Wednesday, 13 April 2016

David Cameron: "EU Referendum to divert attention from Tax Affairs" ..

EU Referendum Leaflet Created To 'Divert Attention' From David Cameron's Tax Affairs, Claims Labour MP.  

God save The Queen! ..

It is an hipocresy that one Minister is badly affected and maybe a first time matter, but not the other, with same atittude?-

etc ..

David Cameron and his family with respect, but presently in any single angle, language and spot of the world, with NEWS regarding own deals from Panama, not me but them:

'Panama Papers' world leaders, politicians, celebrities hide fortunes offshore -
12 world leaders named in Panama Papers tax haven leak alongside inner circles in Russia, Syria and Egypt
6 Good Reasons For David Cameron To Never Check His Twitter Replies
Americans Included in ‘Panama Papers’ Leak TIME
Banks told to declare links to Panama Papers law firm by next week News The Guardian
Cameron anuncia una ley para perseguir a bufetes y bancos que facilitan la evasión fiscal Internacional EL MUNDO
Cameron defends welfare cuts, saying Tories are 'party for people who work' Politics The Guardian
Cameron Got £200,000 Gift From His Mother
Cameron Publishes Tax Details In Wake Of Panama Papers
Cameron stepped in to shield offshore trusts from EU tax crackdown in 2013
Caso Panama Papers Noticias teleSUR » Panama Papers lay bare how billions can be made by exploiting of political power
Channel 4 News - Cameron's late father reportedly among... Facebook
Christian Aid calls for immediate action on Panama tax file leak
David Cameron accuses Ed Balls of 'masosadism' – video Politics The Guardian
David Cameron admits he could have handled the Panama Papers affair better UK Politics News The Independent
David Cameron admits he profited from father's offshore fund News The Guardian
David Cameron and family 'will not gain from offshore funds in future' Politics The Guardian
David Cameron asegura que no posee activos en paraísos fiscales euronews, internacionales
David Cameron blame me for mishandling Panama Papers news Politics The Guardian
David Cameron blame me for mishandling Panama Papers news
David Cameron calls Ed Balls a turkey – video Politics The Guardian
David Cameron comienza sus vacaciones en Lanzarote Estilo EL PAÍS
David Cameron fights 'deeply hurtful' tax dodge claims as he reveals offshore havens crackdown - Mirror Online
David Cameron hace mea culpa por Panama Papers 'He aprendido la lección' Mundo LA TERCERA
David Cameron has 'no shares, no offshore trusts, no offshore funds'
David Cameron is a badly wounded Prime Minister and the vultures are circling
David Cameron issues FOURTH evasive answer to Panama Papers question in 24 hours - Mirror Online
David Cameron launches personal attack on Jeremy Corbyn's appearance Politics The Guardian
David Cameron left dangerously exposed by Panama Papers fallout
David Cameron personally intervened to stop tax crackdown on offshore trusts
David Cameron publicará declaración de impuestos tras escándalo Noticias teleSUR
David Cameron reminds the Conservatives of the gap he'll leave
David Cameron the innocent victim!
David Cameron to face public grilling over £72,000 secret shares stash claims
David Cameron's 'muttering idiot' insult is latest in string of outbursts News The Guardian
David Cameron's anger after MP Jess Phillips calls his dad 'disgusting'
David Cameron's insult (terrorist sympathisers’) was unworthy of a Prime Minister says PETER OBORNE Daily Mail Online
Divorcios millonarios ocultaban sus bienes en paraísos fiscales - 10.04.2016 - LA NACION  
EU seeks more tax details from big firms - BBC News
Four-jobs Boris Johnson's tax return reveals he's made £600,000 in one year - Mirror Online
From Kubrick to Cowell Panama Papers expose offshore dealings of the stars
G8 dementia summit Global action against dementia - 11 December 2013 - GOV.UK
George Osborne won't answer if he's benefited from offshore funds
George Osborne's tax return summary reveals £198,000 income
Hipócritas defraudadores Otro Mundo Es Posible
Iain Duncan Smith 'wept over plight of young mother' during TV interview
Iceland prime minister resigns over Panama Papers revelations
Icelandic MPs call for fresh elections after PM steps aside World news The Guardian
Infanta Pilar Explains Her Panama Offshore Firm The Royal Forums
Infantino welcomes investigations after Uefa raid
Investigación pone bajo presión a David Cameron
Jimmy Carr responds to David Cameron's link with his father's offshore fund
John Niven It wasn't the tax evading that surprised me it was David Cameron's brass neck reaction - John Niven - Daily Record
Ken Livingstone Cameron should be put in prison for offshore trust involvement – video Politics The Guardian
Los argentinos que figuran con sociedades offshore en paraísos fiscales - 03.04.2016 - LA NACION       
Mossack Fonseca Inside the firm that helps the super-rich hide their money
Panama Launches Criminal Probe After Data Leak
Panama Leak el envío de capitales a paraísos fiscales, sigue siendo un robo impune a toda la sociedad  Otro Mundo Es Posible
Panama Papers Britain 'at the heart of super-rich tax-avoidance network'
Panama Papers Cameron Confirma Que Guardó Dineros En Paraísos Fiscales Duna 89.7
Panama Papers David Cameron admits he had stake in father's fund
Panama Papers el padre del primer ministro británico David Cameron fue cliente de Mossack Fonseca - BBC Mundo
Panama Papers FCA asks firms to check for links - BBC News
Panama Papers George Osborne evades questions about family's tax affairs as David Cameron comes under more pressure
Panama Papers global tax officials to launch unprecedented inquiry
Panama papers Los papeles de Panamá salpican al padre de Cameron Internacional EL PAÍS
Panama Papers Mossack Fonseca Tied to Nazis, CIA & Mexican Drug Lords Covert Geopolitics
Panama Papers Offshore firm set up by Cameron's father was moved to Ireland in year son became PM
Panama Papers PM 'won't gain from offshore funds in future' - No 10 - BBC News
Panama Papers Protesters call on Iceland PM to resign - YouTube
Panama Papers Putin Aides, Lionel Messi and 500 Indians involved in tax leaks
Panama Papers The truth about the Blairmore fund - by the man who exposed it
Panama Papers' legacy of tax avoidance began with Blair & Brown - Spear's Magazine
Panamá Papers revelan paraísos fiscales de ricos y poderosos - La Media
Papeles de Panamá Los papeles de Panamá desvelan que Bertín Osborne reactivó una sociedad para pagar a Hacienda EL MUNDO
Papeles de Panamá los señalados
PM Admits Owning Shares In Dad's Offshore Fund
PM Will Not Get Offshore Benefits 'In Future'
Prime Minister David Cameron's wife under scrutiny over North Lincolnshire land ownership Grimsby Telegraph
snp UK Government ministers must declare tax haven links (From Herald Scotland)
The Cameron network inherited wealth and family companies Politics The Guardian
The Cat Is Out Of The Bag - In Interview Mossack Fonseca Founders Admit It's Over... To Rothschild's Delight Zero Hedge
The Panama Papers are damaging George Osborne and Boris Johnson's leadership chances Voices The Independent
Thousands of protesters storm Downing Street calling on David Cameron to quit amid Panama Papers row 
Tony and Cherie Blair's property empire worth estimated £27m Money The Guardian
UEFA Offices Raided Over Panama Papers Scandal
UK Banks Handed Panama Papers Deadline
watch Video highlights the victims of offshore finance after Panama Papers leak - Newstalk
Why Cameron, our morally bankrupt Prime Minister, has to go
William Hague Don't judge politicians solely on their finances - BBC News
Xi Seen as Easily Surviving Revelations in Panama Papers - US News

As I don't hold any deals worldwide and my sister (ana pia), the one who gained full possession of my mother's house (33 pte) when all her children passed the rights to my mother - after my father passed away, not sister (ana pia), but she (ana pia) told me, that me and her (ana pia) own the house (33 pte) and since when and without my permit, consent and knowledge over matters, when the rest is left out and why? - With respect, but my mother in her full capacity told me complete otherwise, that her house (33 pte) belongs to all her children, not me or my sister (ana pia) "only", but the whole complete family and unable to enjoy since years (1985 - 2016) ago if we ALL remember, "when sold me (as SLAVE)" and returned me back to the UK with the ex-husband/s family for more abuse, when I wanted to divorce, pretty much the same as 6 million Jews peoples returned own boat back to Hitler's during WWII, that I lost track of any family values, principles, or roots, mean such peoples are not my family anymore not matter how much they jump up and down and pretend to lay the law, as in no capacity, you sell your own brother and/or you sell your own sister, pretty much the same as the ex/husband sister social worker against her brother, if we remember very well and in order to deviate her own abuse, mischievous and malice!!-  I am writing here to explain anyone, that I don't walk alone as the ex/husband and his sister social worker and millions of English peoples that break own family bonds, even live separate from own parents as tradition, but I hold hundreds of family members on my father and on my mother's side, without counting the rest and for anyone to be full aware, that I am not a loner as you may think, but I hold a complete kingdom, in which I am not responsible, as I lost track, but not them to me with the help of the ex/husband sister social worker that STOLE all my matters (family, friends, children, marriage, everything!) with own lies (5 boys, the river, etc) and the rest! - My sister (soco) when filled UK benefits with aid of the CAB (as this is own motto, let other peoples to do own matters, to be blame after and now using my children?!!), the staff was asking her if she owns foreign deals (property) and she deny, I have to ask her the same QUESTION in Spanish to make sure understood, but deny again, when in reality she (soco) holds property in Mexico (16 of September, VW, etc) on the name of my brother (rafael) when claiming income support and the rest of UK benefits, never worked in the UK and the ex/husband told me when on divorce times, that "the English system for the English peoples", after I worked, paid my contributions (even today as poll tax and tax when shopping!) since day one (1985 - 2016), without speaking the English language properly and bring up alone our children, as explain in this link:

I don't have to carry my "family problems" at any time, but them alone and alone they will have to respond the law of own makings, with respect, but I am feed up to be blame of own actions, when we all received the same education, principles and opportunities and I am still waiting for an answer regarding Pola, with same sisters (mara, soco, etc) that bring so much pain, hatred and confusion to our family.   As my brother (jose) and Pola were an item, this was our secret, but my RACIST sisters (soco and mara) when found out separate and returned Pola back to her place, gave her money, paid her bus ticket and aid Pola to escape from my mother, when me and my mother loved her very much, so this is a lie - not plausible in law = breaking couples, marriages, lives, etc!-   Unfortunately own lie as I was told by such sisters (soco and mara) reflects today again, but with different brother (rafael) married a second time, perhaps as the rest learn the trade, because his first wife (gracia maria sotelo figeroa) need to flee (escape exactly the same as Pola!!) in HIDE from my brother (as ana pia told me) and back to Michoacan with own family and children (3 daughters), exactly the same as Pola, what a coincidence?-  As mention before, I have no contact with any family and my sister (josefa) / parents invite me to Michoacan "once" and for a few days, as petition of my brother (rafael), but never invite me to his wedding, because the family passed my persona - personality and personal Identification to the rest, that takes oportunity (pancho - see photo ) "after the work done", maybe to frame me after, confuse when matters happenes and/or pretend, by stealing my own persona, personality and ID, including my sisters that should set the example in the family, but holds both brother's ex-family  as you can see photos  and unable to participate, either passed away (RIP) for a reason, or divorce after and for a reason, including in full contact with the ex/husband family since day one (1985 - 2016), but if I hold any contact with own family / friends, then abuse, or I kissed own husband, or etc, etc, etc of eternal lies, tales and cruel remarks!!?-    If my sister (soco - family and friends as hazz, maricela lopez, etc) and brothers (jose - guerrero  and rafael - sotelo) doesn´t mind that the rest of family holds own PRIVATE matters for-ever and for a reason, I do mind, because when things happens in the family as my brother (RIP  ), then I get the blame after and unaware of the hide matters and contact with each other "before" as bonding, when keep passing all me and mine to the rest, with any excuse but abuse, crime when murder and lack of capacity to make own friends - family, as who will sell own family, including ex-husband sister (, social worker against own brother, as if I don't remember? -   As me and mine (children) badly affected today by own bullying - scoring points (, when the ex/husband sister, social worker that works for the community not against, but able to open the UK doors to my family - friends own lies against us (her own brother family, who on earth?), without ever asking me for my part, hiding in "confidentiality acts" the cowards, not holding the ex-husband UK friends / family, but mine, what strange and reasons?! -

I don't want to see Pola again, as I am unaware of the matters and in which terms she regard me today (unfortunately!!!), but prove matters that I don't hold anything against her and my brother, because my sisters (mara and soco, now own children!!) in connection with my brother's own wife as today, families as you can see parties, even breaking marriages as mine, from behind feeding them with the wrong information and using own sisters / brothers, as the ex/husband sister, social worker that loves to go against own brother with any issues and sister (soco) ex/husband (norma hazz), that alike each other story and broke our marrieges, then comes the rest against me, when I am the same as them, so when? -   As I told another sister (ana pia) of my problems (I was trying to find out who was the person that was feeding HATE to the ex/husband and his own family), but deny me the rights to know that time (1990's), because the Prime Minister spoke "exactly the same words that I did to my sister only (", mean she was and still today the only person that I spoke of such words, when I felt matters of HATE towards me, but unaware from where was coming against me and mine hurting my reputation badly, today we see the results with my brother, mean my family holds communication with my matters all the time, even government staff, selling us for nothing, but blame me?!!-

It must run in the same circles such families matters, not matter, if religious affairs, age, colour, disability, sexual orientation, gender and etc, but with different set of parents, brothers and sisters and the reasons I said today, that I hold the Prime Minister and his brother Alex Cameron with my fullest form of respect, until tax evasion and money laundering is sorted (, with no extra laws at the moment, that will block the rest to come forwards and protect maybe and perhaps breed more criminal activity in order to re-coup money from abroad, with tax evaders, money laundering, etc.

I said this matter because:

 1- If someone send / sent peoples against me for any reasons even as visitors, as you can read my complete blog with more than 440 + notes, mean in plain English that you can read my blog/notes anytime and acknowledge the same matters, while you can go on holiday, enjoy life and/or even use my material without my permit, consent, knowledge as the UK Prime Minister, David Cameron, maybe to make deals, but who give you the rights over my blogs when no remuneration and studied the UK law and journalist as blogger all alone and for 5 years as a whole (2010 - 2016) and this is not ENVY but calls hard work, otherwise you are misleading the public to believe matters when is me who is writing matters not you, with not family help whatsoever except when child, now I am 55 years old granny trying to earn my living and prove myself as myself, not as family old teaching standards, but "new" me!!! -

2- What are the reasons in law when making more laws as the UK Prime Minister currently, when "the Panama business is all over the world and plastered in the news with any language as links before expose, just need to translate and believe me" when I mention previous of the illegal status to Money Laundering and Tax evasion  (, but trying to use wistleblower (as me, Assange, etc) as scapegoats, in order to clean own acts from the past and re-direct own criminal activity, even if sell "family and protect / hide own problems?", as mention with my own family and even words, as confidentiality, so pardon me if I broke mine today with more than 440 notes, but who's started first? -

3- What is the point of government staff, when send peoples against me for any particular reasons, when in reality is to hide your own past - persona and re-direct matters, mean to discredit my work as colour, disabled, or any other RACIST attitude and expose me the lowest possible ways in public and collaborate with what already peoples speak, that in law is slander against humanity, but make you fell more important that the rest (as discriminatory) and get back for past good pastures / matters as if nothing ever happened (panama papers), or any other excuses as purchasing / stealing hard work - journalist investigation from us  (me, assange, etc) and in order to help either The Queen (myself) and the world (assange and the rest) as today,  even passing the law with new laws when no investigations over matters and in order to continue hiding the real abuses, in that way we are not going to finish never!! -  As even today, with the loads of links, the real cash still HIDE and UK or worldwide can no benefit, but continue living in FINANCIAL crisis? -

4- When in reality is racism over the rest of UK citizens (me) with respect, when the ex/husband mention to me and by holding his own Bible that gave me as present, that the English system for the English peoples and this demonstrate today when I lost all, unless collaborate with millions of links in my blog as you can read along the way, you will not believe me, not to English peoples the racism (difference in treatment into one person, to another), but me as foreign national and I bet, I need to show you now the Holly Bible to prove and once again!-

5- The "family problems" of the ex/husband, his sister social worker and helpers, even using my children now to hide, but acts as if it is me the problem, when is all lack of own education, even to understand your own past / present and with respect, but your own making not mine as I was born in Mexico, not UK!!.-

I put in this note the photo of Jamaica Prime Minister, as wants to return money from past slave matters with respect to her own peoples, that money apparently comes from the Cameron's own legacy as The Queen Elizabeth II own legacy paid large amount of money for such peoples to live TODAY in FREEDOMS, Liberty and FREE of oppression.  So again, I thank my parents for own excellent example to me, may come from same breed of peoples, but not same ideals, ideas, or even heart and with respect.

I already spoke of the same matters as read links before and not point to carry on with more notes, until more news comes from the same Tax evasion and Money laundering, as I hold nothing of the original papers and all is hide with banks and solicitors places of highest security (remember is cash!!) and secrecy and I also want remuneration and pride for my work, with respect, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.

SCALES OF JUSTICE, fresh news over matters:



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