becoming horrible wars  ..

3- The open university art essay compare: Cèzanne´s Bathers and unable to add the other name as small children may read blog. Where the police requested removal of the matters in the UK museum by split order of the labour party, but forced to watch pictures in order to explain matters, otherwise, I do not get grades - qualification?- However, after reading the 3 points in this note, mention who is the paedophile, as officer on child protection and abuse investigations, said research suggests 50% of people viewing child (Tony Blair) images could be classified as "non-contact abusers"- My note comes with one finality only, as I lost unborn children: "Abuse of Children" in any way, form, shape, colour, incapacity and religion, but falsely accused!- Rosario Castelllanos de Parker. 


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