Opus - Life Is Life (Live)
As anyone else that place a simple comment into, the life of FB owner, Mark Zuckerberg by Members of the Congress, but not responsible for links, photos, or words that are not mine and always follows by a link.
But most of the questions asked, contents and data during The Capitol Hill Time not even a galactic superstar could track on time, investigate for sure of the sources, resources and vie from, without a proper investigation into the matters "first" and "before" the roasting pursuit with the political world, impossible, uncontest, way out of order, unquestionable, out of this world and even given the age and time of such members, contrast with our modern times of technology that is not advanced and as they want us to believe and with respect to may concern matters, but way out of space, universe, planets and the whole wide world, amen.
The only thing I hate from FB is the true fact, that they can use the PLATFORM to run adverts (Sen. Hatch: "If [a version of Facebook will always be free], how do you sustain a business model in which users don't pay for your service?" Mark Zuckerberg: "Senator, we run ads." https://cbsn.ws/2GPqA9r) and earn a good income, but never us, FB WALL OWNERS and like many others social media that encourage to use in your website, blog, social media and I know it's FREE, with thanks for the opportunity to develop further, but a bit of cash could help to lift the load, furthermore in my place, present position and many billions (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Zuckerberg US$62.2 billion as of March 25, 2018 ) peoples out there, that are either, working for FREE (like me!), poor, hungry and even homeless working with a laptop to earn an income - could be a possibility, reality, dream, etc?!!- https://tinyurl.com/y8aaecmn
Someone Photoshopped Mark Zuckerberg as Data from 'Star Trek', with my fullest form of respect:
Now with something completely different matter altogether from FB Owner Billions ($$$££££) I wrote in my FB WALL ( https://www.facebook.com/rosario.parker1 ) to stop the interview on time and ask the correct staff of FB, Cambridge Analytica, Internet software and hardware develops, Internet provider, laptops, PC, tablets manufacts and the rest tools that the world use, "before" reach FB page and/or any other social media places, shopping, news anchor, tv programs and/or whatever you want to use and SURF the internet - available to all, because is the only way, place in the world, that such peoples cannot see any color, incapacity, religion, sexual orientation, age and that way we can managed to shop without any RACISM at all, the only place that they do not ask us, where we are coming from, when are we going home, etc?????!! -
I wrote in my FB wall ( https://www.facebook.com/rosario.parker1 ) the relevant and according to the grillying time to FB owner and I leave it as "it is", with respect:
A- Yesterday 11/4/2018 at 8:23 pm British time, I wrote:
As I mention in my FB wall, that whatever went into the interview and during this speech with questions and answers is complete baseless, nul, zero, nada, because:
1- FB owner was unaccompanied of a law representative to protect his interest.
2- Forced to speak of many issues without proper investigation into the matter, which can be dangerous for him and his family, also the world itself.
3- The questions and answers are unreal, inaccurate, with no probe whatsoever and need into the same matter, as again there is not proper investigation into the matters "before this interview" and what is said today, can change the course of the law tomorrow.
4 - The bullying aproad from the peoples that wanted answers from Mark Zuckerberg is against the law, as he is the owner of Facebook not the staff, neither works for cambridge analytica and many others internet software and hardware, that are connected into each other, for the same purpose to entertain people worldwide, mean a FREE platform, not a babysitter to monitor.
5- Including the same american intelligence that has the power to surville their own peoples and worldwide, then is an hypocrisy to sit one person and force him to accept responsibility, as this surveillance is worldwide, including Mexico that is considered a third world country comes with own gestapo, surveillance and monitor.
And I can carry on mention the several points, but those are the most important in law at the present time, as such, we cannot accept this men to come and pass the American Law, because themselves in the past and so many times has been told the American public, that President, Mr Trump cannot pass the law, so who they are to pass the American law with Mark Zuckerberg, when hold into the proper way and vigent, the American Constitution, Laws, Liberties, Magna Carta, Rule of law, Canon law, etc? -
I protect me and my children with the law, any law worldwide, including the magna carta, rule of law and canon law, that my Lord is my witness, so help me God and so be it in law, Rosario Castellanos de Parker
B - On the 10 of April 2018 at 21:46 pm British time, I wrote:
I believe that I leave my FB wall and as probe in law, that I asked to stop this investigation as need to be investigate further, furthermore when involve other company members and not just FB owner, also whoever is concern should given a list of questions into the matter to FB staff and in order to find out the real matters, investigate further, as involve in the business is very complex at this stage, where even technology changes everyday, mucho more than Mark Zuckerberg is the only one sitting to answer, when the rest as cambridge analytica, fb staff and internet provider is missing and just to start, including the proper investigation, mean whichever answer wrong is here, today and now by Mark Zuckerberg is not liable in law, as this petition request to stop the same and gain more information.
I protect me and my children with the law, any law worldwide, including the magna carta, rule of law and canon law, that my Lord is my witness, so help me God and so be it in law, Rosario Castellanos de Parker
C - On the 10 of April at 21:28 pm British time, I wrote:
The pause I asked is for the FB owner to find out more into the relevant questions asked here and today with respect to may concern matters, also as soon as answer correctly after a proper investigation maybe months not days, or hours will be given in timely manner and the state, law or whoever is concern to get into the next stage, but I believe strong Mark Zuckerberg should not be forced to continue today, neither answer something that is unaware, little knowledge, or investigate properly, furthermore when he placed his trust to his staff, cambridge analytica, also responsibility into the federal state, intelligence service of America and world to answer, including internet provide just to start, otherwise Mark Zuckerberg could be liable for misleading the course of the law, when in reality today, he is trying to be polite, respectful and cordial and address to the relevant peoples.
I protect me and my children with the law, any law worldwide, including the magna carta, rule of law and canon law, that my Lord is my witness, so help me God and so be it in law, Rosario Castellanos de Parker
D - On the 10 of April at 21:08 pm British time, I wrote:
I believe strong all the questions asked now, by the relevant company, law, or state management should stop with immediate effect, as many questions should be answered by the Cambridge analytica, fab staff direct and the new technology that change everyday to adapt, like internet provider and wrongly to blame only one person, as FB owner, when the rest is part of the same modern technology, groups and company that relay into each other, even government that holds their own intelligence department to surveillance and monitor the world, please I ask to stop and find out more details regarding the questions, otherwise whatever Mark Zuckerberg anwer now could go against him in the future, as maybe only knows little, or no idea, but forced to speak.
I protect me and my children with the law, any law worldwide, including the magna carta, rule of law and canon law, that my Lord is my witness, so help me God and so be it in law, Rosario Castellanos de Parker
F - On the 10 of April at 20:27 pm British time, I wrote:
As I answer before about the FB with respect is a social tool, platform, nothing else, even free to enjoy by whoever wants to develop further, in which many of the questions asked by the law, right now, may the responsibility of Mark Zuckerberg staff direct not himself aware of all and everything, because even a Judge cannot know full well, all the law, impossible and many times makes a pause for the same reasons, to investigate further.
So please, could be possible to make that pause right now by the law and FB owner to find all the details to the relevant questions, enquiries and asked by the law, on this occasion, then continue, possible in writing when gain all the correct information, details, answers, otherwise could be blame for mislead the course of the law, when is impossible to know all the law even by a Judge, because Mark Zuckerberg is only the owner of fb, not the staff of his business, neither responsible of what his staff hire to responds promptly and accurately to any demands by politics affairs, government, community and as now with the questioning demonstrate and impossible to answer all the questions right now, reasons why hired Cambridge analytica in the past to please, but somehow today, left badly by the company, furthermore when rushing matters.
I believe Cambridge analytica is fully liable and responsible by the trust placed from FB and I question why only FB is forced to answer something that do not belong to his business, but hired and as such, what is the aim of the case and relate to who's the concern and with respect? -
I protect me and my children with the law, any law worldwide, including the magna carta, rule of law and canon law, that my Lord is my witness, so help me God and so be it in law, Rosario Castellanos de Parker
G - On the 10 of April at 19:48 pm British time, I wrote:
Facebook is only a platform, no a babysitter, like google, twitter, youtube and the rest to interact with the rest human kind, either to make business, political relation and even contact your family, because the world is immense to progress.
Now if we remember very well, years ago and due to the extreme pressure to control the media, the owner Mark Zuckerberg hired the services like Cambridge analytica to please, even the law, but not LIABLE for any bad practice when trusted the company complete, part of what is the reasons to create this social tool which is fb, because is only an entertainment pursuit, nothing else, what other people does with it - is not his business, except monitor, neither Jesus Christ to be persecute in public, when is a free platform to develop and with respect to may concern matters!-
I protect me and my children with the law, any law worldwide, including the magna carta, rule of law and canon law, that my Lord is my witness, so help me God and so be it in law, Rosario Castellanos de Parker
To no avail, because we are all social media, including internet provider, software and hardware computer system and services providers to monitor like Cambridge analytica and in the past when started the hate campaign against FB, Google, Twitter and the rest HIDE intelligence service and surveillance, I wrote:
etc ..
Because we refuse absolutely and protect our kind above all ..
As I said in the past so many times, today is not different, from me, I will always thanks FB owners also Google, Twitter and the rest internet social media and providers, for the platform and facility, even when paying own services (internet, etc) and in order to clean my name worldwide, my parents and family, also to expose "family problems" and their own lies, because in the past, I lost so much, unborn children, country of birth, way of life, friends, reputation, dignity, respect, education and you name it not the peoples who create their own world (social media, hardware and software, internet provider, news anchor, laptops, etc) and on their time, that went hide for so long, unnoticed, uncontest in law and got away with murder spree, but today refuse to be in the spot-life, limelight and after all criminal damaged, I hope you understand that when removed the law from me, I was forced to open for the public to read, acknowledge and perhaps protection, when I arrived to an old age that demand respect, when my parents grow up old, with no respect from family members, today impose even a law to protect their own dignity and where is and was mine and my parents dignity, respect, tolerance, also brother (jose) and sisters that perished for the same hatred and intent to blame / frame me after, when I never been in contact with them for more than 30 years ago, as living in the UK and my passport can collaborate the few times travel to Mexico, neither knew of any "family problems" as I was living with a sister (flor), except a few years before married, but even then, I travelled to UK to visit the ex/husband country of birth, but all hide, as they love to bully people life, today I lost all, like a WWII victim, that at the end of the war walked with nothing to hang on not even a family, all destroyed, but somehow born in Mexico, where such world do not exist not even today, but left by the business enterprise that enter my country after Salinas de Gortari, so how I landed here and by which sister ( https://tinyurl.com/y77lex9t ) that HOLDS the government power due to her direct world?! - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1644297972284590&set=t.1477714997&type=3&theater
I do not want anything free, but I believe strong, that I worked my heart and soul to arrive here with my blog and such places and peoples that help me to reach my destination, place on earth and clean my name, my parents name and some members of my family, where such peoples "bullies" went into full rampage against us, victims at home, all closed doors, hide from the public life and Members of Congress (Ted Cruz, Ben Sasse, Kathy Castor and etc, with respect ), with my full form of respect is asking for MEDICAL DATA but not the "family problems" that went behind my back with doctors and even regarding members of my family own health with mesh ( https://tinyurl.com/y96jokhg ) problems and HATE SPEECH define and definitive what a decency, luxury and hypocrisy that we were never ever allowed the luxury to safeguard any PRIVACY, DATA accumulator, neither the HATE SPEECH was turned down, but full blast to our ears with No respect, care, love to me and my family and as such, I believe strong, that I deserve better treatment, not just bullies today protect, but me and my family in the past allowed full protection laws, but somehow deny, NEVER AGAIN! -
I protect me and my children with the law, any law worldwide, including the magna carta, rule of law and canon law, that my Lord is my witness, so help me God and so be it in law, Rosario Castellanos de Parker
P.S. I will come back soon, after taking a deserving break, I got so many plans for the future and little time (57 and 1/2 years old !!) to develop, with thanks for the pleasure to having you here in my blog and see you soon, God Bless! -
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