EU Brexit referendum: France's Calais seeks border deal changes.
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I must to say that, I have not read the news, as with the front pages attributions is enough for anyone to know the level and gravity of the problems in which, the UK landed TODAY, even our well loved Boris Johnson is waking up to his own reality, betrayal, mistakes, ambition (to usurp the seat of David Cameron MP, many hundreds years ago, this revolt could be hanged for betrayal!) and mislead the nation.
In which in my opinion Boris Johnson (also Nigel Farage) should be accounted in law, to bring this level of great unrest to the UK, particularly with false dreams, mislead, intolerance, difference, instability, separatism to all European Countries, because the elders went to battle and endless wars (WWI - WWII) to finish this extreme hate between themselves, somehow he is pursuing contrary of the matter, with no form of responsibility from what may can cause in the future as today, with the Brexit, as he was not born in the UK but America, as me Mexico.
As such, who give Boris Johnson the rights to cause this kind of revolt in the UK, in order to destroy and destabilise, what the elders went to war and fought so hard for own children today, enjoy plenty STABILITY, PEACE and PROSPERITY together with the EUROPEAN UNION and with respect.
I believe the true fact of the matters and we cannot hide and erase the breakage and damaged that the eloquence caused, as this went public - humiliate the UK badly with false promises, as such, Boris Johnson is going to carry the load of his own mistakes together with the other cowboy, Nigel Farage. As the mislead (Nigel Farage told Good Morning Britain it was a "mistake" for the Leave campaign to claim there'd be £350m a week extra for the NHS after Brexit to carry own deceit AGAINST the UK: "Queen, Country, Land and Glory" out of lies is way out of question legally, centuries ago, the incest could be persecute for betrayal to the Crown, many times even lost own life as a result, mean the two amigos (Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson) are going to go to Brussels alone and face the music together - carrying own responsibility with PRIDE, placing a PUBLIC (so the public in general is FULL aware of the matters, actions and pursuit) apology as result of own actions, plus request TIME to adjust our nation from present situation. When they (Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson) come back from Brussels "after the fiasco and apologies" own case will be heard and decide by the Crown, mean they will continue as MP, or leave.
Only the Cowards ( run and leave the post alone, but we are not going to leave the European Community and/or the UK nation to please a few bullies (Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson), until we know fully well, that is the best interest, action to take and what the UK peoples really wants as a whole, not divide nation with plenty lies and false promises (Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson).
As Golda Meir said in the past that if we are going to lose the battle (The Egyptians could run to Egypt, the Syrians into Syria. The only place we could run was into the sea and before we did that, we might as well fight, Golda Meir), better to fight with dignity and as such, the United Kingdom is not the only one that is surround with pure sea water, very much the same as Israel: "So we might as well fight!!!!!" -
Our peoples ( cannot afford to quit a nation that saved us from the hands of criminals during the WWII and as such, we better fight next to the UK ( peoples and demonstrate our gratitude to such elders that saved and shaped our world today, as Germany / Hitler owns us 6 million Jews Victims of war and so is the rest of Europe with Mussolini, Franco and Stalin, so we hold them accounted for any crimes committed.
We defiated the undefiated with PEACE of any treats from the Scots against the UK (England, Wales and Ireland), in order to unite once again and regain our beloved Queen Mother, The Queen Elizabeth place of birth from Scotland and not to be dived the nation ( ). I bet today we can win with dignity, peace and honour the same result with the European Community, because we are peoples of Peace, not War and as such, they are going to WAIT, until the UK is ready to let them go and not after and not before (, but when the UK peoples said the time is right if ever, no wonder "the elders signed treaties" to protect our place and such treaties are not negotiable but respect by anyone! -
In order for anyone to see HOW MANY TREATIES were signed and gained in order to enjoy the EUROPEAN UNION and peace you got today, so enjoy and thanks always the brave elders, as my parents in Mexico, as you in Europe:
While I got not rights to interfere in the way vote goes (, but as Mexican born with UK citizenship, I can and I have the rights to lead a nation as Boris Johnson (Nigel Farage is UK born) even from my laptop (, because I am concern for the Queen's safety, furthermore when someone in high position as Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage takes full advantage by destroying what the elders went to war (WWI - WWII) and worked so hard for the matters (, in order for Europe today to live in holly peace, harmony and prosperity.
Mr Boris Johnson Tory MP family ( and relations that work in any bench around the country, perhaps protect own financial interest - instead of the UK peoples, the reasons why he leads so successful, rarely comes with any scratches as today and contrary of David Cameron MP, that lies fully on Osborne and a few others, also he is a foreign national born in America ( like myself (Mexico), when there is not reference of his past - present, so what is there to hide from Wiki and the public and for public concern, many of such places are refilled with pride? -
At this particular time, all the political parties ( are going to HOLD TOGETHER, mean no more fights until we managed to keep the peace in the UK, stability and prosperity, mean blues, reds, yellows, greens and violets are going to behave well and put an example to the country, otherwise we are going to request your departure, together with your P-45, as you understand this is not the time to grab opportunity, bully nobody, neither to start wars.
It was a police investigation ( for the general election voting system, may today (26/6/2016) happened the same with the voting from the Brexit and until that investigation is not done properly, we cannot have another kind of vote process, even as EU for BREXIT, because we don't know if the same methods used for the win / lose.
I hope you understand that I have a Crown to protect and I also need to charge for my services like Tony Blair ( and wonder were to send my bill ("as my bills are mounting when working for free"), when acting as advisory for the UK politics affairs, because I can not be here all day, without a proper reasons, wages and situation, that even the Speech therapist charged ( The King George VI (with respect), so why not me, but let the rest to eat from my hard earned job and whose rights you got for the abuse, stealing from the rest? -
Apparently the negotiation are going to be difficult (Las negociaciones van a ser increíblemente difíciles, of course, everyone want to have a big chunk of endless deals and take full advantage of the matters while they can, but Tony Blair is charged with "war on terror" from the Middle East ( ) victims, if we remember well, so as you can see the reasons why, I care for the Crown as too much greedy, money, power, conflict, ambition, unsuitability and abuse of power and profession!?! -
There is not much to say until further notice, furthermore whatever comes from the EU meetings ( and after Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson come back from Brussels and solve the problem, then the Crown will choose what to do with them, because betrayal is way out of question legally, furthermore to the Crown.
There is calls for a second debate tops a million (, not as 700,000 as mention before in one of my photos, so as you can see is not going to be easy the job, but better to do it with respect, pride and honour to our ancestry ( in a way of thank you to the King George VI and His Wife, The Queen Mother, The Queen Elizabeth (, also the devolution of Israel to the Jews peoples, including the mother of Prince Philip, Princess Alice ( of Battenberg, who is Righteous Among the Nations" at Yad Vashem, with thanks again!- Rosario Castellanos de Parker.
My background not just comes from Spain, but from France as well after emigrate to Michoacan, Mexico, while I am blessed with all the colours of the rainbow, I also request solidarity, peace, communication, respect, tolerance, support, patience, union, etc.
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