“If Bob Geldof is willing to make that offer (http://tinyurl.com/o7k5ro6), I’m sure his (our) local council, which will already have a lot of people ( me, since 2010 - 2015 http://tinyurl.com/nwcq64q ) on its housing waiting list, will be very happy to bring them around this afternoon (I was removed from own list, without my permit, concent and knowledge?!)” - http://tinyurl.com/maxauuk
The benefits cuts, bedrooms taxes, housing list and government blunders from the past - present to us - UK citizens, has nothing to do with the "present Immigration status from victims of war and I apologies if may look like, but do not", neither the rest of us - UK citizens need to suffer politics affairs abuses and liable for their own actions, not us, but them!- http://tinyurl.com/pu4jpoz In which, I should not suffer any kind of repression, intimidation, hate propaganda, intolerance and bullying based on my own writing, when it's not me the problem, but the community services as council, government staff and politics affairs.
In which, I thank Theresa Grant, Trafford's Council staff and letter to me as you can read the matter, but to say on my behalf that I never removed myself from such list, at any time, also to point out that today, thanks to the blunders of her own staff I lost all. As reads: "You don't need to do anything else, unless you should be registered at this address"- What a decency, but obvious I am not register to any Trafford's address, as her own staff followed, stalked and removed all from me in Trafford, Manchester, Oldham, Spain (as we saw at the same time, moment and note, with Ashya King http://tinyurl.com/llwbcn2 ) and now Scotland. So how we go from here, with the professional paranoia, envy, hate propaganda, abuse of power and profession, bullying and with respect, but they respect us?- http://tinyurl.com/p3m7seu
It is an insult to "Paula's Yates memory" of Saint Holy and everlasting, Bob Geldof refuge shelter mattes, when he should start giving a "Big Public Apology" to the woman that was the mother of his own children and the way he mistreated her was way out of order. http://tinyurl.com/nntzumx As this was the case with HRH Princess Diana of Wales by Saint Prince Charles (http://tinyurl.com/ptcpuf6) and my case with the Saint, ex/husband that removed all and everything from me. In fact, I lost all today, for such kind of "SAINTS BULLIES", liars and cheaters of the law (as Bob Geldof to Paula: "don't forget, I am above the law (w(hat). c(rap). i(s). t(hat). r(emark?).", by the low lifes like such cowards that abuse woman, with no respect?- http://tinyurl.com/ptggrck
In which 4 letters (Tax Man, Trafford council staff, and Solicitors firm) comes with the same date, month and year, to collaborate legally, how the UK system works so accurate, in order to inflict pain and where the blunders, negligence, hate propaganda, intolerance, defamation of character, lies, tales - tales, stalk, follows, intromission into our personal life, interference, communication into each department (without our permit, consent, or knowledge) in order to help or destroy badly (as the tax man letter when I went to see the CAB), mislead, abuse of position and profession and a wave of circus display to Trafford residents and ex/residents (as myself) comes from: "Attacking all our reputation to the lowest, with no mercy, no respect, no pity, no help, no legal form of survive the war in the UK, so how?!-
As you can see with such letters from C (citizen). A (advice). B (bureau). staff that speak of me visit the place, as my benefits were manipulate badly, education, jobs removed without care and a wave of abuse to me and mine, that explain clearly that the work was/is done by a community officer, as social worker and in my case, the sister of the ex/husband, social worker, that stopped all me and mine, with her gold card and in order to bring a wave of hate propaganda against me and mine, as far as Mexico, Germany, Cancun, etc. In which, I am not liable for people's blunders and malicious spreads, as the ex/husband, his sister social worker, some members of my family, as adults themselves and fully capables. As the following link http://tinyurl.com/oxfyppg could not be made by itself and alone (with respect to The Queen, Elizabeth II), but the ex/husband, his sister social worker and own helpers, so the law should appoint direct to them, not me.
In which all this matters - blunders are hide from society as my children that comes to defend and protect own father and his sister, social worker reputation from past abuses to me and mine and in order for me today demonstrate to them, that it's not worth the matters and place that they are position legally in law and with respect, because in the future can come against.
As this matter with the letters, blunders and hate propaganda against myself (as disabled and mexican) is the finest example of what you call: "criminal activity", or better to say "passing - abusing the UK law" and "hiding our resources" to the community. http://tinyurl.com/or5sdyf
As this is the game the ex/husband and his sister, social worker has been playing all the time, using the services in the community and if you ask for such peoples that they were told to do such matters, hate and intolerance, the council (government and politics) staff will tell you that they do not exist anymore, that they do not work for council services anymore, or even they passed away. In order to clean all the mess left in the past by Trafford council staff and start all over again with the abuse to society (me and mine). In which, the system works like clockwork, non/stop mondays to fridays, except weekends that stop the abuse and machinery of intolerance to me, as victim paying taxes for such criminal activity to take place (with my past jobs), moments and action against me and mine?-
Where today, I refuse totally to do any kind of work, until this matter of abuse against me and mine is fully investigate as myself and in full public, for "public concern" with the use of my blog. As Trafford council staff of Theresa Grant ignore my matters (I still hold all the documents), also CAB staff told me that the matters will get worse, my benefits stopped and a wave of criminal activity comes my way. (the link is not about harvey prince, but my P45!!) http://tinyurl.com/qjlykvw
So as you can see, the matters was a campaign of Bullies against me and mine by Trafford council staff and services in the community, because the same services are for English peoples only, as the ex/husband told me a few years ago, but not when I married him, or paid all my taxes (1985 - 2015?- http://tinyurl.com/o9ty297 RACISM when you are excluded from the community by racist peoples, not matter color, disability, age, religion, or lengh of time and why?- http://tinyurl.com/oed7t7j
By the same stalk, hunt, abuse and blunder (http://tinyurl.com/nwcq64q), I am still living in the present place, that was my home and removed drastically, as I am unable to have a council place, or even purchase anything in the UK. http://tinyurl.com/ptggrck
As this is not just into my personal stuff as the letters express the intolerance, but all my jobs gone, unable to receive treatments (dental, etc), services in the community, legal representative and a wave of abuse to me and mine and not matter if disabled or not, apply to anyone that the council staff see as "solos"- Unfortunately this time, backfire the "solos" procedure to Trafford council services and staff, as my family alone is more than 100's in our community of Mexico. So we are not that "solos" and if I blow the horn and whistle, this place as Trafford holds more of my peoples, that will leave the place dry and without resources.
What happens was that the ex/husband sister social worker stole all from me, my family, friends, jobs, everything and passed to someone else, but I am not liable for any mislead, lies, tales - tales and defamation (5 boys, the river, etc), because all was removed from me (http://goo.gl/rh3UzY ), as we remember. So direct to such peoples that abuse own country hospitality and resources, not me, or mine, but the right person. http://tinyurl.com/nbbwal6
Where I am forced to come out in the open to expose this lowest form of treatment to peoples like myself, by the removal of the law and council services to me and mine since day one and so by law, I am entitled to expose this abusive treatment to the public and for the "public concern", without suffering reprisals, intolerance, abuse and hate. As if I am forced to come out in the open for matters that are/were way out of my reach, as I do not hold any of those jobs (Trafford's Council Staff, Theresa Grant, social workers, social services, etc) that I am slander for and by such peoples that work for such places and in order to continue hurting all me and mine, as social worker, sister of the ex/husband and helpers (local government staff). So by law, I am entitled to expose this strong Hitler treatment to the community as myself: "As I do not get pay for to do your own jobs, but you (Trafford's Council Staff, Theresa Grant) and yours!" - http://tinyurl.com/puwsmzm
"As the ex/husband told me a few years ago (I believe was a simple joke!), that the UK services belongs to the UK nationals and why he did not told me of the matters before married him (now divorce), or before paying my UK taxes, but removal of all form of existence in the UK with two small children to feed, as he told me: "they are your children, you keep them"- So what changed today, as all was paid off, now removed from my post, as Paula Yates and HRH Princess Diana of Wales (RIP) and which kind of breed we are creating in the world, with domestic violence? -
As the holy Bible talks by the ex/husband own words not mine, that we hold no problems, but such strong hate propaganda by his own sister, social worker and helpers, that purchased the trafford area (not Stockport where she lives, but Trafford), using all me and mine (http://tinyurl.com/q34dn6j)
as mention before, in order to come against my reputation, because who will go against own brother, sister and family, who's and why I have to pay for the matters, why?- http://tinyurl.com/q6t22tw
I am not liable in law if Trafford council staff wants to create and re-create the "Krays Brothers syndrome (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kray_twins)" in our well adjusted society of Trafford Area (not Stockport where the bully lives as the sister of the ex/husband, but Trafford) and nobody comes and tells me nothing, just now (7/9/2015) as the letters explain for "voting matters (see date, time, month, year)" and I am exposing for the public, and for "the public concern", because this is not my job, but the coincil staff. As ex/husband mother told me of her own children as bad as each other and fight all day long ( http://tinyurl.com/kvbazhr ), for me as the Krays brothers and time to stop, full stop the abuse!- http://tinyurl.com/ndpyqmx
I do not hold any neighbours problems and if this is the matter, where are the charges against me in a court of law, where both are sitting and acknowledge such matters and to give my chance to explain, but hide in "confidentiality acts" the cowards. However, I do hold charges against the ex/husband, his sister social worker and some members of my family (tito, riqui, claudia, rocio, etc) and sisters (soco, mara, flor, tere, etc) of mine that plays the card of abuse when it suit them and when not hide in treatments. As if my sisters (soco, mara, tere, flor, etc) and helpers (carol parker, ex/husband, etc) are able to hold this kind of abuse and criminal activity within the community, together with own children (tito, riqui, claudia, rocio, etc) and Christian charities (http://tinyurl.com/pj9dey5), instead to use the law, as the law request, then I believe strong, there is nothing wrong with them at any time, as I was told and by themselves and holding the Bible: "As the charges against mention here, because the neighbour (house #14) believes strong that something happened to her own child and I support her in everything, until fully satisfy of the matters. As the area of Trafford (sherway drive) comes with full blast of cars in the past and everybody saw the faena not just me, also the neighbour (house #14) was badly hurt in Tesco when shopping and everybody read the news, not just me. Including and not extent, my sister (soco) detained under the mental health act by the same "family problems" of the ex/husband, his sister social worker, neighbour house #11 and neighbourhood (of that time, not this time) and her own children (tito, riqui, claudia, rocio, etc), as they wanted to see own dad in Veracruz ( http://tinyurl.com/nuzsupw ) and never was me, or mine (children), but falsely accused.
In which this matters and violence belongs to the Trafford council staff, not me at any time, as I do not get pay for the job, but them. As this is my statement legaly, by the law, as the law request and state, command and order, as myself as student of law", because I can not continue living in the "Krays Brothers community" as the ex/husband and his sister social worker, that brings so much problems to me and mine, as far as Mexico, Germany, Cancun, Veracruz, UK, etc, with the "go and tell her" which in reality nobody told me but got advantage, in which means ("go and tell her"), "dad can you tell him" and what the sh..?"- http://tinyurl.com/kvbazhr
I went to request help to Trafford council services in the past (I hold letters to probe matters), even CAB staff (see letters from CAB), to no avail (http://tinyurl.com/ohw5u5w) and today is far too late the "criminal damaged" to me and mine and I am not liable, as even my brother passed away, with no mercy, pity, respect, nothing! - http://tinyurl.com/ofx7nwy
As such blunders cost me, my complete peace, reputation, living, form of existence in the UK with no jobs, no benefits, no home and no nothing, because all was removed by the same "family problems" of the ex-husband, his sister social worker and some members of my family, that gained help with council staff and services, that keep holding - holding my matters in order to hide the abuse, also the life of my brother and unborn children (RIP) is placed right in the centre of Trafford, for the concern of the public and for "public concern", because I believe strong, that all comes with the same family and their own (bleeding) problems and I am divorce from the lot of them?-
The Holy Bible sustain, that the ex/husband and I comes with no problems "as read the words", but he need to obey his sister in everything, in which I am not liable by the confusion, as she stole all that belongs to me with lies (5 boys, the river, etc) and I am not requesting to go back to the ex/husband, but set me FREE from the ordeal, as I do not bring this sh.. to you, so why you does to me, me, me, and me all the TIME, why, why and why? !!! -
In which, my unborn children perished to give way to carol parker to go to mexico, then study, work and life, mine was/is murder, destruction and criminal damaged. Now if the ex/husband was/is so happy to obey and please his sister social worker, with high demands of Mexico and/or against me and mine, please remind him today, that the law exist by me holding the same Bible that he gave me years ago and the law is not invisible, impossible to reach and unaided, because murder of my unborn children and brother is murder in any country, language and color, so no excuses! -
My case is seeing in the UK as "unique", but The Queen Mother (with respect to The Queen Elizabeth II) was the same as me, against Hitler's own demands, to give the throne back to her own husband´s brother (http://tinyurl.com/otc2tej), so how come, I am "unique" by the media and since when? -
I hold date (2012) when I purchase this material, as CAB hide the law for me, otherwise, I would not be, where I am today: "as survivor of domestic abuse"-
Now with regards to the benefits letter is/was the obligation of the CAB or DWP staff to advise me, as letters explain (http://tinyurl.com/njtfn5v), also a probe to my children of own father and his own sister social worker, carol parker intentions against me and mine, exactly, as I was told by their own mother, when she lend me money, "not to tell carol", now we know why!!- http://goo.gl/RG9NB0
In which letters of benefits, Trafford council staff and solicitors comes with same date, time and moment as mention before, maybe as revenge, because that money was used to our own living standards, as my benefits removed (http://tinyurl.com/njtfn5v), also jobs and everything and in which grounds in law the abuse? - Rosario Castellanos de Parker.
Now if you think I am bad, read the rest, with respect to The Queen Elizabeth II:
Trafford Council (scandals):
http://rcp13.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/homeless-by-direct-action-of-same-local.html http://tinyurl.com/lzmsnrf
http://rosario1960.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/st-johns-buildings-chambers-barrister.html http://goo.gl/Vb1xIV
Political (scandals):
Bali High Court rejected appeal from British grandmother, Lindsay Sandiford, who lost appeal, for smuggling drugs ..
The "right to demonstrate", when we never vote for another 5 years of austerity, with respect.
NHS (scandals):
http://rcp13.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/janette-warburton-killed-by.html http://tinyurl.com/kkvpu5n
http://rcp13.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/the-nhs-is-not-just-number-but-life-of.html http://tinyurl.com/o42w3oy
http://rcp13.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/prince-charles-controversial.html?utm_source=BP_recent http://goo.gl/J4xZmX
http://rcp13.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/care-homes-abuse-probe-in-uk.html?utm_source=BP_recent http://tinyurl.com/oaj9syv
http://rcp13.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/manuela-sykes-which-was-labour.html?utm_source=BP_recent http://goo.gl/RG9NB0
Social Worker/Care system.
(from links: The lack of luxury of Tradition http://tinyurl.com/ooedqps ):
DWP (Unemployment-ATOS exams and Bedroom tax):
http://rcp13.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/george-iain-duncan-smith-secretary-of.html?utm_source=BP_recent http://goo.gl/c5tnnP
http://rosario1960.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/keir-starmer-qc-wants-tough-stance-on.html?utm_source=BP_recent http://goo.gl/EyaxLn
http://rcp13.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/mps-named-and-shamed-of-whole-united.html?utm_source=BP_recent http://tinyurl.com/kjhsozk
http://rcp13.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/john-major-hits-back-to-shocking-gang.html?utm_source=BP_recent http://tinyurl.com/pnssz88
Domestic - violence/abuse:
http://rcp13.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/new-victims-of-crime-rights-and-reforms.html?utm_source=BP_recent http://tinyurl.com/mfglcfl
http://rcp13.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/domestic-abuse-worldwide-matters-but.html?utm_source=BP_recent http://tinyurl.com/qdvdgpe
http://rcp13.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/domestic-abuse-is-matter-that-concerns.html?utm_source=BP_recent http://goo.gl/MW6gL9
Criminal-Judicial system:
http://rosario1960.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/sharia-law-islam-palestine-women-buried.html http://goo.gl/9X5KNq
http://rosario1960.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/st-johns-buildings-chambers-barrister.html http://goo.gl/Vb1xIV
just to mention a few ..
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