Monday 30 March 2020

Pandemic 2020 Mexico ..

Es importante que nuestro Mexico querido empieze desde el principio a tomar consiencia y respeto por la presente pandemia, plaga siga los requisitos del gobierno para salvarse y su familia, quiere decir QUEDATE EN CASA y solo salir a comprar comida / medicina de la semana, pero tomar conciencia del contagio, razòn por la que se hace esta peticiòn directo al Gobierno de Mexico, ofresca a cada ciudadano una pensiòn alimenticia a la semana, dinero suficiente para comprar comida / medicina y quedar reclusados por varias semanas, ayuda para suspender pagos de cualquier indole y no perder los servicios.

It is important that our beloved Mexico start from the beginning to take conscience and respect for the present pandemic, plague follows the requirements of the government to save you and your family, mean STAY AT HOME and only go out to buy food / medicine for the week, but become aware of the contagion, reasons we ask this petition direct to the Government of Mexico, offer each citizen maintenance per week, enough money to buy food / medicine and stay indoors for several weeks, also help to suspend payments of any kind and not to lose services.

Aquellas personas que tienen que trabajar, agradecemos muchisimo todo su esfuerzo, valor y valentia en estos momentos tàn criticos de la plaga, pandemia, pero debe recibir la vestimienta adecuada para evitar contagio y pasar esta enfermedad a su familia, o terceras personas, por eso se pide QUEDATE EN CASA. no es un lujo, pero una necesidad enorme, no hay medicaciòn para exterminar la enfermedad, solo medicamentos que sirven para contrarestar.

Those peoples that need to work, we thank you enormously for all your effort, courage and bravery in the most critical moments of the plague, pandemic, but you must receive the appropriate clothing to avoid any spread and pass to your family, or third people, that's why we ask to STAY INDOORS not a luxury, but enormous necessity, there is no medication to exterminate the disease, only some medications that help to cont-rarest.

Mexico y Latinoamerica apenas empezo la plaga, pandemia, Europa està en su peor momento, lean las noticias, pero al mismo tiempo relajarse en casa haciendo labores del hogar, como cocinar, planchar, limpiar para remover cada tipo de insecto, lavar su ropa regularmente y cambiar su cama si puede cada semana, tambien pintar, escribir, bailar, cantar, salir a pasear por 30 minutos y regresar a casa para seguir los requisitos, evitar el contagio unos a otros.

Mexico and Latin America just started the plague, pandemic, Europe at it's worst moment, read the news, but at the same time relax at home doing housework, such as cooking, ironing, cleaning to remove every type of insect, washing clothes regular and change bedding every week if possible, also paint, write, dance, sing and go out for a walk 30 min and return back home to follow the requirements, avoid spread, contagion each other.

Se debe evitar los grupos, cerrar los aeropuertos para que nada entre, o salga del pais mientras exista la plaga, pandemia, evitar un contagiòn que pueda exterminar millones de latinos, no es la primera vez que Mexico tiene esta situaciòn, transmisiòn por los Epañoles durante la conquista, pero tengo viviendo 30 años en Europa con todo tipo de contagio, como la gripe aviaria, vacas locas y el resto, pero està situacion se quita "quemando, desinfectando y fumigando" las cosas, basura, cuidades, edificios y hasta personas con respeto, fallecieròn por la enfermedad, evitar continuar transmiciòn hasta siguientes centurias.

Groups should be avoided, airports should be closed, so nothing enters or leaves the country while the plague, pandemic exists, avoid spread that can exterminate millions of Latinos, it is not the first time that Mexico have this situation, transmission by the Spaniards during conquest, but I have been living in Europe for the past 30 years with all kinds of spread, like bird flu, mad cows and the rest, but this situation is removed by "burning, disinfecting and fumigating" things, garbage, cities, buildings and even people with respect, perished as a result of the illness, avoid continue transmitting even following centuries.

No es claro, pero tengo la certeza que pandemia ( ), plaga la tienen escondida en laboratorios quizas por centurias, "muy rara en estas epocas con advances de todo", usada contra cualquier persona, naciòn y ahora en todo el mundo, pero delito por quien usa esta arma mortal, transmitida hasta controlar mortalidad de la gente como si fueran Dioces y por sus propias palabras del profeta, Prince Philip; “If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus ("corona") to lower human population levels" -

It is not clear, but I am sure that pandemic ( ), plague is hidden in laboratories perhaps for centuries, "very rare in these times with advances in everything", used against people, nation and now worldwide, but a crime by whoever use this deadly weapon, transmitted for control mortality of people, as if they were Gods and by his own words of the prophet, Prince Philip; "If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus (" corona ") to lower human population levels"-

- Por los advances en que vivimos hoy, no se sabe si es enfermedad, o profession quien disminuye su poblaciòn.
- For the advances in which we live today, it is not clear if disease, or profession who decrease the population:

etc ..

- Pero en realidad la unica forma de controlar una plaga, pandemia.
- But the only way to control a plague, pandemic:

Fogones: Desinfecciòn:

Cualquier gobierno que no se sujeten a lo anterior (cremaciòn, fogones, desinfecciòn y fortalezer un lavado de casa), debe explicar claramente razones en forma legal, puede estar motivado por questiòn de dinero, intereses politicos de un pais a otro, pero evita una pronta actuaciòn para eliminar plaga, pandemia que se fugò.

Any government that is not subject to the above (cremation, stove, disinfection and house cleaning), must explain clearly reasons in a legal way, may motivated by question of money, political interests from one country to another and avoids prompt action to eliminate plague, pandemic that escaped.

Lei un libro antiguo que pandemia, plaga empieza igual como en nuestros tiempos, increible de creer teniendo este advance tecnologico, medicinal y hasta recursos humanos para controlar la humanidad, pero tambien pelicula ( ) demuestra nuestro terror actual, excepto hoy tenemos un mundo mas avanzado y por ese material saquè mi conclusiòn, que todo està basado en ambiciòn de poder, dinero y hasta control mundial.

I read an old book that pandemic, plague begins just like in our times, incredible to believe having this technological advance, medicine and even human resources to control humanity, but also movie ( ) demonstrates our current terror, except today we have a more advanced world and for that material I reached my conclusion, that everything is based on ambition for power, money and even world control.

Encontre durante mi investigaciòn que el antibiotico es lo unico que mata, o impide el crecimiento de ciertas clases de microorganismos sensibles, virus, perdì el link, disculpas, cada persona deberà encontra aquel que ayude para mejorar su sistema, quiere decir si tomaste A y no sirvio, entonces tomar B hasta encontrar eficacia para sanar tu organismo, en una alergia tomar antihistaminico, para dolores Paracetamol, "pero cualquier medicina se debe tomar con alimentos" , comprado en farmacia, o tiendas que tengan registrados sus productos, no chafas.

I found during my research that the antibiotic is the only thing that kills, or prevents the growth of certain classes of sensitive microorganisms, viruses, I lost the link, sorry, each person should find the one that helps to improve their system, mean if you took A and it did not help, then take B until you find efficacy to heal your body, in an allergy take antihistamine, for pain paracetamol, "but any medicine should be taken with food", bought in a pharmacy, or stores that have their products registered, not cheaper.

Es algo que me llamò la atenciòn - Somenthing took my attention: 
Jeremy cobyn leaves office retirement:
Boris Johnson leaves office diagnosis:

Quién cuida el interest del Reino Unido? / Who looks after the UK interest? -

En la situaciòn presente mucho no concuerda con la realidad en que vivimos hoy y regresar al pasado con la pandemia, plaga es algo increible de creer, con todo respeto a la victimas, que nos dicen la enfermedad està ahi y con todo tipo de variaciones, pero en estos tiempos se puede controlar, remover, terminar puesto que tenemos las armas necesarias para combatir esta forma de imposiciòn, que Dios nos bendiga, Author, Rosario Castellanos de Parker

Present situation does not agree with the reality in which we live today and return to the past with the pandemic, plague is something incredible to believe, with all respect to the victims, who tell us the disease is there and with all kinds of variations, but in these times it can be controlled, removed, terminated since we have the necessary weapons to combat this form of imposition, may God bless us, Author, Rosario Castellanos de Parker


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