Sunday, 6 May 2018

ScotRail: "Glasgow Central, Bank Holiday Weekend - Train Disruption" ..

                             NO MUSIC WHEN BULLYING!

ScotRail apologises for Glasgow Central train disruption.

I arrived to Glasgow Central yesterday 5/5/2018 from Manchester Airport, after taking the train at 5.00 pm to "apparently" 8.34 pm arrival, but delay by 15 or so minutes, so unable to take the next train described in the ticket, "as I cannot fly", but went to purchase a bag of grocery to wait for the next one to arrive, then started showing signs of discontent (as we say in Mexico, "jakeca"), with the"something happened in the train station", but "staff won't tell you the true of matters", hide until "very late", so late, that "you are left strained in the mid-night-chaos", with "no exit, no help, no transport to replace and no nothing" and until they throw everyone out of the train station, closed the doors, lights out and left home, with no care and no respect, as if a piece of rubbish, garbage to dispose after, horrendous?! -

The police officers instead to tell us, speak to the public, communicate, but become aggressive and unable to let us pass, one way, or the other, mean you, even the streets do not come nowadays with private toilets and many young Scottish people use the "Saturdays" to enjoy, party, celebrate, with the intention to go home after by train, but yesterday all outside, no transport to move the influxes of people, neither decent toilets to use "private" and as form of courtesy, nothing, plus whatever shops left, also closing!!-

 I understand fully, that the "police" are not social workers, but placed to protect, guide, help, neither the council staff arrived to re-direct people and/or manager from ScotRail was present to address the issues and bring transport to replace the problem, except the rest of staff, used such services (police) to aid them and kick train users out of the precinct and many passed out, except me and I could see the complete abuse, chaos, mayhem, lack of ability to re-direct and etc? -

When out of the Train station, I saw the homeless and on that time, I believe my God was testing me very hard, to the point to ask if she got spare blankets for the night, but instead went to find the bus # 38, that was full and one every hour, mean transport that was supposed to take me to Paisley and from there take the train to my home place, just after 11.30 pm, impossible task, but what it got me was the young people, even playing Tigers and Irish dancers outside the precinct and on the road to distract, entertain, perhaps confuse into what to do next, or gain some money to pay for a transport back home, the rest complete passed out by the alcohol consumption, that is not my business the private life, except when I can see the level of abuse by such transport staff providers, that lack of ways to handle the matters in a more human situation, furthermore when knows fully well is Saturday and many lost all cash for same party, but left strained in the middle of nowhere and just before midnight, where all cheap transport gone!!? -

Even the IRA used to warn people before any strike ( ), many young / old people would stay in own area better, instead to party in Glasgow, with the intention to go home after and use the train as form of transport, because I saw them waiting and waiting and waiting to no avail, such young people could be easy my own children, strained in the middle of night, nowhere, with no aid, help, plus drunk as hell when celebrate, party and what if that was your children not matter age, how would you react?!- 

You honestly believe that this weekend chaos, during my stay in Glasgow central, strained for more than 3 + hours was not part of a strike, advertise previous as cancel ( ),
just before 9 pm, till 11.30 pm + that staff started closing doors, taking everybody out, lights switch off, machine closed and during that time, I approached ScotRail staff so many times, with "cancel, delay and something else" and for everyone to read, explain to me what was happening, but said nothing, never the true facts, except to kick you out of the precinct, at the and find your way back home and on your own, many complete passed out? -

Today only apologies, but yesterday 5/5/2018 staff closed the doors on people just before midnight, NO BUS WAITING OUTSIDE to repair the damaged, so unknown where the main photo comes from and which time came such buses (see main photo), innocents that got nothing to do with own employment regulations, strikes and wages, neither accept happy the unprovoked attack against us, but telling us over and over again, "to wait", instead to tell us to (piss off) find transport and"on time", before closing time, but left us too late, rude, discourteous, untrue and with intention to strike victims, problems (“Severe damage to the overhead wires caused disruption to services to and from Glasgow Central ... ), we will never know, except that may planned, strike! -

I bet this will be enough for ScotRail staff to come against peoples like me, "the next time they get the chance", after I wrote my ordeal, expose, but never think into how repair the damage, improve services, treat people with respect, courtesy and never hurt with intention, endangered life, because if never strike for any reasons, many would be home, safe by now, instead wondering off midnight, all closed and pass (out after alcohol intake) the night somewhere else and again, if that was your children not matter age, how would you react?!- 

The transport nightmare is becoming more and more of a problem nowadays, repair, faults and the full chaos, even police hate when people drink and drive, reasons why transport is better, advertise everywhere, but I saw it yesterday left the party-goers complete alone, strained in own mess and world, no care, respect, services, but closed the doors and even the police officers helping, standing as barriers, so why no continue the same level of responsibility and let the unions to deal with own matters, otherwise I could suggest to go back to normal, as if nobody is going to compromise, then I see no point, but mislead the public, then left to own devices, alone and "thanks God I was not drunk" and the experience was one of the kind, frightened, for my age even more, if never the Inverclyde taxi arrived (with thanks!) and 2 more people share the fare, I would never know, where I could be today? - 

Before I left in my Inverclyde taxi (with thanks!), I went to see the ScotRail staff and the one that was telling me "to wait and wait and wait" and I asked her, how she was closing now, after she told me to wait and where was the buses to take the hundreds of peoples strained, never arrived (see main photo, unknown to me, never saw the buses yesterday before midnight and appear out of the blue today and as photo shows!) on time and "if I was in Manchester (as happened to me many times!) that would be different", neither services to provide for the mess, mean peoples left on the roads with no protection, care, capability to know better and many passed out from the partying, pointed to them, I understand they are not the childminders, but responsible of the mess, as if transport available to take them back home, by train, bus, taxi, never Scotland could see the human mess, problem and I see it worked, ScotRail staff outside helping and directing train users, as you can see the main photo, with thanks, because if they speak otherwise, I got photos in my mobile to show in public the disgusting attitude and behavior, as such staff should know better.

My children think I worry to much, I think all this mess was planned to my arrival in Scotland, because in the morning, at my child home in Manchester, when watching t.v. the ex/husband passed to me, when again, I was watching t.v. and then I said nothing, then out of the blue, he start firing to my direction with his child pistol, crossed my way and view of the t.v. by centimeters and pets run to catch the matter, then I asked him to show me how it worked, because I saw it, "as an offence", according to the etiquette, I was an invite not his property (wife, ex/wife, etc) to be attacked with child pistols, fun and jokes, furthermore when I was watching t/v and not even the good morning told him, mean avoid as much contact as possible, "because I came to stay with my children, never him", soon after I tried to use the child pistol, to the point to ask him to show me, because I could not do it, how it worked, then I used in the kitchen and he was standing far away from the matter and not like me within centimeters, a few shoots and my child came downstairs and saw me "only", never the ex/husband that started first when watched t.v. then I gave the child toy and told them that "I felt much better", upset, but I explain and even in public, as now, because this is how little games start and even lost my brother with the dishwasher excuse, when divorce times, mean he came to me, never me to him, but wanted to test the child toy, he is 5 years older than me to know better and I am 57 years old woman to take his jokes, as fun, because all those little problems multiply to take advantage, even an opportunity to strike (he works at the manchester airport - transport!!) my life, and I mention in the evening at Scotland Rail Station.

ScotRail: "Glasgow Central, Bank Holiday Weekend - Train Disruption", on the 4th of may, I arrived 3 hours late to take my journey from Scotland to Manchester, forced by Virgin staff to purchase another ticket due to "delay (and I got the probe, tickets and all!!)", but somehow is another law for the Train staff, when delay your journey, fault beyond control, cable fault and as I explain the 5th of May 2018, complete nightmare in the evening for me, also beyond my fault, control, when arrived late (instead the 8.34, from Manchester airport 5.00 pm to Glasgow, but arrived just before 9 pm and need to buy another ticket?!) to take the next train to my home and as ticket shows, even close you the doors, with no care, respect, but leave you in the middle of nowhere and pay extra, including taxi share, no happy, but show them where to fire back and feel much better after, because this is how the jobs are becoming dangerous to peoples, like me, furthermore if I got somebody that works for transport (ex/husband) and got issues against me, with intention to strike first, and I prefer to write of the matters, ordeal, explain properly, before become another casualty with my peoples, because I have the rights to see my children and enjoy my stay in complete peace, above all is only one day, but sick that nobody ask my part, pass the law with child toys, games and fun, mess horrible with human people and my children need to see, live this kind of dysfunction life, environment - out of control! -

I protect me and my children with the law, any law worldwide, including the magna carta, canon law and rule of law, that my lord is my witness, so help me god and so be it in law, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.

(I made no grammar correction, until the UK law correct my life and receive full compensation, memory, justice and non-repetition of the crimes committed to me and mine, never again! -)


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