Tuesday, 6 July 2021

British Empire: "Slave Trade" -

Royal POLL: Should Queen pay reparations for Britain's role in slave trade?- https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1458949/royal-family-news-queen-slavery-reparations-jamaica-slave-trade-british-empire-latest

My opinion https://tinyurl.com/eta8a96h following by links / news of the same nature: 

Yes !! ..

Because we are all part of the same HUMAN RACE that in the old times more than today, driven by prejudice, segregate culture and racism is not acceptable in law: 

Racism, bullying and hate propaganda against humanity, because of disability, color, religion, sexual orientation, age, country of birth and/or any other excuse, destroy the soul of the people who carry the stigma and so, such (bullies) people that bring damage to us in any way, form, or shape should be accounted in law and pay for damages! - 

Unaware of what in reality happened during the reign from the British Empire, there is a lot of true hiden from us, with a complete holocaust, that even today still prevail not just with Jamaica, but the Zulu nation:  https://www.facebook.com/rosariocastellanosdeparker1960/photos/a.1227611407405759/1227611680739065

(  "Preserve me the DIGNITY" is what I always asked the ex/husband "inside of me" during our times of fight, particularly after his work, arrived home with endless slander against my reputation. 

After we married the ex-husband told me, that if "I ever came against his country" bla, bla and bla's.  

I wonder how such people knew of today, if my unborn children were not killed "terminate / abortion" by the slander against my reputation and in a country, where "on that time not this time", any single mother protect by the UK state, but never by their own father, ex/huband? - 

Intended to do the same with my living one's, until I placed a full stop, by the used of this blog, because I married into a weak man, that lacks love, respect and tolerance for his children, unable to use his own judgement, but driven always by the slander, hate propaganda, hatred, "family problems" and lies: 5 boys, the river, the kiss, china girl, etc.  

And the same " threat " came from my niece against me, "if I ever come against her mother" bla, bla and bla's, her letter arrived to me with a wave of hate propaganda, slander, intimidation and endless lies against my reputation and against her own family? - 

And so tell me, where do you see this kind of abnormal behaviour in any "sane" family envirolment?- 

I forwarded the letter to her mother "elder sister" and up to know "more than 25 + years passed" not even a small apology, recognition, justice, reparation and non-repetition of the same hate propaganda, neither my "dignity" was respected, preserved by such peoples that call themselves family, but together both families, conspired against me?- 

The thing is, for so long I need to keep this kind of abnormal behaviour against me, hide inside of me with full fear, every stepp of the way since small child, but never them with me, quite contrary left to live their own life in HOLY peace - until today - that I can demostrate what is like to live with this kind of hatred in a family envirolment, with such "Psychopathy" and abnormal behaviour. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychopathy  

Otherwise such peoples that call "family" send a wave of hatred, hate propaganda, intimidation, bullying, defamation of character, violence, sickness and endless threats to me and you only need to read my FB wall and blog that acts like diary.  

Reasons why I refuse my children to learn this kind of abnormal behaviour, have any conection between families, because in a real world a brother and/or a sister is for love, protect, respect, cherish and thanks God for the present to have somone to lie on, to be with you in sickness and health, any stage of your life is a blessing, otherwise is better alone, than with this kind of family wars, madness, abnormal behaviour, psychopathy, etc.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychopathy  

They are our Family when suit them, no problem, nobody deny, but not to the extent, that we let them to destroy our soul, persona, personality and even dignity, because that is madness no love, care, or respect, etc! - 

I was told by another sister of a singer destroyed by her own family, dancing in a funny way, because for such brothers and sisters that hold control of the family affairs is a game, but for the rest is a survival, furthermore when we witness such abnormal behaviour, unable to know where to hide like WWII victims! - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychopathy  

Madness is what create a war, need to see / read WWI, WWII, Spanish civil war, British Empire, etc.

As the ex/husband sister told me of "family problems" slander against my reputation, years before the ex and I divorce, that I was thinking the same a few days ago: "Should Queen pay reparations for Britain's role in slave trade?"- 

I was thinking why not, above all during that time, not this time, the ex/husband sister waited so long, 25 + years to tell me of the "family problems" not on the day that started the spread and so during the time, years passed, cashed and gained so much wealth, can pay me today compensation and if no happy, then address direct to the one that started all, because even today, I am unaware of who is the person/s hide with "confidentiality acts" and unable to know who will pay to who's! - 

In a way such violent world need to pay for criminal damaged, compensation, reparation, justice and non-repetition of the same crimes, show the world who in reality they are, came against me, mine and humanity with no respect, pity, pain and stop hiding in "confidentiality acts" to protect such abnormal behaviour, starting from my unborn children! - 

Since small child I lived with my sister Flor, many times I think she was more like my mother than the real one, most of her time she was out and about, never at any time stay for longer with any other sister and/or brother, parents, or even the elder sister to enable me, this kind of hatred and "since when we know each other to get to this level", because if ever, crossed simple words only, nothing out of this world amerit the hate propaganda, intolerance, bullying, defamation of character, lies, slander against my reputation.  

Every single sister and brother got the best education money can buy, understand fully well, what is the full  intention of their own actions to be counted in a court of law, how far they want to arrive with their own little games, spread, gossip, lies, slander, hatred furthermore when intended to display us in public, as now and in order to protect the real one, the one that started all, caused the "family problems", because we are not a game, pastime, fun, joke, etc -  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_zoo - 

If we show "family problems" what is like to be placed here, somehow don't like it, hide with endless  "confidentiality acts" the cowards, but victims need to accept their own abnormal behaviour, clairvoyance, reign of terror, bullying, harrasment acts, slander, lies, intolerance, with one law for you and another different for me, as see us a lowbread and not what in reality we are "family!" - 

The family may think is revenge from our side, but it's not and calls pain, which is different one to another!! -  NEVER AGAIN - )

I can only assume what others write about the subject, by own experience of past lived, the same of me and many victims: "Should Queen pay reparations for Britain's role in slave trade" and in order to gain full compensation, reparation, non-repetition and justice, while this matter comes from the past, but the Queen's ancestry gained so much wealth, based on pain, suffering, humilliation, racism, holocaust, segregate culture and etc!! - https://historyindoors.co.uk/britains-dark-past-the-atrocities-of-the-british-empire-and-its-legacy-today/

And I hate to start with another Britney Spear's case, pardon me if you think that way, but just to let you know and since when, I revoked my family (see photo below) complete, as this was done to give my side to my mother, because acording to the case "on the time", my father never made a will to protect my mother's interest, not for the "family problems" to eat and hold into me for a life, live like King, Queen, Princess and Royalty, because slavery (use a person for profits and gains) is a crime in law! -  NEVER AGAIN -  https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-57733118

I protect me and my children with the law, any law worldwide, including the magna carta, rule of law and canon law, that my lord is my witness, so help me god and so be it in law, Rosario Castellanos de Parker 


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